You shouldn't use sudo to run locate, it's required for updatedb but not locate.
The "message" that updatedb returns that it's worked is a lack of error messages and the return of your cursor. I suppose no one thought it worthy of a reply since it's usually called by a cronjob.
What is searched or not by locate is contained in /etc/updatedb.conf:
You can see by default, bind mounts, USB thumb drives (which mount under /media), all network drives, among others are not scanned by updatedb and therefore not available to locate. locate is a very basic utility. If you what more configurable and useful searches use "find" i.e.
find / -type f -name "escp2-sx100"
This assumes of course that you have the name correct.
The "message" that updatedb returns that it's worked is a lack of error messages and the return of your cursor. I suppose no one thought it worthy of a reply since it's usually called by a cronjob.
What is searched or not by locate is contained in /etc/updatedb.conf:
PRUNE_BIND_MOUNTS="yes" # PRUNENAMES=".git .bzr .hg .svn" PRUNEPATHS="/tmp /var/spool /media /home/.ecryptfs /var/lib/schroot" PRUNEFS="NFS nfs nfs4 rpc_pipefs afs binfmt_misc proc smbfs autofs iso9660 ncpfs coda devpts ftpfs devfs mfs shfs sysfs cifs lustre tmpfs usbfs udf fuse.glusterfs fuse.sshfs curlftpfs ecryptfs fusesmb devtmpfs"
find / -type f -name "escp2-sx100"
This assumes of course that you have the name correct.