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Kubuntu Run from CD Can't mount USB thumb drive.

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    Kubuntu Run from CD Can't mount USB thumb drive.

    I'm running Kubuntu from the CD to evaluate device support. Kubuntu doesn't find my USB thumb drive. Help very new to Linux.

    Re: Kubuntu Run from CD Can't mount USB thumb drive.

    I'm not sure if the Live CD uses an automount for thumbdrives or not, you shouldn't have any problems once installed though.

    First, lets find your drive. Open Konsole and type:
    ls -l /dev/sd*
    Find your device. If you DON'T have a SATA drive, or any other USB drives, there should only be one entry. Linux recognizes SATA, iPods and USB Drives as a kinda virtual SCSI, hence the S designator instead of H. Once you find out what it is (sda1, sdb2 ect) type:
    sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda1(or whatever your drive is) /mnt
    This will mount your thumb drive.

    You can also see what drives are available to you by typing in Konsole:
    df -h
    The output will look similar to this:

    will@uber-geex:~$ df -h
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sda2 9.9G 4.1G 5.4G 44% /
    varrun 1013M 84K 1013M 1% /var/run
    varlock 1013M 4.0K 1013M 1% /var/lock
    udev 1013M 148K 1013M 1% /dev
    devshm 1013M 0 1013M 0% /dev/shm
    lrm 1013M 18M 995M 2% /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-k7/volatile
    /dev/sda4 92G 2.7G 90G 3% /home
    /dev/sda1 196G 53G 143G 28% /media/sda1
    /dev/hdb1 112G 48G 65G 43% /media/storage
    /dev/sdb1 2.0G 14M 1.9G 1% /media/usbdisk

    As you can see, the bottom entry is for my thumb drive. It's mounted at /dev/sdb1.

    When you're done with your thumb drive type:
    umount /dev/sda1(or whatever yours is)
    Hope this helps and isn't confusing.



      Re: Kubuntu Run from CD Can't mount USB thumb drive.

      When I ran the command ls -l /dev/sd* Konsole returns No such file or directory. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

