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Looking to sync notes with Android

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    Wiznote on the phone seems buggy, and has been locking up on me. Plus it has the same irritation as Evernote: To edit a note, you have to open it and then choose edit before you can type or even copy text. Then you have to exit edit mode afterwards.
    I'm testing Simple Note now, and it doesn't need those extra steps. Quite important if you just want to quickly add something.

    Simple note let's you view just the note titles, meaning you can see more notes without having to scroll on the small phone screen.
    The Wiznote PC GUI is a bit clumsy too. I'm looking forward to install Simple Note on Kubuntu to test it out.

    Simple note doesn't have the nice formatting and picture options like Wiznote. But I can manage without.

    This is what Evernote is sending out:
    "In 30 days, you will be able to sync your notes to a maximum of 2 devices using Evernote Basic. Upgrading your subscription will allow you to use an unlimited number of devices." it costs EUR59.99/year.
    Last edited by ianp5a; Jul 03, 2016, 03:13 PM.


      I just installed Simplenote on Kubuntu and, like the smartphone version, you can immediately edit any note. And set the list of notes to show titles only.

      It also syncs immediately! Edit a note on the phone, and it is there on the PC as you type! With about a 2 second delay. You can continue typing on the either device and the letters appear on the other straight away. So far very good.
      Last edited by ianp5a; Jul 03, 2016, 12:59 PM.


        I have a bit of use for simple notes like Simplenote, but for the majority I use a lot of bullets for indentation (sometimes I need to switch to a mindmap, but there are no good mobile mindmap tools) and sometimes bold for subheadings. Even Tomboy, a simple desktop notes thing under Gnome, had rich text and headings support. I haven't properly tried Wiznote yet.
        I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


          Originally posted by SecretCode View Post
          I have a bit of use for simple notes like Simplenote, but for the majority I use a lot of bullets for indentation (sometimes I need to switch to a mindmap, but there are no good mobile mindmap tools) and sometimes bold for subheadings. Even Tomboy, a simple desktop notes thing under Gnome, had rich text and headings support. I haven't properly tried Wiznote yet.
          Simplenote uses markdown language to give notes headings, lists with or without bullets, etc....
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


            I can't see any way to format the text in any way in Simplenote. I bet it will strip off any formatting like bold, italic, bullets and hyperlinks when pasting text in. I often need to transport blocks of information between mobile and pc. I use email, but that is very clumsy compared to structured notes.

            Wiznote seems to be much better in that regard. Wysiwyg and icons for formatting. It even embeds pictures. Which I've already had use for.
            Last edited by ianp5a; Jul 03, 2016, 11:29 PM.


              Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
              Simplenote uses markdown language to give notes headings, lists with or without bullets, etc....
              Yes, which is fine for editing a wikipedia page but not much good for rapid capture and editing of notes. Or for pasting formatted text from other sources, as ianp5a mentions.
              I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


                Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post

                If I were part of a dev team on ANY kind of software or industrial project the last thing I'd do is give the Chinese government a seat on the team! For personal notes? Blackmail?
                When you try to install Wiznote on Android, it asks for lots of permissions, including "Device & app history" so it can see what apps you use, "Device id & call information" so it can see what calls you have made (plus a bunch of other which make sense (camera, microphone, file access)). I can't see why it would need those permissions!
                I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


                  Originally posted by ianp5a View Post
                  I can't see any way to format the text in any way in Simplenote. I bet it will strip off any formatting like bold, italic, bullets and hyperlinks when pasting text in. I often need to transport blocks of information between mobile and pc. I use email, but that is very clumsy compared to structured notes.

                  Wiznote seems to be much better in that regard. Wysiwyg and icons for formatting. It even embeds pictures. Which I've already had use for.

                  Can I use Markdown?

                  Yes! Markdown is supported on our web app, Windows, and Linux.
                  Web app

                  Open a note for editing then select Note info & settings (the icon with an i in a circle at the very top of the screen) and then check the option next to “Markdown Formatted”.

                  First, enable it globally by going to the toolbar menu and selecting PreferencesWritingEnable Markdown. Next, enable it on your note by selecting the Info panel icon and toggle the Markdown setting.
                  To get started with text formatting, check out the basics. Here’s a small sampling of what you can do with Markdown:
                  # heading 1
                  ## heading 2
                  ### heading 3
                  ***Italics and Bold***
                  How does publishing work?

                  Publishing notes is a way to share notes on the web for others to read. You can use the new info panel to publish a note to the web. Just tap the i icon when viewing a note, then tap Publish. Within seconds you’ll be able to share a link to get the word out.
                  How can I share a note?

                  If you’d like others to view and edit one of your notes, add their email address as a tag. The shared note will then pop up in their list of notes. They’ll need to have their own Simplenote account first.


                  Ctrl-n New Note
                  Ctrl-f Move focus to search field
                  Ctrl-+ Increase font size
                  Ctrl- – Decrease font size
                  Ctrl-0 Reset font size
                  Last edited by GreyGeek; Jul 04, 2016, 10:44 AM.
                  "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                  – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                    Thanks. They hid that we'll. But anyway that's not what I meant. It still strips off all formatting when you paste in. And it doesn't have any formatting icons like most programs. I won't bother, as it's extremely user unfriendly. I don't think they expect many people to use that.
                    Last edited by ianp5a; Jul 04, 2016, 11:17 AM.


                      Originally posted by ianp5a View Post
                      Thanks. They hid that we'll. But anyway that's not what I meant. It still strips off all formatting when you paste in. And it doesn't have any formatting icons like most programs. I won't bother, as it's extremely user unfriendly. I don't think they expect many people to use that.
                      That's probably why they call it "SIMPLEnotes"

                      Since you have to sign up for it and give them your email address I suspect they really want your demographic data, since they can then harvest any such info passing along through your emails. They'll sell that to the highest bidder. After I tried simplenotes out and found it to be superfluous I canceled the service and changed the password on my email account.
                      Last edited by GreyGeek; Jul 04, 2016, 11:29 AM.
                      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                        It may seem barbarian, but i simply use cloud storage ( is my fav) and i have folder 'notes' there. Its as far as i remember from a guy that made megaupload, but he figured NZ is better place to host it then US or China. Syncs nice between my kubu client, android, and web interface access is there if needed. For me - does the trick (besides 50GB free is more then enough for me).


                          Thanks. I'll look into Mega for files.

                          For notes, maybe it will work with Tom Tom and Tom Droid? Or some other notes program. I have Amazon Drive but I don't know how to connect a notes program to it. Or sync a file with the phone. As I'll need it for offline note taking.
                          Last edited by ianp5a; Jul 08, 2016, 06:12 AM.


                            Do you think Mega gives you 50gb out of the goodness of their hearts?

                            Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk
                            Registered Linux User 545823


                              This is relevant here. 4 open source alternatives to Evernote:

