"This is all I am allowed to upload. Do I have a bad version of this o/s? I thought I installed Kubuntu 16.04 lts. I read your 'how to' and the only option I see is to input a url (insert image from url, no tabs to upload). How do I get the good version (fully loaded) of Kubuntu 16.04 lts?
Well I fell like a new guy, but been using for 10 years. I am novice, not a coder. I learned command line from W~ws so my syntax is all wrong.
What happened to Kubuntu? A lot of stuff that used to come with it is missing. Now I have to load the apt-url manually and I still am unable to get appnr.com to load the aps I need to have on my systems to use for business... I hate W~ws ... I have confirmed that I have loaded apt-url, and I have configured the firefox and chrome to load the files, but no action.
Most importanly, I can't look at sdhd discs in the 32gb and up range. File system support is missing...
I have png files to submit to the forum, but I don't see the upload link...