MODERATORS: if it desired to move this to "how to" then please so do, you have my stated my prior permission. 
If the gentle reader is an experienced KDE user this post can be dismissed.
The fix is simple but not if one is new to Linux or KDE/kubuntu.
The post is intended for “new” users to Linux or KDE/Kubuntu.
Because of fiddling with my wireless problem after the last update I ended up with multiple iterations of the network manager in the panel.
A simple right click on the iteration did nothing to remove the iterations; however one way of doing it …. will remove ALL of the widgets and result in no wireless!
Fortunately there is an “undo” button; but that replaces all of them.
There IS an easy way to remove the iterations, or any of the other added widgets in the panel.
Now the REAL problem for the “new user”.
"IN THE BEGINNINGGGG..... iconography started out with very OBVIOUS symbols, such as a “wrench” for the toolbox.
However, due to ongoing hardware (read pixel count )changes and the desire of the EXPERIENCED users for more nuanced icon sets…….
Some of the themes have VERY... UNDERstated iconography; and, so, the functions of the various icons have to be learned through use, or patient hovering over the widget to get a descriptive popup.
There are, however, several themes which have very obvious iconography with, for example, a “wrench” symbol for the…..’tool box”!!!
NO, you do not have to change your icon set!
Ummmmm since I’m a simple guy, that’s the one which I use!
So….the method.
Looking at the panel, On the very, very “end” of the panel, mine is on the bottom right, is an icon which is the “toolbox”.
It may be a little sqeensy dot, or a squeency “cashew” or whatever, but it is “the toolbox”.
It really can be buried out of sight, just go to the panel and all the way “to the right”, for various readers, it may be “top” if you have a side panel, but anyway....go to...the corner of the screen, and hover over it, there is no popup box.
A right click will produce the normal menu of items which can be done from anywhere on the panel.
These normal functions are: add widgets, lock panel, lock widgets, panel settings, remove this panel.
However if one does a….LEFT click on the “toolbox icon”, then the “toolbox” for the panel will arise.
It’s appearance is that of “two more panels”.
Move the mouse down to “the REAL panel” and slide it to the left, or down, or whatever, and one will see one of two situations.
a) some of the items will be “covered over” with a semitransparent cover and one cannot click anything underneath.
b) However, “added” widgets such as “network manager” or “digital clock” do not have semi-transparent cover and CAN be clicked.
When one RIGHT clicks on an added widget, one sees the menu of the normal things about configuration, etc. .
However, at AT THE BOTTOM of the menu, there is another entry WITH A RED X which is entitled: “remove this (name of widget)” .
So….click that RED X “remove this ….” menu entry and the widget disappears! :0
LOOONNNNGG POST for a simple thing but…
if there are any questions, please ask.

If the gentle reader is an experienced KDE user this post can be dismissed.
The fix is simple but not if one is new to Linux or KDE/kubuntu.
The post is intended for “new” users to Linux or KDE/Kubuntu.
Because of fiddling with my wireless problem after the last update I ended up with multiple iterations of the network manager in the panel.
A simple right click on the iteration did nothing to remove the iterations; however one way of doing it …. will remove ALL of the widgets and result in no wireless!

Fortunately there is an “undo” button; but that replaces all of them.

There IS an easy way to remove the iterations, or any of the other added widgets in the panel.
Now the REAL problem for the “new user”.
"IN THE BEGINNINGGGG..... iconography started out with very OBVIOUS symbols, such as a “wrench” for the toolbox.
However, due to ongoing hardware (read pixel count )changes and the desire of the EXPERIENCED users for more nuanced icon sets…….
Some of the themes have VERY... UNDERstated iconography; and, so, the functions of the various icons have to be learned through use, or patient hovering over the widget to get a descriptive popup.
There are, however, several themes which have very obvious iconography with, for example, a “wrench” symbol for the…..’tool box”!!!

NO, you do not have to change your icon set!

Ummmmm since I’m a simple guy, that’s the one which I use!

So….the method.
Looking at the panel, On the very, very “end” of the panel, mine is on the bottom right, is an icon which is the “toolbox”.
It may be a little sqeensy dot, or a squeency “cashew” or whatever, but it is “the toolbox”.
It really can be buried out of sight, just go to the panel and all the way “to the right”, for various readers, it may be “top” if you have a side panel, but anyway....go to...the corner of the screen, and hover over it, there is no popup box.
A right click will produce the normal menu of items which can be done from anywhere on the panel.
These normal functions are: add widgets, lock panel, lock widgets, panel settings, remove this panel.
However if one does a….LEFT click on the “toolbox icon”, then the “toolbox” for the panel will arise.
It’s appearance is that of “two more panels”.
Move the mouse down to “the REAL panel” and slide it to the left, or down, or whatever, and one will see one of two situations.
a) some of the items will be “covered over” with a semitransparent cover and one cannot click anything underneath.
b) However, “added” widgets such as “network manager” or “digital clock” do not have semi-transparent cover and CAN be clicked.
When one RIGHT clicks on an added widget, one sees the menu of the normal things about configuration, etc. .
However, at AT THE BOTTOM of the menu, there is another entry WITH A RED X which is entitled: “remove this (name of widget)” .
So….click that RED X “remove this ….” menu entry and the widget disappears! :0
LOOONNNNGG POST for a simple thing but…
if there are any questions, please ask.