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internet connection problems

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    internet connection problems

    before i installed KUBUNTU i was experiencing this same problem wit linux mint 17.3 for quite some time .... so i'll be on FaceBook or youTube or what hav u an i'll randomly lose my internet signal which then i procedd to deactivate an reactivate the connection ..... when this problem would arise is hard to say ... sometimes 5 minutes after i reconnect, sometimes 5 hours .... if anyone has any suggestions i'll be greatly appreciative .. thank u

    first things first ,,,,,,,,,,have you tried rebooting your router .

    wired or wireless ?

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Originally posted by vinnywright View Post
      first things first ,,,,,,,,,,have you tried rebooting your router .

      wired or wireless ?


      rebooted router several times .... that did not work
      also .. when WIRED i hav absolutley no problems with my connection ... its when im wireless is when im having this problem an its very annoying .. very


        Originally posted by akqj10 View Post
        rebooted router several times .... that did not work
        also .. when WIRED i hav absolutley no problems with my connection ... its when im wireless is when im having this problem an its very annoying .. very
        Sounds like a hardware/driver issue if it did it on Mint also. How about some details? Model of Wifi card, dmesg or other log output? Anything to work on...

        Please Read Me


          Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
          Sounds like a hardware/driver issue if it did it on Mint also. How about some details? Model of Wifi card, dmesg or other log output? Anything to work on...
          i can not answer as to what model wi-fi card, dmesg or what log output .... simply because i havent had any dealings with any of those topics since ive been using linux ... if u instruct me as to how to find out, i'll be more than happy to oblige ...
          Last edited by Snowhog; May 04, 2016, 03:09 PM.


            lspci | grep Network
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


              I am also having difficulty with my wireless. I just am dual booting Kubuntu 16.04 and Linux Mint 17.3. I have used a number of Ubuntu flavors along with Linux Mint and my wifi has been fine. However, my Kubuntu installation requires that I restart the Network Manager after I boot up about 90% of the time. Sometimes it works.

              The output of lspci | grep Network gives the following output:

              02:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless 7260 (rev 73)

              I have logged in with advanced options under the grub menu using Kernel version 4.2.0-35 but that doesn't help. I've reviewed my syslog output but haven't seen anything that is obvious. I can attach that if needed. If anyone has any advise, it would be greatly appreciated. I am new to Kubuntu and so far I love it. This problem along with a minor problem with LibreOffice are the only issues I've found so far after about a week of use.


                What network connection manager are you using? Here, in my 16.04, I'm using the default network manager that appears in the System Tray. With my connection 'connected', I right-click on it and click Configure Network Connections.... This brings up the Connection Editor. I click on the entry under Connection name and click Edit.

                Under General configuration you should have/need to have both, Automatically connect to this network when it is available and All users may connect to this network checked.

                IF your connection is wireless, enter the appropriate information in the Wi-Fi tab. Basically, all that is needed is your wireless access point name (SSID). Mode: should, in most cases, be Infrastructure. IF your wireless access point is hidden, then Hidden network: must be checked.

                In the Wi-Fi Security tab, select the type of security that your wireless access point uses. Normally this will be WPA & WPA2 Personal, but you need to check what is being used by your network provider.

                In the IPv4 tab, Method: should be Automatic. Nothing else needs to be entered in this tab. IPv4 is required for this connection doesn't have to be checked unless your service provider insists on it.

                In the IPv6 tab, Method: should be Automatic, Other DNS Servers: and Search Domains: are blank (unless your provider/router supports IPv6 and you need/want to provide this information), Privacy: is Default. IPv6 is required for this connection doesn't have to be checked unless your service provider insists on it.
                Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes



                  Please Read Me


                    I am also using the default network manager in the system tray. When I boot up, the icon is red and when I click on it, there are no networks and the button to activate and deactivate the wireless is not present. All I can see is the icon for airplane mode.

                    I then run the following command and everything works smoothly

                    sudo service network-manager restart

                    However, I am looking for a solution that ensures that the network manager functions when I boot up.


                      Oshuluvr.....The bug you listed is for kernel 3.13. Is it possible that this problem is still present in kernel 4.4?

