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re-Boot problems

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    re-Boot problems

    i was told to select FOLDER VIEW an apply in KUBUNTU 16.04 so as to make my desktop able to jus click on a movie file an play it with the help of a media player of course ..
    i did exactly that .. the computer told me to RESTART the system which i did an i hav not ben able to boot back into KUBUNTU since ive done that .... i hav hardly no patience so i jus deleted kubuntu from the partition wit the use of GPARTED app and tried to reinstall via a usb stick .... my attempt was succesful, or so i thought, the computer asked me the usual install questions . LANGUAGE an blah .. blah.. blah ... but when i tried restarting the OS again, i took the usb stick out an i was not able to boot up toKUBUNTU as usual ... please help

    Did you wait until the screen told you to remove the USB stick or just pull it out when you decided to reboot. You have to let the system close down. It will tell you when to remove the USB stick.

    Originally posted by akqj10 View Post
    i was told to select FOLDER VIEW an apply in KUBUNTU 16.04 so as to make my desktop able to jus click on a movie file an play it with the help of a media player of course ..
    i did exactly that .. the computer told me to RESTART the system which i did an i hav not ben able to boot back into KUBUNTU since ive done that .... i hav hardly no patience so i jus deleted kubuntu from the partition wit the use of GPARTED app and tried to reinstall via a usb stick .... my attempt was succesful, or so i thought, the computer asked me the usual install questions . LANGUAGE an blah .. blah.. blah ... but when i tried restarting the OS again, i took the usb stick out an i was not able to boot up toKUBUNTU as usual ... please help


      Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
      Did you wait until the screen told you to remove the USB stick or just pull it out when you decided to reboot. You have to let the system close down. It will tell you when to remove the USB stick.

      i believe i did as i did any other install .... i removed usb stick AFTER i rebooted


        After an installation, the system takes a little longer to finish the work created in the installation.

        Toward the end of the shutdown sequence a screen will tell you (specifically) to remove the ISO. If you remove the USB stick before that, it hasn't had a chance to complete the process. I don't completely understand why, but I did the same thing in the past and had lots of trouble getting it to work again. It may have interfered with the grub if you didn't wait to remove the USB stick at the right time.

        If you can open your BIOS and set the boot order to start from the HDD and not first-boot to the USB stick, it may boot correctly. If it does, it will remember that the next time you start the computer. I think this may help, but since no one else is helping I believe you can try this without causing any further problem. I am not the best source for help. If you wait, I am sure someone else will chime in with more knowledge.

        I just responded because you said you were impatient and thought my idea better than messing around anymore without help.

        Originally posted by akqj10 View Post
        i believe i did as i did any other install .... i removed usb stick AFTER i rebooted


          thank you very much ..... however, i think my problem i hav is more complex than u may think ..... heres why, i installed KUBUNTU 16.04 yestaday and im in love with it to be honest .... i went to watch a movie on it, i dragged over a movie file .... clicked on the movie file & the computer tells me the data wasnt available and ive never experienced that in the past when using LINT MINT 17.03 .. nor when i was using UBUNTU 14.04 LTS .... so i got curious as to why that was happening, then decided to join this forum an maybe get an answer ... well i posted an dont u no i recieved a reply rather quick ... the individual whom replied told me open up DESKTOP SETTING an enable "VIEW FOLDER" or something along those lines an enable that .. which is what i did but after i restarted the computer as instructed by the computer i can no longer boot into KUBUNTU .... i tried a few google searches but began to get impatient as im always guilty of im aware but i ran out of patience an jus tried to delete the partition that i had KUBUNTU on an do a reinstall .. simple, or so i thought .... so when i re-installed i got all the usual process's that i got when i 1st installed yestaday but for some reason when i attempted to restart the computer an boot in after i thought i had a clean install ... wouldnt ya no it...... the computer again would not let me login .. so wit that info i jus relayed to u mr Shabakthanai .......... might u hav a solution sir ?? i would appreciate any help u can give .... please an thank u


            As I understand it, a "Folder View" activity showing the "~/Desktop" folder works like the traditional desktop. You should not have to restart your computer to set up and switch to a new activity. Something else may have needed a restart at the same time.

            Where are you dragging the movie file from?
            Where are you dragging it to?
            What kind of file is it?
            If you're sitting wondering,
            Which Batman is the best,
            There's only one true answer my friend,
            It's Adam Bloody West!


              It was i who told him to switch to Folder View to enable the desktop to behave like a traditional desktop (thread). There must have been an update or something happening to get that restart prompt.
              Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
              (top of thread: thread tools)


                When you are unable to boot, does the computer open to a black screen? Or is there a prompt of any kind? If you haven't solved your problem by the time you read this reply, try turning off your computer and unplugging it for a couple of minutes.

                Sometimes that will get the system to, at least open to a prompt. Frankly, I am not the best to help you, the others are much more capable, but recognizing the fact that you get impatient, that isn't fun.

                You probably know this, but when you unplug a computer, electricity that is retained in your system finally leaves. That is why you wait a couple of minutes prior to restart. I don't know why, but releasing that energy sometimes resets things that linger and keep you with an unbootable system. I hope this does the trick for you. I wish I could help you more.


                  I believe you haven't told us what you do see when booting, does this mean nothing shows up at all?

                  What hardware does it have, specifically what type of video card is in it?

                  Is this a dual boot machine or is Kubuntu the only OS?
                  Did you during the last install change the default place for installing the boot loader? (Usually sda)

