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After unlocking widgets, handles do not appear for resize.

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    After unlocking widgets, handles do not appear for resize.

    This is most likely a problem being worked, but if not, I want the developers to be aware.

    When I add widgets to desktop and would like to resize or move them, putting the cursor close to the widget does not make the handles appear, resulting on the inability to modify widget size and location.

    Additionally a couple of versions ago, if you placed the cursor on the left of the widget the handle would appear on the opposite side making it easy to locate or move the widget to the opposite edge of the screen. In version K15 and K16 this changed to only the right side of the widget, and many times you are restricted from placing the widget near the edge of the screen and the widget may be indented by more than an inch. K14.04 was much better in this respect, allowing more freedom when configuring the location of the widgets. This is somewhat of a small complaint I can easily live with, by not using widgets, but important if I am going to use them.

    Not exactly the same but in the same neighborhood is: When I click on the Kmenu launcher, I used to be able to resize the launched window both horizontally and vertically. That was much preferred. It allowed the ability to reduce the open space of that window. The wider window sometimes covers something I need to view while making my selection. Not critical but would be nice. And since I put a Kmenu Launcher on both right and left sides of my desktop, it would be nice if that feature were included and working wherever you put the Launcher Icon. thanks!

    Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
    This is most likely a problem being worked, but if not, I want the developers to be aware.

    When I add widgets to desktop and would like to resize or move them, putting the cursor close to the widget does not make the handles appear, resulting on the inability to modify widget size and location.
    now the default is to click and hold on the widget for a few seconds for the handles to appear .

    you can change it ,,,,,, by , right clicking the desktop >desktop settings >tweaks> and uncheck press and hold widgets ,,,,,

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
      This is most likely a problem being worked, but if not, I want the developers to be aware.

      When I add widgets to desktop and would like to resize or move them, putting the cursor close to the widget does not make the handles appear, resulting on the inability to modify widget size and location.
      In Plasma5 now the default is to mouse left click on the widget and hold the button down for a couple of seconds to make the handles appear. (I see Vinny just beat me to that )

      Additionally a couple of versions ago, if you placed the cursor on the left of the widget the handle would appear on the opposite side making it easy to locate or move the widget to the opposite edge of the screen. In version K15 and K16 this changed to only the right side of the widget, and many times you are restricted from placing the widget near the edge of the screen and the widget may be indented by more than an inch. K14.04 was much better in this respect, allowing more freedom when configuring the location of the widgets. This is somewhat of a small complaint I can easily live with, by not using widgets, but important if I am going to use them.
      This has been a real gripe of mine with Plasma5 for a while. I was hoping it would have been fixed by now. I'm still using K15.10 as an alternate test bed and it is irritating that I find it impossible to line up a couple of widgets anywhere near the right side of my screen. Hopefully, this and many other shortcomings in Plasma5 will be addressed soon.

      Not exactly the same but in the same neighborhood is: When I click on the Kmenu launcher, I used to be able to resize the launched window both horizontally and vertically. That was much preferred. It allowed the ability to reduce the open space of that window. The wider window sometimes covers something I need to view while making my selection. Not critical but would be nice. And since I put a Kmenu Launcher on both right and left sides of my desktop, it would be nice if that feature were included and working wherever you put the Launcher Icon. thanks!
      These (admittedly minor) problems and others are what makes me very reluctant to move permanently to Plasma5 any time soon.
      Desktop PC: Intel Core-i5-4670 3.40Ghz, 16Gb Crucial ram, Asus H97-Plus MB, 128Gb Crucial SSD + 2Tb Seagate Barracuda 7200.14 HDD running Kubuntu 18.04 LTS and Kubuntu 14.04 LTS (on SSD).
      Laptop: HP EliteBook 8460p Core-i5-2540M, 4Gb ram, Transcend 120Gb SSD, currently running Deepin 15.8 and Manjaro KDE 18.


        I prefer to place my widgets closer to the edge of the screen. Additionally, when I unchecked 'Press to hold widgets.....' pausing on the widget produced the handles on the weather widget but no handles appeared on the analog clock. I could not drag the clock either, which means if I wanted to move it, I would have to recheck the box in tweaks. I don't think this is an improvement, in fact if you can't open handles close to any resized widget on both left and right, the last several changes are a negative from version K14.04, not an improvement, at least in my case.

        I believe my interest is valid. Unless there is an extreme increase in power consumption, or some other negative result, my preference produces the greatest flexibility. Isn't that an objective of Kubuntu? I love this operating system so much and am so grateful to have it, I hate to ever say anything negative about it. I wish I could understand the reasoning for changing from the past more flexible configuration. I am always willing to sacrifice my wants and needs for the benefit of the greater number of users. Please understand I am someone who will support you under most all conditions, my opinions are more selfish, but not more important than the welfare of the whole group of users. Thanks!

        Vinny, when did this change take place? I apologize for not noticing it. Had I noticed I would not have taken your valuable time. Thanks for the input, friend.

        Originally posted by vinnywright View Post
        now the default is to click and hold on the widget for a few seconds for the handles to appear .

        you can change it ,,,,,, by , right clicking the desktop >desktop settings >tweaks> and uncheck press and hold widgets ,,,,,



          Thanks RodJ, I appreciate the input, which is very similar to my thoughts. Remember when placing the mouse close to an unlocked widget would put handles on either side and close to the widget to give the flexibility to place the widget where you prefer.

          I used to sell this benefit to Windows users, when their widgets could not be resized or placed with any freedom. They only could be placed where Microsoft dictated. I never like having any freedom removed and that's how this change feels, like a random choice of someone who wants to force a change for his own benefit and not the will of the majority. It doesn't improve anything and makes thing difficult for many of us, it just doesn't seem like something needing change. At least until the change produces some additional benefit and doesn't remove benefits that are appreciated. I still very much appreciate the work of the developers.

          If this becomes a permanent change, I simply won't use the widgets, that's all.

          Originally posted by Rod J View Post
          In Plasma5 now the default is to mouse left click on the widget and hold the button down for a couple of seconds to make the handles appear. (I see Vinny just beat me to that )

          This has been a real gripe of mine with Plasma5 for a while. I was hoping it would have been fixed by now. I'm still using K15.10 as an alternate test bed and it is irritating that I find it impossible to line up a couple of widgets anywhere near the right side of my screen. Hopefully, this and many other shortcomings in Plasma5 will be addressed soon.

          These (admittedly minor) problems and others are what makes me very reluctant to move permanently to Plasma5 any time soon.


            You can still place widgets close to the right edge if you use the "newer" left-click-hold-and-drag method instead of the "older" hover-grab-handle-and-drag method. (In other words, with the click-hold method, you can click anywhere on the widget to move it, you're not restricted to grabbing the handle.)

            I don't really see this as a major issue unless you are moving your widgets around on an hourly basis (and even then it seems like a minor glitch with a functional workaround)...Remember that Plasma5 needed major rewriting to move fully to qml (with many benefits), and possibly nobody has yet reimplemented the old handles on the left/right feature (I can't see it being very high on the todo list).

            For the record, I'm not too fond of the click-and-hold method either, I would much prefer a context menu activation (for discoverability among other things)...but I can certainly live with it (and I do prefer it to the hover-method which was always a bit erratic for me).
            Last edited by kubicle; Apr 14, 2016, 01:46 AM.


              Thanks for your input, friend, but when I tried to place the Analog clock where I wanted it, it moved away from the edge about an inch and a half. I wanted it about 1/4 inch from the edge. I always have placed my widgets that close to the edge. In fact the placement of the widget is just like the Microsoft clock widget. When I had windows installed, I tried to put it where I wanted and it always moved about an inch and half away from the edge.

              Perhaps you can explain why the change is necessary. I didn't like it in K15 and I actually dislike it more in K16.04, because I really like K16.04 a lot and I want to use widgets, but I dislike the prisons being placed on any of the more free configurations. Truly, I will not use widgets if this becomes permanent. I would rather have nothing placed on the background than an unpleasant configuration as a requirement. I remember when I couldn't move the clock in the Windows Desktop, I removed the clock and all other widgets.

              I really would like to understand the change. K14 allowed placement wherever I wanted. K15 and K16.04 do not allow my choice. I could understand if it wasn't something that was possible. In that case, I just wouldn't use the widgets. The freedom that Kubuntu has provided is the main reason I became so enamored with the application.

              I have the same feeling about my country. In the US, it seems like politicians will not be happy until we are completely enslaved. Every time they add another law, it is a restriction on someone's freedom. I have lost all my respect for our leaders. I do not see them as patriots anymore. I don't trust any of them. I basically see them like I see the Mafia or terrorists or even Microsoft. They do not care a hoot for the people they work for; they only serve their self interest, always at the expense of those they serve. They are completely without morals or ethics. They make rules they do not keep in their own lives and mismanage all the money in their care. They are like a virus you can't easily get rid of, and they only seem to damage their environment, which is the land and the people and the creatures. They have even contaminated the food supply until you can't take a bite of commercially provided food that isn't poisoned with chemicals and the basic molecular structure manipulated. And companies like Monsanto have bought them off until if your crop is contaminated by cross pollination from a neighboring field who had genetically manipulated their (Monsanto) crop, the victim is required to pay Monsanto for the increased yield they may achieve. They do not consider it poisoning the crop like I do; they consider it benefiting from the contaminated GMOs.

              When I was a boy, tomatoes tasted like tomatoes, not wax fruit, perfect in appearance but tasting nothing like food. Because of them, the entire nation is over weight. Perhaps that is why I am resistant to change that does not improve things. I have yet to be shown the advantage of the new widget configuration method. I am not that bright, but I have thought about it a lot, because it affects me and part of the excellence Kubuntu provides. I Do Not want to become like Microsoft. That is a huge step backwards.

              Originally posted by kubicle View Post
              You can still place widgets close to the right edge if you use the "newer" left-click-hold-and-drag method instead of the "older" hover-grab-handle-and-drag method. (In other words, with the click-hold method, you can click anywhere on the widget to move it, you're not restricted to grabbing the handle.)

              I don't really see this as a major issue unless you are moving your widgets around on an hourly basis (and even then it seems like a minor glitch with a functional workaround)...Remember that Plasma5 needed major rewriting to move fully to qml (with many benefits), and possibly nobody has yet reimplemented the old handles on the left/right feature (I can't see it being very high on the todo list).

              For the record, I'm not too fond of the click-and-hold method either, I would much prefer a context menu activation (for discoverability among other things)...but I can certainly live with it (and I do prefer it to the hover-method which was always a bit erratic for me).


                Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
                Thanks for your input, friend, but when I tried to place the Analog clock where I wanted it, it moved away from the edge about an inch and a half. I wanted it about 1/4 inch from the edge. I always have placed my widgets that close to the edge.
                I'm not seeing that, see the attached screenshot of the analog clock widget placed on the right edge.

                Technically, it's possible I'm running a newer version of plasma where your issue is fixed...but I can certainly place the widgets on the right side.
                Attached Files


                  Just found another probable bug in my K16.04 distribution; I tried to take a screen print of my desktop to show you the actual location of my clock. Screen Print doesn't work at this time In Plasma 5.5.4. Nevertheless, PrintScreen doesn't work currently in my distribution of K16.04.

                  I found, when testing the location that I can actually put the plasmoid about 1/4 inch from the top or bottom of the screen, but the closest I can get to either side is about 1 1/2 inches. When I release the widget where I want, about 1/4 inch from the side of the screen, it snaps back to about 1 1/2 inches.

                  I just updated and upgraded and still no joy. Suggestions for upgrading to Plasma 5.6 require developer skills that I don't have, if that is where they corrected the problem. Thanks for the input, friend.

                  Originally posted by kubicle View Post
                  I'm not seeing that, see the attached screenshot of the analog clock widget placed on the right edge.

                  Technically, it's possible I'm running a newer version of plasma where your issue is fixed...but I can certainly place the widgets on the right side.


                    Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
                    Just found another probable bug in my K16.04 distribution; I tried to take a screen print of my desktop to show you the actual location of my clock. Screen Print doesn't work at this time In Plasma 5.5.4. Nevertheless, PrintScreen doesn't work currently in my distribution of K16.04.
                    This is probably related to the ksnapshot>kde-spectacle transition (the screenshot program change), see this thread for more info:

                    Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
                    I found, when testing the location that I can actually put the plasmoid about 1/4 inch from the top or bottom of the screen, but the closest I can get to either side is about 1 1/2 inches. When I release the widget where I want, about 1/4 inch from the side of the screen, it snaps back to about 1 1/2 inches.

                    I just updated and upgraded and still no joy. Suggestions for upgrading to Plasma 5.6 require developer skills that I don't have, if that is where they corrected the problem. Thanks for the input, friend.
                    I'm running 5.6.2 (from KDE Neon) so theoretically that could be it, but I don't recall this issue on 5.5 either (although I don't really use desktop widgets so I might just have missed the problem).

                    Another thing that comes to mind is a possible plasma workspace theme issue (in case you aren't using the default theme) could try using the default breeze theme to rule that out.


                      Originally posted by kubicle View Post
                      I'm not seeing that, see the attached screenshot of the analog clock widget placed on the right edge.

                      Technically, it's possible I'm running a newer version of plasma where your issue is fixed...but I can certainly place the widgets on the right side.
                      I don't think that is the case.

                      On my Xenial (16.04), Plasma is at 5.5.4 and I can place widgets on the Desktop right up (almost) to the edges. On my KDE neon (16.04, do-release-upgrade -d from 15.04), Plasma is at 5.6.90, and I can place widgets on the Desktop right up (almost) to the edges. This is I believe, 'normal' behavior for Desktop widgets.

                      Wasn't there, once a 'snap to' feature for the Desktop, that basically established grid lines (you couldn't see them) where widgets would anchor themselves to the cross-points? Or am I remembering Windows behavior?
                      Last edited by Snowhog; Apr 14, 2016, 04:04 PM.
                      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                        The plasma theme can affect how close a widget can get to the desktop edge. The 'box' containing the widget has a padding element that in many themes is wider and/or transparent.

                        This is Breeze:
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20160414_192757.png
Views:	1
Size:	888.9 KB
ID:	643193
                        That is as close as I can get it to go

                        This is using Maya:
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_20160414_192648.png
Views:	1
Size:	916.2 KB
ID:	643192
                        Better, but still a tiny amount of padding


                          Neither I nor RodJ can get close to the right or left edge of the screen with widgets. All snap away over an inch from the edge. This being in K16.04.

                          Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
                          I don't think that is the case.

                          On my Xenial (16.04), Plasma is at 5.5.4 and I can place widgets on the Desktop right up (almost) to the edges. On my KDE neon (16.04, do-release-upgrade -d from 15.04), Plasma is at 5.6.90, and I can place widgets on the Desktop right up (almost) to the edges. This is I believe, 'normal' behavior for Desktop widgets.

                          Wasn't there, once a 'snap to' feature for the Desktop, that basically established grid lines (you couldn't see them) where widgets would anchor themselves to the cross-points? Or am I remembering Windows behavior?


                            I wish then that they would make the container just the size of the widget, so flexibility returns.

                            Originally posted by claydoh View Post
                            The plasma theme can affect how close a widget can get to the desktop edge. The 'box' containing the widget has a padding element that in many themes is wider and/or transparent.

                            This is Breeze:
                            That is as close as I can get it to go

                            This is using Maya:
                            Better, but still a tiny amount of padding


                              Hi ....

                              Just remember that I'm kind of a doof and just a hardware kinda guy..

                              Is it at all possible that this does not have so much to do with "this or that"....but...

                              that it is a "rendering" issue.

                              In other words....

                              The "relationship" between the "operating system" and "the hardware".

                              just a thought.


