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Remove favorites tab from kick-off

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    Remove favorites tab from kick-off

    Hi all!

    Okay, after having been gone from Linux (Gentoo, Ubuntu, with Gnome) for almost 10 years I started using Linux again since 1,5 years. I’ve tried Linux Mint with Cinamon and Ubuntu with Gnome and Unity. Non off these environments I really enjoy. This is no judgement, just a personal preference. They seem ugly to me.

    Then I came across screenshots of Plasma. Wow. I never considered KDE as an option because it was always too cluttered, too much going on on the screen, too many options, too many notification, too shiny, too bling. But Plasma 5 looks nice. Easy on the eye. It seems so much more tidy than previous releases of KDE.

    My questions:
    - Is it true that plasma 5 is more tidy then previous releases
    - Is plasma 5 snappy, fast, of sluggisch heavy? (I have only tried a live usb version, can’t really tell)
    - Oh and one thing I don’t like from the start: how do I remove the favorites tab from kick-off (that is the name of the start menu, right?)

    Many thanks in advance! I’m thinking of installing tonight.


    one more question: what I noticed when in the system settings panel is the mouse over dialog boxes that appear when hovering over an icon. Can this be turned off? It seems as though most of the info displayed in these mouse overs is just duplicate info....

    Hello, welcome to the forum.

    I am also relatively new to KDE so regarding your first question I would not know
    Plasma can be configured first of all - very much so. You can simplify, optimize, etc. to make it snappier. It behaves well out of the box also, but there are possibilities to tweak it.
    Also the machine you are running it on is a factor.
    One thing I can assure you of: it loads up and responds way faster than unity (at least on my machine).
    Regarding the kickoff/launcher thinggy: that is also configurable and there are also the so-called alternatives which allow you to search, browse and start applications or utilities in different layouts and styles. You need to mouse-over the launcher icon, right-click and select "Alternatives" - from there on it's very intuitive.
    I did not try to remove the favorites tab as a whole, but for sure you can remove all of the favorites from it.
    I am sure more experienced users here will give you more info on the beast.


      Hi and let me also welcome you to the friendliest forum on the net!

      Rufus gave a good answer as to the "clutter" and I second it, I'll just add one thing, those screenshots are just showing what "could" be done, and yes the posters all load up the screen with bells and whistles.

      You can make it as simple or as complex as you want.

      I, personally went through loading up the screen with things like Peanuts cartoons, weather widget, etc. But now I only use the "folder" widget because of work requirements.

      As to removing the favourites: I never thought about it, but could not find a particular way in which to so do.

      However, as mentioned by Rufus, if one right clicks the kicker one is presented with "alternatives" choosing "application menu" provides a smaller menu sans favourites.

      Hope this helps a little.

      again welcome!

      Last edited by woodsmoke; Mar 17, 2016, 02:59 AM.


        Originally posted by digyourownhole View Post

        My questions:
        - Is it true that plasma 5 is more tidy then previous releases
        - Is plasma 5 snappy, fast, of sluggisch heavy? (I have only tried a live usb version, can’t really tell)
        - Oh and one thing I don’t like from the start: how do I remove the favorites tab from kick-off (that is the name of the start menu, right?)

        Many thanks in advance! I’m thinking of installing tonight.


        one more question: what I noticed when in the system settings panel is the mouse over dialog boxes that appear when hovering over an icon. Can this be turned off? It seems as though most of the info displayed in these mouse overs is just duplicate info....

        The Plasma 5 is standing and falling with the Qt qml ( ). A search with the 'KDE qml lag' -> A hit: KDE Forums - Lag on first opening of plasma 5 elements like calendar, etc:

        - If your hardware/ graphic drivers can handle the qml then everything is fine. If not then there are other desktops...

        Plasma 5 is using qml scripts to draw the Kickoff - editing a bit. Disabling the favorites tab from the /usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.kickoff/contents/ui/FullRepresentation.qml .

        KDE System Settings has 'Configure - Show detailed tooltips'

        Last edited by LinkBot; Mar 17, 2016, 04:56 AM.
        Try Me !



          VERY nice and detailed reply and "explanation".


          Because of your question, and since my semester is now kind of on "autopilot" in terms of "making stuff" on the computer for my classes, I am not constrained to have a computer that "always gets the job done" for a while.

          Because of the situation and BECAUSE OF YOUR QUESTION; I am going to spend the next "while" actually trying out, in a serious manner the "application dashboard".

          One reason that I have dismissed it previously is because of the similar drek in Windblows....

          One HAS TO GO TO COMMAND LINE....a "search box" and type in the actual NAME of many "installed applications" that......the Windblows "dashboard" does not recognize!! WHAT!!? Since I teach physics I have several PAID APPLICATIONS for things like motion detectors which...Windblows just does not know is there in terms of the dashboard... :0

          And I detest the Unity dashboard, really.....

          So.........I am going to really try the KDE dashboard out...

          Are there others reading this thread who use the dashboard menu system? Comments? not to hijack the thread! :0



            As far as removing the Favorites menu, I have been using this version of the Kmenu launcher or (Start launcher), since first it was offered.

            If you are unfamiliar how to use it, it can be a problem, but if you know how to remove the applications you do not want and how to add the applications you often use, learning how to do this might make the Favorites Menu your favorite feature of KDE.

            If you do not want a certain application in your favorites menu, simply right click on it and remove it from your favorites. If there are applications that you use very often, right click on those applications and add them to your Favorites Menu. That way all your often used applications are available to choose from when you first open the launcher. Additionally, the Favorites will not include any applications that you rarely use. To get to those applications when you rarely need them select the Applications choice when the Launcher opens and all installed applications can be found.

            I also Unlock Widgets>More settings>auto-hide, which keeps the panel off the desktop until you place the cursor on the edge of the screen where the panel is located. That keeps the screen free of clutter until you need the information.

            If you have an attractive background, your computer screen becomes like a painting.

            My comments are included because you are apparently new to Kubuntu and perhaps have not found how to use the different features.

            In the short time it took for me to become used to the new KDE launch method differing from the tree method, I found it faster and easier to use, and less cluttered. No panel or Icons on the screen until wanted or needed. I hope this is useful for you.


              Shabakthanai is a very smart person!

              great post my fellow phosphor burner!


