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Wanted to try Kubuntu for the first time but USB install will not load

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    Originally posted by Qqmike View Post
    Let's just say it is another variable. ;-)
    Oh well at least I solved the issue of installing and booting, I might try 14.0 because I tried ubuntu and it has no problems so obviously just some sort of issue with Kubuntu


      I might try 14.0 because I tried ubuntu and it has no problems so obviously just some sort of issue with Kubuntu
      Yes, do try Kubuntu because it is better than Ubuntu--ask anyone here!

      The LTS is 14.04, as you know. You could see how it goes, play with it to get used to it. The next LTS is 16.04 coming soon (April 2016). I don't know much about it yet, probably has the Plasma DE ready, but you could wait and see, wait until after 16.04 has been out for a month or so, and decide whether to upgrade to 16.04. If you do go from 14.04 to 16.04, my opinion on it is to start from scratch: simply install 16.04 from the DVD/USB as you have done for 14.04. Make sure you have backed up your personal data to some drive or flash drives so it doesn't get run over by the new install of 16.04. That is, I wouldn't upgrade the 14.04 in-place to 16.04. IMO. And do consider making your USB using the dd method, not using Unetbootin or Disk Creator(s) or whatever other magic.

      Oh well at least I solved the issue of installing and booting,
      Yes, now you have maximal flexibility in deciding what to do, in general. You know how your UEFI works on that machine. And keep in mind rEFInd,
      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


        Thanks. Yeah i might install it tomorrow. I realized when using ubuntu how much i dislike its layout and menu system.

