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OpenShot a no brainer 4 new user and beta release

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    OpenShot a no brainer 4 new user and beta release

    Two parts:
    a) my comment on it being a no brainer
    b) linky to discussion of Beta

    A) I will give my personal example as of...yesterday!

    The college wants the profs to make a "welcome video" and "get into "the fast lane" with the students.
    I posted elsewhere about making a video of my SCUBA stuff for a welcome video as an intro to the class and the "problems" with "video conversion, etc.
    Well, one always has to "raise the bar" lol

    So, I had a WILD HAIR moment and decided to have a "pre-class" video for when the students are entering THE FIRST CLASS MEETING IN PHYSICS....about my SCUBA experiences because............"people" REALLY DO......want teachers who have a "personality" and go to the "trouble" to "personalize" things as opposed to what "used to be the paradigm" of the ...........aloof.........professor living in an ivory tower.

    Annnnnnndddd I was going to do that YESTERDAY..........and classes start

    What I had:
    a) pictures of me diving both underwater and on a dive boat.
    b) a very long video that I shot while in Nassau using a GoPro Black
    c) a song in my head........

    IT IS PERFECTLY matter WHAT any smarter than thou use a "copyrighted" video for a "one time educational inspiration use".......... YES....... if one decides to use it the SECOND time than one has to get permission or pay the liscence, but for the first day of class for my two sections it is perfectly legal, under U.S. law to so use......

    Several people here have recommended OpenShot so I downloaded it from the repos, this is not the new Beta.

    I) Ummmmmmmmmm brainer.......
    II) I downloaded the song and converted it to an mp3 using another app.
    III) I put the dive video, the song and the pics that I wanted to use in a folder so that OpenShot would default to that for adding stuff.
    IV) I opened the app and went to the video tab and searched for the video and it appeared in the video window.
    V) I went to the "pictures" tab and uploaded, they uploaded all at once, I clicked all of them, into the image tab.
    VI ) I went to the video tab again and uploaded the music.

    NOTE...........both the video and music then went into just the "video" tab.

    VII) I dragged the video onto the timeline and a yellow bar appeared with the first "frame" of the video and a couple of little symbols next to the "picture of the frame".
    VIII) I added another "timeline" and it appeared below the first and dragged the music into it.
    IX) I clicked play and voila! The thing worked! In other words, the video played and the music played also.

    NOTE: I tested using a proprietary video WITH music and the music was replaced with MY music.

    X) I added the pictures and put them into various places on video timeline and went to properties to change a) "length", the default was 7 seconds, and b) "fade" to "fade in out slow".
    XI) voila, IT WORKED!!! video played, music played, pictures smoothly faded in and out.
    XII) went to title and typed in a title and put it between the first image(me on a dive boat, the first twenty seconds) and the second image and, when played it appeared and disappeared with a shark swimming around below the words.

    NOTE: if you put it on top of an image on the timeline it will overlay on the image.

    XIII) Save goes to the format that can be edited, one must EXPORT for use and I did mpeg4.
    XiV) I went back and REMOVED the song and saved with a different title and next semester I will put in a different song to meet copyright restrictions.

    TRUELY: OpenShot is a "no brainer".

    The song and video did not match in length, there is a "clipper" tool, pair of sissors. If one clicks the clipper tool onto, for me..., the longer thing, the video and then "remove" it will remove the video or whatever to the right or left depending on where it is NEXT clicked. There is also an undo so no problems of messing things up.

    B) There is now a Beta available. Here is a review.

    I'm sure that others have comments, please pop in and post them!


    Haven't used Open Shot, just thought I'd say Hi.


      An interesting story woodsmoke!

      I might have to find some time to look into it...


        Great story, I've also been fiddling with OpenShot the last days. It's a good application in many ways, but it doesn't hold a candle to Kdenlive, in my opinion. Recently, I wanted to overlay two videos, and crop one of them first, resize it and key out a green screen I had put behind me. The latter video was supposed to serve as a background. In Kdenlive, this was considerably straightforward, and gave decent results. Any changes I made, I could immediately see in the preview window.

        In OpenShot, this was not as easy. I first had to right click the clip, and choose Properties. Then I had to open the Effects flip, and enter the values there. However there was no way to see the results of my changes, other than closing the Properties window, and returning to the preview window above the timeline. Since I seldom get the values right in the first edit, I had to do repeat this procedure - right click, choose Properties, enter still new values, close the Properties window, and return to the preview window - up to ten times, for each effect. A great exercise in patience, though.

        If anyone knows a better (and quicker) procedure in OpenShot for the above tasks, I'd be happy to know about it. Also, if there is a way to crop AND resize videos, I couldn't figure out any way to do that in OpenShot, at least not so that it worked for my purposes.

        I also have PowerDirector 12 on Windows 10, and neither Kdenlive nor OpenShot come close to PD 12, but then again PowerDirector is not free, you have to dish out at least 70 dollars/euros to get a non-expiring version. But of the two open source projects, Kdenlive is quite a bit better and more versatile than OpenShot, is my conclusion.
        Last edited by theodorn; Jan 13, 2016, 05:02 PM. Reason: make clearer


          Nice comments folks, any and all are welcome!

          The process was SO easy, that I'm going to start using it a lot for my classes, not just intros.

          Since I use socratic method, there is a lot of student activity in the classroom in addition to the lab.

          I've always taken pictures of students, without faces shown, and used them for "late assignments" and on exams.

          I think that I'll now start also taking brief videos and using them also.



            OpenShot 2.0 Beta is out, as source code, but an installer will soon be made available.


            Edit I was in a hurry, missed the link in the end of the first post, no harm done repeating it anyway.

            I'm curious to try the new release, I actually tried running it via Python3, but had missing and unfound libraries.
            Last edited by theodorn; Jan 14, 2016, 01:51 PM.

