There are a couple of things that the new generation of widgets has changed that are not for the better IMHO.
Notice the position of the analog clock. I would prefer it closer to the left border of the desktop, however, when I move it, it snaps to the position you see. Additionally, look at the panel and see that the background is invisible, not just transparent.
I would like the background of the analog clock to be invisible, as well. Those portions of the widgets that appear white in this image would improve in appearance if more saturated with the white color to make higher contrast with the background.
Also, if possible, when the KMenu appears, I would like the background invisible, not transparent. It currently has a transparent background that is darker than that of the analog clock. I would only like to see the Icons and text that appears, with sufficient saturation that contrast between the images and text are easily distinguished from the background artwork.
Another thing that has changed in the upgrade is the "Network Monitor". In the previous issue, there were horizontal lines that depicted the different values for download and upload speeds. Whether revealing KiB/s or MiB/s you could read the speed of the peaks of the transfers of data. Now, although very attractive, the peaks appear, but the speed of the peeks or valleys does not show. It makes for an attractive graphic, but defeats it's purpose.
I like the new use of color and design for the Network Monitor, but would prefer the horizontal lines and numbers that would identify, at a glance, the rates of transfer, similar to the previous issue.
The Desktop Theme you are viewing is called "Bare Naked". If these choices cannot be edited, is there a tutorial that teaches how to create what I want? Thanks!
