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    I'm getting rather concerned, I'm on my ... hmmm 48th or so hour with Kubuntu and still no updates have popped up to be installed... I presume that there will be regular updates like there is for Ubuntu? (I was getting them on a daily basis).

    I've checked the Update Manager, but to be honest it is identical to the Ubuntu one, so I'm just wondering if it IS the Ubuntu one as I still have Ubuntu installed (I'm kind of dual booting on the log in screen I have the option for Kubuntu or Ubuntu) ...

    It found a cgwd update yesterday afternoon but I've had NO system updates or anything, surely there should be SOMETHING? Simon (Ubuntu better half rofl) says HE has has system and security updates and I SHOULD have done too?

    So, the question is, where should I check that my Update Manager IS the one for Kubuntu (or can it be used for both?) and where do I check if it's set to automatically check for updates etc?

    Every time I've checked for updates it says there's nothing.


    When it's starting up the taskbar button is called "gksu" if that helps?
    I don&#39;t have a brain, I have a nucleus, basic functions are a doddle, yet ask me a question and I&#39;m dead.<br /><br />Tamed Nature

    Re: Updates?

    It can be used for both. Each of these package manager uses the same sources.list file. With all the *ubuntu's are built on the same framework, therefore they have the same repositories for files. I haven't had an automatic update in like 6 or so days. Assuming you have the default sources.list that came with the install, you should be all set. If another user has different repositories set up, or enabled, the of course there are going to be different updates. Like for instance, I'm still using KDE 3.5.2. If I enabled a different repository, I'd get notification that new updates are available for KDE and all it's dependencies.

    gksu is a way of running a graphical interface as root. That's why you type in your password when starting that program, you're switching to root to make those package changes.

    Hope this helps,



      Re: Updates?

      Thank you

      now "Solved"
      I don&#39;t have a brain, I have a nucleus, basic functions are a doddle, yet ask me a question and I&#39;m dead.<br /><br />Tamed Nature


        Re: Updates?

        I see you've 'solved' the issue, just a note:

        Originally posted by Carol76
        When it's starting up the taskbar button is called "gksu" if that helps?
        That sort of indicates you're using the gnome/ubuntu update notifier (as kde uses 'kdesu' instead of 'gksu' to launch GUI apps 'as root'

        kdesu adept_notifier


          Re: Updates?

          Thank you for that

          Where would I set it up so it checks for updates automatically on a daily basis? I think I might have accidentally closed/switched off this function when I first loaded up Kubuntu, as there were a couple of popups that appeared when I logged in and I just closed them, and it asked something like if I wanted them to open next time, or SOMETHING like that (I can't remember)

          I've probably buggered it in otherwords rofl
          I don&#39;t have a brain, I have a nucleus, basic functions are a doddle, yet ask me a question and I&#39;m dead.<br /><br />Tamed Nature

