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How to stop an application

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    How to stop an application

    I am running Kubuntu 6.06, and as I was running Adept to complete my installation, the computer powered off because of overheating. OK, not pleasant, but anyway. Restart, and when I try to start Adept again, it tells me that another process is using dpkg and that I cannot change any programs ...
    How do I find out which programs are running?
    And then, how do I stop the application that is running dpkg in the background?

    Re: How to stop an application

    My system's running with Japanese menus, so I'm guessing the English titles, but I think you're looking for "System|System Guard|Process table".

    Sorry not to be more helpful; I'm a newbie myself.


      Re: How to stop an application

      I found:

      System then find: KSysGuard (Performance Monitor)

      and you will find the Process Table in which you should be able to find it and kill it.

      The other alternative (I THINK as I'm new to this too) would possibly be to log out and halt the X Server (by pressing CTRL + ALT + Backspace) ? Not sure if this would work, I PRESUME that would kill all apps.

      Hope this helps a little, as I said, I'm new too.
      I don&#39;t have a brain, I have a nucleus, basic functions are a doddle, yet ask me a question and I&#39;m dead.<br /><br />Tamed Nature


        Re: How to stop an application

        Thanks for the responses, I found the process table, but I don't have a clue which process is using the package database that is keeping Adept from running. If anyone has any idea ...


          Re: How to stop an application

          To fix adept, from the terminal run
          sudo dpkg --configure -a
          This should finish off the install job that adept was running and it should run normally.

          Worked for me at least.


            Re: How to stop an application

            Thanks. In my frustration I reinstalled the whole thing. But I'll definitely try this next time it hangs.


              Re: How to stop an application

              Also when you reboot, Update Manager maybe checking for updates. You can only use one package manager at a time, whether it's Adept, Synaptic or even something like Automatix. Anything that is using your sources.list file can only be accessing it one at a time. Just like if you try to use apt-get from konsole, and Adept is open, it will tell you dpkg process is being used by another resource.



                Re: How to stop an application

                Another way is to run a Konsole, type Xkill and then move the skull and crossbones cursor over the window of the program to kill and left click. Of course this only works if there is a window in sight.


                  Re: How to stop an application

                  abunt: you could also press Ctrl+Alt+Esc to get the same effect. or you could press Alt+F2 and type "xkill".

                  Btw, it's "xkill", not Xkill. Linux is case sensitive.
                  Jucato&#39;s Data Core

