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becoming a sudo wrestler...

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    becoming a sudo wrestler...

    I am simply trying to put some web pages into Apaches www folder but am refused permission. Strange for such a needed folder. So I navigate to the folder in Konsole, type sudo chmod -R 755 * (as it says in another post).
    It asks for the password. Gives me the prompt again - but I am still denied access when i simply try to drag files to the folder!

    Any help welcome, please!

    Re: becoming a sudo wrestler...

    you would need to either grant full write access to everyone (777 instead of 755) or change the ownership of the folder to a user. As giving full write permissions to everyone is obviously not a safe thing to do, you might want to try changing the ownership of the directory to your user:

    sudo chown -Rv <your_username_here> /var/www/

    You can also change the www folder's location to , say , /home/<your_username>/www in the apache config file

    But the safest thing to do is to simply fire up a konqueror window with kdesu and use that to drag and drop files:

    'kdesu konqueror'


      Re: becoming a sudo wrestler...

      Thanks for the help....
      I opened apache2.conf (edit as root) and commented out the line for server root and added the new one>>
      #ServerRoot "/etc/apache2"
      ServerRoot "/home/jon/public_html"

      Then typed 'localhost' into Firefox and still get the original home in etc/apache2

      I then went halfway down the file to this:>># UserDir is now a module
      #UserDir public_html
      #UserDir disabled root

      #<Directory /home/*/public_html>
      # AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
      # Options Indexes SymLinksIfOwnerMatch IncludesNoExec

      Is this where I should make the changes - I did try this in the module and nothing changed.

      Your help appreciated!


        Re: becoming a sudo wrestler...

        I don't know much about apache, but have you stopped and restarted the server? And also make sure you have created the folder "/home/jon/public_htm"

        sudo /etc/init.d/apache restart (or similar) I think stops and restrts the server


          Re: becoming a sudo wrestler...

          Yes - I rebooted the computer. I'll have to dig up how I set it all up on Windows - at least there it was all in one place! Maybe someone else will chip in....


            Re: becoming a sudo wrestler...

            Originally posted by claydoh
            But the safest thing to do is to simply fire up a konqueror window with kdesu and use that to drag and drop files:

            'kdesu konqueror'
            You'd want to change the file(s) owner after doing that to apache:apache

