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Samba, Will it work out of the box in Kubuntu 15.10

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    Samba, Will it work out of the box in Kubuntu 15.10

    Hi All,

    I have played with Ubuntu / Kubuntu on and off for the past few years, but always end up back in Windows

    There are 2 things that drive me mad ....
    1. Media does NOT AUTOMOUNT (out of the box).
    2. Samba does not work (out of the box).

    These 2 Items will drive most Kubuntu Converts back to Windows!!!!!
    (why stuff around when windows does it out of the box)

    SAMBA does not work without a lot of poking around where you shouldn't be.
    After installing SAMBA on KB 15.04 I was able to share a folder in my home IE. Videos (visible and accessable from windows).
    I tried to share some folders on Device "F Series Etc" (media/mark/F Series Etc) no such luck

    The SAMBA app under System would not work till I found this thread ....

    "Right click on the K icon and choose "Edit applications". Then navigate to the application that needs attention (System, Samba) and on the right in the "Command: " section replace "gksu" with "kdesudo" so it reads "kdesudo system-config-samba". Then click on the "Save" icon to save the change."

    I had to create /etc/libuser.conf as it didn't exist on my system sudo touch /etc/libuser.conf

    Then from another forum I Forced the user to my user id "mark" in my smb.conf (see below)

    # Change this to the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part of
    workgroup = workgroup
    force user = mark

    I cannot remember if I made any other changes to my smb.conf so I have it stored away in a safe place.

    So if there are any 15.10 developers reading this, or if you know someone in the development team PLEASE PLEASE pass this on

    Responding to your rant...
    (K)Ubuntu 15.10 is pre-release. Why do you expect anything to work out-of-the-box? Would you download a copy of Windows 11 and expect perfection?
    SAMBA is a Windows protocol. It doubt it will ever be pre-installed or configured on any Linux system.
    SAMBA has a multitude of sharing options. Should the default settings mirror yours or mine?
    I have several Windows machines. I had to configure them to share files and printers. Why should Kubuntu (or any distro) be different?
    I have not had any trouble accessing any media I have plugged in. It doesn't automount, but I don't want it to. Dolphin mounts it when requested. If I wanted it to automount on insertion, I would configure it that way.
    This is a user forum. The developers rarely visit here, if at all. Begging to pass anything on will get you nothing. Participating in development with bug reports just might.

    Look, this had been said so many times it's becoming boring but; Linux isn't Windows. Banging your hands on the desk and demanding Linux behave like Windows in any capacity is fruitless at best and some level of insanity at worst.

    Windows you pay for. So you have a deserved level of expectation of performance. You have a corporation to complain to. If you can't get your mind around the idea that Linux is free, but that freedom comes with responsibility - your responsibility - to work on, set up, create, control, and repair your free operating system, you might be better off staying with Windows and you should for sure not be relying on an alpha or beta version of any distro.

    On the other hand, unlike Windows, with Linux you're free to mold your future - your experience. You can turn on or off features at will. Add or subtract functions. Develop, participate in, scale up or down, expand or contract your OS without penalty or cost. I, like many or most others on this forum I believe, actually enjoy the intellectual pursuit of hunting down and solving an issue and we love having the right and ability to do so. You want a more stable hassle-free experience? Try Kubuntu 14.04 and stay with it until at least 16.04.

    I seriously doubt droves of Kubuntu (or any Linux distro) users are flocking back to Windows because they have to configure SAMBA. But even if they do, why would that matter to those of us here who love what Linux stands for? And we are willing to put in a modicum of effort to create our own versions of what our OS should look like.

    I can promise you two things:
    1. If you take the time to research your issues, post your results and problems here in a well thought out and complete way, someone or many someones will try and help.
    2. If you post rants and make demands of the development teams (un-paid most of them BTW) and "threaten" to return to Windows, you're not going to get much help.

    Good luck with whichever path you choose because here, with Linux, you always have a choice.
    Last edited by oshunluvr; Jul 16, 2015, 02:51 PM.

    Please Read Me


      Sorry if it sounds like a RANT.

      I know that Kubunu 15.10 is under development and that now would be a good time to have some things fixed and tailored for Kubuntu.

      It would also be a good time to "catch" new converts.

      I have never heard of "Kdesudo", have used Gksu or just plain sudo on Kubuntu.
      With 15.04 Gksu would not work.



        If it's a graphical app, use kdesudo (like Kate, Dolphin).
        Otherwise, you can mess up permissions in your home and cause all sorts of problems. (for Kubuntu, it is, as you know, kdesudo -- but the explanation holds)

        However, as GRUB is not graphical,

        sudo grub-install
        sudo update-grub


        sudo apt-get install <some_program>
        Last edited by Qqmike; Jul 16, 2015, 06:38 PM.
        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


          gksu doesn't work because, as many available packages are, is a gnome/GTK application and therefore is not installed be default. You could install it if you wanted, but there's no good reason to. If you want, set "gksu" as an alias for "kdesudo" and you won't have to remember which to use.

          Please Read Me


            About the auto mounting, on Windows it was and still is the source of untold infections. (Yes I know the difference between auto mounting and auto execute but how many Windows slaves do?)
            Though the privileges of Unix/Linux are far better than anything Windows you would still want to be carefull with many things 'auto'.

            On Kubuntu an external USB drive will show up as a pop up of the Device Notifier and a single click will open it in a mime specific application or the file manager.
            Would you already have an open instance of Dolphin it will (also) show up in the left menu under Places.
            The same happens with inserting SD and similar cards.

            And I love it such devices show up under their own name, not some arbitrary Drive Letter.

            As ushunluvr already pointed out, Samba is a Windows protocol and Linux has made a compatibility mode that works remarkably well, it's for obvious reasons not part of a standard Linux DE but as so many other oddities it can be added.

