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What to install to develop with Qt5 and KF5

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    What to install to develop with Qt5 and KF5

    I am new to Ubuntu and its derivatives, I have Kubuntu 15.04 installed but I can seem to find the Qt5 SDK or similar packages available in other distros.

    What packages do I need to install to develop with Qt5 and KF5?


    Times have changed. One used to be ablt to download the qtx-sdk zip from the Qt Project website for Ubunut/Debian and install it in a sub-directory under home where it could be started with a script and allow developing Qtx applications without disturbing the verswion of Qt on which KDE was running. Now it is a little more difficult.

    0) sudo apt-get install build-essential
    1) Go here and click on the Community version. It will detect your hardware/linux version and offer the appropriate link to download from on the next page that popus up. Download it or write the url/path/to/*.run file.
    2) After noting the path for wget or downloading the *.run file go here for instructions, substituting the name of the file you downloaded for what is shown in the instructions. The wget command is not necessary if you downloaded by clicking the links above. If you just wrote down the path and name of the *.run file you can use wget in a terminal
    3) follow the rest of the steps shown in step 2 link.

    The BEST place for support for Qt development WAS here: but I haven't developed in Qt in seven years. The Qt5 Wiki may be helpful.
    Last edited by GreyGeek; Jun 17, 2015, 04:06 PM.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Thanks for the info, but I know about, I am looking for the deb packages Kubuntu distributes for Qt5 and KF5 development. I have had no trouble finding these packages in Fedora, Arch, etc...

      If these are missing and I am not being a tool (happens often enough) it would seem like a significant drawback to this distro.



        Which packages are you looking for, specifically?

        With Ubuntu using Qt heavily these days, the packages are probably here:

        Problem is, as Debian breaks things into many strangely named packages, I could not tell you what is what there.

        You might want to pop in to #kubuntu-devel in freenode irc and ask the actual devs what you need or ask on the kubuntu-devel mailing list, sometimes due to time zone differences there may not be anyone awake to answer right away in irc.
        Last edited by claydoh; Jun 18, 2015, 10:19 PM.

