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How do I connect my Iphone via WIFI?

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    How do I connect my Iphone via WIFI?

    About a year ago, my laptop required HDD replacement; re-installation of Vista did not re-install network drivers, so I have not had a working laptop as a result.

    Recently I attempted to send a photograph to my daughter using my Iphone. Text would send, but the image would not. Apparently WIFI capability is required to send images. I have also noticed that Netflix does not work using my Iphone, as it did before. I used to watch movies while waiting for a DR appointment or transportation to and from.

    I contacted the company who makes my wireless router; they got my WIFI working as far as their hardware is concerned, so apparently the missing drivers for my laptop are the culprit in my problem.

    I have Kubuntu 14.10 installed in my laptop, why doesn't Linux install the required network drivers? I am confused.

    Is it possible to make a WIFI connection without having a working wireless computer. Can my Desktop PC provide the necessary capability? If so, how do I do this? Thanks! By the way, what command entry would tell me the names of my Network and Wireless adapter, so that I can search for appropriate network drivers?

    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


      Personally I would try a float test on something i* and get an Android.
      Or put it on Ebay.


        Thanks arochester, that was the first thing I attempted.

        I am not sure, but it may be necessary for my laptop to have a network driver and wireless driver installed, before my Iphone can communicate with my PC. Dlink assures me that my wireless connection is working and connected, which I thought should make my IPhone function. If that is not required, I probably have problems with my cell phone.

        It seems like I have been able to send images via IPhone since the drivers were removed from my laptop, but I am not sure. I have memory problems, the in your head kind, so perhaps the driver problems in my laptop are necessary to be repaired to make the router function properly. I am still able to send text messages from my IPhone. Thanks for any additional input. I am helpless in this matter.

        Originally posted by arochester View Post


          The wifi should be totally independent of your computer/iphone. You have to have a computer to set up the wifi, but after that it should work regardless of the existence of a computer. Do you have any other wireless device you can test it with? I dont even think routers require drivers, but Im not sure about that.


            Hi friend,

            Perhaps I have something wrong with my iPhone. Recently I am unable to get my phone to communicate with my router. I have restarted my router a couple of times. Dlink indicated that it is working too.

            Any images I might want to send use up valuable minutes, while WIFI remains relatively free. Now when I send a text with an image, the text sends, because I have unlimited text, but the Image is indicated as a failed delivery. My daughter got the same response when she tried to send me an image. She sends images without problems to her girls and others. Because my granddaughters have iPhones too and do not concern themselves about used minutes, both my daughter and I try to be frugal.

            Since my daughter can send images to her kids using WIFI and not to me, I suspect is is a problem on my end.

            Over the years, Microsoft applications have driven me the short distance to 'NUTS'. Using Windows 7 very little, I still got a voracious virus that I could not get out of my system without purchasing a program to remove it.

            Although the technicians at the Windows 7 forum were very helpful and very kind, their solutions involved purchasing a program to remove the Virus. I elected to remove it from my computer completely and just plain felt wonderful the minute I removed it.

            About a year ago I lost the HDD in my laptop. After installing the replacement, I used a recovery CD I made when I got the laptop to install Vista and drivers, etc. I still had and used Kubuntu 14.10 almost exclusively, but when I was required to purchase a program just to locate and install the drivers that did not install in the recover process, I got mad as H*ll and decided to remove Vista too. I then installed Kubuntu 15.04 in its place, but not having network or wireless drivers, had no way to access the Internet. For about a year now, my laptop has been basically useless, with a brand new TB drive that has never been used.

            I hope you are not a Windows fan, because, I have been a bit harsh, but I will never install a Windows OS again, even if I have to scrap a perfectly good laptop.

            By the way, if you know how I can get network and wireless drivers for my Toshiba Satelite A505-S6965 64 bit with Intel dual core 2.0Ghz processor and 8GB of RAM, you would be on my good side forever. I have stopped trying, because it stresses me so much, not good for an old man. The best to you, my friend.

            Originally posted by whatthefunk View Post
            The wifi should be totally independent of your computer/iphone. You have to have a computer to set up the wifi, but after that it should work regardless of the existence of a computer. Do you have any other wireless device you can test it with? I dont even think routers require drivers, but Im not sure about that.


              Does it work when you connect with a wire? In my experience, nearly all computers will connect fine with a wire, but some have wireless issues.


                The phone works fine like a telephone. I can make calls. I don't receive many calls, so I am not sure if I am getting any calls. My problem has been when I send and receive messages to my children and grandchildren, if there is an image attachment, the text portion of the message sends fine, but the image fails to be sent. Also, when my daughter responds to a message, the text comes, but she also gets a message that the message fails.

                I am really confused, because the fact that I have been able to locate and install network and wireless drivers in my laptop, I believe my WIFI worked fine, at least with my iPhone, until recently when WIFI stopped working. Images take a lot of time sending, and I have unlimited text with my iPhone plan, that if iPhone images are sent by WIFI rather than text it may be too expensive for me to send images at all. I just don't know. For a couple of years my iPhone sent both text even if including an image without a problem, and my laptop hasn't had a working WiFI for about a year. If the two are related problems I am stumped what to do. If not, I don't know how to confirm that I am connected with my iPhone WIFI. Dlink is the brand of wireless router I have, and their technicians say my WIFI router is connected and working. Additionally my PC Ethernet connected cable accepts its signal Modem>Router>PC, so the fact that I get a hard-wire Internet connection through the router would seem to confirm that the router is working.

                Originally posted by whatthefunk View Post
                Does it work when you connect with a wire? In my experience, nearly all computers will connect fine with a wire, but some have wireless issues.

