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Dual Monitors - Multiple Desktops

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    Dual Monitors - Multiple Desktops

    I feel that this has been asked before but I cannot find a thread or a solution.

    I have dual monitors and I'd like to run multiple desktops on them. For example, monitor 1 has desktop 1 while monitor 2 is running desktop 2 or 3. Is it as simple as increasing the number of desktops or do I need to install extra software?

    I have a Radeon HD 8670 as my video card and I'm using the x server drivers.

    I'm pretty sure KDE/ "virtual desktops" don't allow this, and nor do KDE activities.

    But maybe you can achieve what you want with existing multiple-monitor support ... so ... what is that you want?
    I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


      You mean separate desktops as in each with their own task bar?

      You can have a task bar on each screen but I'm not so sure they will only show the icons of this window.


        Originally posted by Teunis View Post
        You can have a task bar on each screen but I'm not so sure they will only show the icons of this window.
        Showing only the icons of this window might not be very useful

        "Task Manager" and "Icon-only Task Manager" in 14.04 can be set to filter windows from the current monitor, desktop, activity, or any combination.
        I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


          Originally posted by SecretCode View Post
          I'm pretty sure KDE/ "virtual desktops" don't allow this, and nor do KDE activities.
          AFAICR, this is correct. Virtual desktops exist to segregate application windows that would otherwise have to overlap or be minimized. With multiple monitors, you just move applications from one monitor to another to them segregated.


            An option would be to run the second monitor on a thin client that uses the main computer for the heavy lifting.


              My NVIDIA settings utility has various tantalising options for "separate X session" ... but I haven't tried it out. This would mean, I think, a separate graphical login running independent programs (possibly on the same user account).
              I'd rather be locked out than locked in.

