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Installed update, won't boot

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    Installed update, won't boot

    Yesterday I booted into Kubuntu after a while, and while working, I noticed the system telling me about important updates. So, naturally, let it install them, and proceeded to reboot as indicated

    Except it didn't. Whenever the Kubuntu text shows up, it shows for a few seconds, then the screen goes black, and sits there idle indefinitively. I can hear the fan of my laptop settle down, almost like it's gone on sleep mode. The only way to do anything with it at all is by shutting it down.

    I've looked around for possible solutions on my own. Since I'm on a dual boot (Kubuntu 14.04 and Windows 8.1), I have easy access to the advanced boot settings, from which I was able to boot into recovery mode. I tried running a check for disk space, but it clearly lists having still 35 GB of storage left, with less than 50% used. I ran the cleanup anyways. Since that was not enough, I ran a check for damaged things, and then booted in recovery mode. As expected, the graphic drivers didn't load up completely, but at least it started, and allowed me to reach the desktop. So, I did as it told me, and rebooted again, thinking it might have been fixed

    But it wasn't. So I tried what I assume was loading back an older state (from the advanced boot menu), but that resulted in nothing gained either

    So I'm stumbled. I've exhausted everything I know or could find on my own, and thus I've come here to ask ya'll for help. Thanks!

    System specs

    Laptop ASUS
    Intel I7 64 bit
    16GB RAM
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 850M
    Dual Monitor through HDMI
    1 TB internal HDD (4 partitions, a 60 GB partition dedicated to Kubuntu)
    Dual Boot Kubuntu 14.04 / Windows 8.1

    Can't think of anything else. Let me know what else I could provide for a better assistance!

    Can't say it will make any difference but if an update seems to fail somewhere I run this sequence from a console -

    sudo dpkg --configure -a
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get -f install

    Hope it helps


      Don't think the update failed. I guess I'll try that in the console after launching in recovery mode? I'll try and let you know, thanks


        You're saying that booting an older kernel didn't help. Apparently you don't have a separate boot partition and your boot partition can't be full.

        It sounds like something from the boot init (upstart, systemd?) got maxed up. There can be triggers that can easily cause the system to hang. It is not very failsafe. I once had a two minute boot delay because I introduced a network script that exited with error and the system demanded there be networking before it wanted to boot. Can you imagine that. A boot process that completely hangs (almost) because there is no supervising script that forces completion. The component that caused the hang was called failsafe.
        Last edited by xennex81; May 11, 2015, 09:04 AM.


          Allright, manual updating from console was performend, but sadly it wasn't what was needed. However, while it was booting, I accidentally pressed the Down directional key, and something showed up. Sorry took a picture with my phone, hope the resolution is good enough, I really don't know how to read this

          Second and third image are from the same boot, just showing different angles of it. In both cases, it never moves from that screen

          @xennex81, I did the install a while ago, so I don't remember all the details and if I made separate partitions for boot and home, but I do remember that unless I fill up the boot partition, I shouldn't have problems... and I'm pretty sure I didn't fill it


            NVIDIA GeForce GTX 850M
            Nvidia drivers seem to be the source of a lot of 'blank/black screens'. Post the driver version and how you installed it (Ubuntu repos or manually after downloading from Nvidia) and you will likely get some help.

            You could also run 'grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log' to see if it is Xorg failing to load the display driver.


              Originally posted by ronw View Post
              Nvidia drivers seem to be the source of a lot of 'blank/black screens'. Post the driver version and how you installed it (Ubuntu repos or manually after downloading from Nvidia) and you will likely get some help.

              You could also run 'grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log' to see if it is Xorg failing to load the display driver.
              I remember the process of installing the Nvidia drivers being long and painful, but I don't really remember what I did specifically... (I remember spending a lot of time looking for a way to "close the X server" or something like that. I am still a newb, after all...). I will look into my downloads folder, if I did indeed get it from Nvidia, it should be there

              As for running that line, I can only do that after I do safe boot... but doesn't that mean that the drivers have definitively not loaded? I know the system does tell me that safe booting will not load most of them, and in fact I can only use 1 of my monitors through safe boot. I'll try that anyways (it's a lot of back and forth, since this is my only computer) and post results


                Allright, after some fiddling around, I've run the line told, and got this
                Not sure what it means, but I see a lot of failed things

                I've checked in the settings and under driver management software, and I have a choice between 4: NVIDIA binary driver (3 of them), version 340.76, version 346.59, version 349.16, or X.Org X server -- Nouveau display driver. Currently, NVIDIA binary version 340.76 is selected

                (by the way, KDELibs version is 4.13.3, Qt Version is 4.8.6, Kernel version is 3.13.0-52 (and if I remember correctly, the previous installed one was -45 or similar). Not sure if this helps, but I found it, so I might as well post it here)

                I've had a check in my download folder, but I haven't found trace of the NVIDIA drivers... I really don't remember how I installed them...

                What's the next step? Thanks!


                  Hopefully someone familiar with Nvidia driver tricks will come along to help. I use the Nouveau driver.

                  I'm not sure if the GLX error in your Xorg log is significant, but it might be.


                    It is so painful to be seeing this problem not be resolved easily. This display driver issue is pretty new to Linux I believe. I myself have installed the Intel Graphics Stack. I'm to the death afraid something will break after an update with no way to fix it, or not knowing any way.


                      I tried changing the drivers from the driver management, to the latest NVIDIA ones, but that wasn't it either

                      I'm really stuck


                        I think for some reason the GLX part of the diver is not installed or working for some reason ,,,,,if you can,,,,,,I would do a
                        apt search nvidia | less
                        using less you shold be abel to scrole the output with the arow keys.

                        look for all installed nvidia components,,,,,,
                        sudo apt-get remove --purge <nvidia-driver-name>
                        ,,,,,,then reinstall one
                        sudo apt-get install <nvidia-driver-name>
                        allso make sure you have the "dkms" package installed ,,,,,it should be ,,,but check .

                        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                        16GB RAM
                        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                          ehm... apt search nvidia | less returned a lot of nvidia results... and I do mean a LOT. Am I supposed to individually remove them one by one? Because we're talking more than 100 here

                          I've tried to do the second step on one of them to see what happens, and it returns "Log file in use"... tho this might just be because I'm a newbie and I'm not really sure how to do it

                          I'm starting to consider a full reinstall... though I'm not sure it would fix it, at this point, considering I didn't have any problem before the update


                            Originally posted by Qyvalar View Post
                            ehm... apt search nvidia | less returned a lot of nvidia results... and I do mean a LOT. Am I supposed to individually remove them one by one? Because we're talking more than 100 here

                            I've tried to do the second step on one of them to see what happens, and it returns "Log file in use"... tho this might just be because I'm a newbie and I'm not really sure how to do it

                            I'm starting to consider a full reinstall... though I'm not sure it would fix it, at this point, considering I didn't have any problem before the update
                            LOL they are not all installed,,,,,only the ones that say [installed] next to them !!

                            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                            16GB RAM
                            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                              like this ,,,,,,

                                      [FONT=monospace][COLOR=#18b218]nvidia-331-uvm[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/vivid 340.76-0ubuntu2 amd64 [/COLOR]
                                Transitional package for nvidia-340-uvm 
                              [COLOR=#18b218]nvidia-340[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/vivid 340.76-0ubuntu2 amd64 [/COLOR]
                                NVIDIA binary driver - version 340.76 
                              [COLOR=#18b218]nvidia-340-dev[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/vivid 340.76-0ubuntu2 amd64 [/COLOR]
                                NVIDIA binary Xorg driver development files 
                              [COLOR=#18b218]nvidia-340-updates[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/vivid 340.76-0ubuntu2 amd64 [/COLOR]
                                NVIDIA binary driver - version 340.76 
                              [COLOR=#18b218]nvidia-340-updates-dev[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/vivid 340.76-0ubuntu2 amd64 [/COLOR]
                                NVIDIA binary Xorg driver development files 
                              [COLOR=#18b218]nvidia-340-updates-uvm[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/vivid 340.76-0ubuntu2 amd64 [/COLOR]
                                Transitional package for nvidia-340-updates 
                              [COLOR=#18b218]nvidia-340-uvm[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/vivid 340.76-0ubuntu2 amd64 [/COLOR]
                                Transitional package for nvidia-340 
                              [COLOR=#ff0000]nvidia-346/vivid,now 346.59-0ubuntu1 amd64 [installed] 
                                NVIDIA binary driver - version 346.59 [/COLOR]
                              [COLOR=#18b218]nvidia-346-dev[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/vivid 346.59-0ubuntu1 amd64 [/COLOR]
                                NVIDIA binary Xorg driver development files 
                              [COLOR=#18b218]nvidia-346-updates[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/vivid 346.59-0ubuntu1 amd64 [/COLOR]
                                NVIDIA binary driver - version 346.59 
                              [COLOR=#18b218]nvidia-346-updates-dev[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/vivid 346.59-0ubuntu1 amd64 [/COLOR]
                                NVIDIA binary Xorg driver development files 
                              [COLOR=#18b218]nvidia-346-updates-uvm[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/vivid 346.59-0ubuntu1 amd64 [/COLOR]
                                Transitional package for nvidia-346-updates 
                              [COLOR=#18b218]nvidia-346-uvm[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]/vivid 346.59-0ubuntu1 amd64[/COLOR]
                              i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                              16GB RAM
                              Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

