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Booting with "grubstick"

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    Yeah, EFI booting sux as bad as GRUB. Seems people with more authority than brains are making decisions for all of us. The bazaar has been silenced by the corporatist wizards in their fascist towers.

    BTW, after updating GRUB yesterday, I'm still using BETA2 ... how professional.


      EFI booting sux as bad as GRUB.
      I've done many experiments booting lately, ASUS H97-Plus UEFI, and I think EFI booting is great--MUCH, much better than BIOS booting, no question about that. As for GRUB 2, it has its issues, yes, we all know that, it is complex. But it's not the end of the world. For most users, they won't know the difference as GRUB takes over their PC's booting. If you are doing something else, more advanced, dual-booting, manual configuring & etc., well, then ... you are more advanced and should be able to deal with it. There ARE alternatives to GRUB. Or simply use rEFInd. rEFI will work WITH GRUB, which can give you even more booting options.
      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


        Originally posted by Qqmike View Post
        I've done many experiments booting lately, ASUS H97-Plus UEFI, and I think EFI booting is great--MUCH, much better than BIOS booting, no question about that. As for GRUB 2, it has its issues, yes, we all know that, it is complex. But it's not the end of the world. For most users, they won't know the difference as GRUB takes over their PC's booting. If you are doing something else, more advanced, dual-booting, manual configuring & etc., well, then ... you are more advanced and should be able to deal with it. There ARE alternatives to GRUB. Or simply use rEFInd. rEFI will work WITH GRUB, which can give you even more booting options.
        I know, the idea of leaving Grub behind and just getting something that supersedes it, sounds attractive. But there is still no "Do this, That will work." Your thread is not really a summary. And it sounds way complex.

        "You should be able to deal with it" is a bit of a ...slippery slope. Just because someone wants to do something doesn't mean he should be willing to go knee-deep in the mud for something simple. For all Grub is... if only the way advanced people can do something even a little deviating, why not then get rid of all the extra's and just let it be a simple boot manager the way Refind is or seems to be. There is just no simple help file that says "These are the things you can do with it, these are the use cases."

        The way TrueCrypt software for Windows is so easy and so simple to use, and yet you can do advanced things with it. The whole idea of a tool is that it enables you, not that it makes life more difficult.

