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Japanese wiriting is not possible

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    Japanese wiriting is not possible

    kubuntu 14.04
    Thinkpad x240

    Default language: English (US)
    second language: Japanese
    Input method: IBUS-anthy

    Switching the input method works without a problem.

    Japanese writing is possible in:
    • KMail
    • Kate
    • Kiten (Japanese-English dictionary)
    • needless so but also in the command window (alt+f2)
    • Okular (adding of notes)
    • Notes (widget)

    is NOT possible in
    • LibreOffice (all applications)
    • Mousepad
    • Firefox (not possible: entry into an online Japanese- English dictionary, Japanese search, Japanese entry of addresses etc,)
    • Evolution
    • Shutter (adding of notes)

    NOT possible means:
    - no characters are enter at all - while typing nothing happens, it feels as if the keyboard cable is unplugged.
    Explanations on Japanese writing: First latin characters are entered like typing in any language using Latin characters. The Latin characters are automatically converted into hiragana characters. The hiragana characters are then converted into Kanji-characters and the correct ones must be chosen manually.

    For Chinese and Korean the way of writing is very similar. Thus the solution for Japanese can very likely to also the solution for the same/similar problem in the Chinese and Korean.

    I am a newbie who learned a bit to work with commands but need help to get the command right and some explanations on what the command does.

    Needless to say but your help is highly appreciated.


    I have exactly this issue except that I am using a US-International keyboard - all GTK apps provide US-standard keyboard layout - i.e. no £ or €, 'a rather than á, etc.

    Works flawlessly in other desktops and on login screen.


      If I remember correctly, you need to install the GTK language pack and ibus packages as well. All the apps you listed are GTK apps so the QT versions of ibus and the Japanese language support will not work. Make sure you have this list of packags installed on your system.
      ibus ibus-qt4 ibus-anthy anthy libibus-qt1 gir1.2-ibus-1.0 ibus-gtk ibus-gtk3 libibus-1.0-5 gir1.2-gtk-3.0 language-pack-ja language-pack-gnome-ja


        That unfortunately doesn't work for me.

        (but thanks!)


          Did you try in Firefox? LibreOffice has additional settings not need to be configured, so lets see if we can get basic Japanese input before moving onto LibreOffice.


            Originally posted by whatthefunk View Post
            Did you try in Firefox? LibreOffice has additional settings not need to be configured, so lets see if we can get basic Japanese input before moving onto LibreOffice.
            Fails to work in Firefox or in Thunderbird - everything works perfectly in XFCE or Cinnamon on same system. Just fails to work in Plasma.


              Ah, youre in kde 15.04? I havent made the move yet, so cant offer you much help.


                Please let me also add my answers, and thanks to @whatthe**** for the support.
                In my case IBUS and anthy is installed, and runs fine for the application listed in my first post. There are a few, (also listed) for which Japanese writing does not work.

                The difference getween @gmehen 's and my system are:
                - I am using a Japanese keyboard, thus I switch input methods (=languages) using the hankau/zenkaku-key. However on a non-Japanese keyboard, other keys/key-combinations can be assigned.
                - I am on the kubuntu v14.04 LTS. KDE 4.13.3 64bit

                As for Firefox, this also doesn't work with Japanese.

