I tried to install Kubuntu Dapper 64 on my laptop and faced two problems - The first on being that KGE refused to accept that my LCD screen existed - instead it routed all the data to the port that I can plug another screen into.
I managed to bypass this problem by plugging another screen into my laptop but the installer refused to format the partition I left for it to EXT3 and crashed instead.
I am using a Targa Traveller 826 laptop
- AMD Turion 64
- 1 Gb RAM
- ATI X700 graphics card
- 80 Gb memory
I gave my attempted Linux install about 20Gb and a 512 Mb swap partition.
I found litrature about the screen problem but I don't have the Linux know-how to do anything about it and if I can't install then there really is no point anyway.
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I managed to bypass this problem by plugging another screen into my laptop but the installer refused to format the partition I left for it to EXT3 and crashed instead.
I am using a Targa Traveller 826 laptop
- AMD Turion 64
- 1 Gb RAM
- ATI X700 graphics card
- 80 Gb memory
I gave my attempted Linux install about 20Gb and a 512 Mb swap partition.
I found litrature about the screen problem but I don't have the Linux know-how to do anything about it and if I can't install then there really is no point anyway.
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.