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Compatible Printer Driver For Kubuntu 14.04 [32 bit]

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    Compatible Printer Driver For Kubuntu 14.04 [32 bit]


    I would like to install a printer driver for my Lexmark Z 2390 printer.

    I have been to the Lexmark site and it lists many Linux drivers, but none for Kubuntu.

    The closest drivers appear to be:

    UBUNTU: 10.04, 10.10,
    8,0 LTS, 9,04, 9.10

    Which would be the best to download and install?

    kubuntu version: 16.04.5 LTS

    Laptop: Toshiba-Satellite-L350

    The Ubuntu 10.10 version would probably be the closest.

    You generally won't find hardware drivers for the derivatives of Ubuntu (like Kubuntu). Ubuntu drivers should work fine.
    Desktop PC: Intel Core-i5-4670 3.40Ghz, 16Gb Crucial ram, Asus H97-Plus MB, 128Gb Crucial SSD + 2Tb Seagate Barracuda 7200.14 HDD running Kubuntu 18.04 LTS and Kubuntu 14.04 LTS (on SSD).
    Laptop: HP EliteBook 8460p Core-i5-2540M, 4Gb ram, Transcend 120Gb SSD, currently running Deepin 15.8 and Manjaro KDE 18.


      Thank you
      kubuntu version: 16.04.5 LTS

      Laptop: Toshiba-Satellite-L350


        I am having a problem.

        I downloaded the driver zip file and extracted it to find the sh file.

        On clicking the sh file The script started and there came a point when I was asked for the administrator password.

        On typing this, I received the message that the password was incorrect. I re-typed the password and received the same message. It is correct

        Interestingly, on typing a wrong password the programme appeared to start but the installation bar that monitored the extend of the installation remained at zero for ages. It did not move at all.

        The sh file has good integrity as indicated when running from the command prompt.

        Regarding the administrator password, I used the same password that I always use when downloading updates from Muon and without a porblem.

        Can you advise.


        Ps. I assume that I need to be online during the installation process.
        PPS. As mentioned previously, there are other UBUNTU downloads.


        I have typed UBUNTU rather than my password.
        The programme appears to accept this password, but the Progress bar is still at zero.

        I also tried deleting the zip and sh files, and downloading another zip file from a similar site. I have the same problem with the sh file from this package.

        The sh file has good integrity, as indicated when running this file from the Command Prompt.
        Last edited by anonprivate; Apr 01, 2015, 11:14 PM.
        kubuntu version: 16.04.5 LTS

        Laptop: Toshiba-Satellite-L350


          The password should be your own login password (assuming you have a normal installation of Kubuntu). If it appears to accept a wrong password or "UBUNTU" I can assure it's not proceeding with the installation! It should, of course, show another password prompt. It seems to have given up instead.

          If your password still works for login or for Muon updates, then there is another reason why it isn't getting accepted here. Caps lock on?
          I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


            Try running the .sh file in a terminal with sudo <filename>.sh

            That should just run the script file with admin privileges and avoid the password prompt. If it still fails then something is wrong with the script or the environment it is running in (perhaps it's looking for something that is missing, in which case it should indicate what the problem is).
            Desktop PC: Intel Core-i5-4670 3.40Ghz, 16Gb Crucial ram, Asus H97-Plus MB, 128Gb Crucial SSD + 2Tb Seagate Barracuda 7200.14 HDD running Kubuntu 18.04 LTS and Kubuntu 14.04 LTS (on SSD).
            Laptop: HP EliteBook 8460p Core-i5-2540M, 4Gb ram, Transcend 120Gb SSD, currently running Deepin 15.8 and Manjaro KDE 18.


              Still a problemm

              I get this:

              [CODE]andrew@andrew-Dell-DM061:~/Downloads$ sudo
              [sudo] password for andrew: 
              sudo: command not found
              andrew@andrew-Dell-DM061:~/Downloads$ sudo
              sudo: command not found

              Despite the fact that I can install updates in Muon using my password. It looks like for other purposes that my password is not recognised.

              How can I re-instate my password so that it will function on all occasions.

              If the password does not work, in say terminal, I am not sure how I can re-instate it because I will need to know the password to re-instate it.


              I tried this command

              andrew@andrew-Dell-DM061:~$ sudo echo success
              [sudo] password for andrew:
              Last edited by anonprivate; Apr 02, 2015, 11:18 PM.
              kubuntu version: 16.04.5 LTS

              Laptop: Toshiba-Satellite-L350


                I think there is something wrong with that file:

                Are you sure that it is a .sh file? It could be just a .deb file. Can you view the contents of the file and see if it does in fact contain bash commands? Maybe try opening it in Kate to look at the contents (if it's just a binary .deb file Kate will give an error message and the contents will just be gobbledygook). Alternatively try cat (again it will display as gobbledygook if it's only binary code).

                It could also be a mixed script/binary file in which case the first part will be script and the rest binary. Maybe it is corrupted?

                Are you following the instructions on the Lexmark site exactly?

                My old Lexmark printer was quite a mission to get working in Ubuntu/Kubuntu, but that was because there was no exact driver for that model (Z513) and I had to use a generic driver for the Z600.
                Last edited by Rod J; Apr 03, 2015, 12:47 AM. Reason: adding info
                Desktop PC: Intel Core-i5-4670 3.40Ghz, 16Gb Crucial ram, Asus H97-Plus MB, 128Gb Crucial SSD + 2Tb Seagate Barracuda 7200.14 HDD running Kubuntu 18.04 LTS and Kubuntu 14.04 LTS (on SSD).
                Laptop: HP EliteBook 8460p Core-i5-2540M, 4Gb ram, Transcend 120Gb SSD, currently running Deepin 15.8 and Manjaro KDE 18.


                  When I tried to open the file using kate, I was warned that the file was very large (29MB) and would take some time to load. I tried cat and noticed gobbleldegook. I stopped the output

                  I still think I may have a problem with my admin password. I opened terminal and then typed sudo terminal. I noted the following output:

                  andrew@andrew-Dell-DM061:~$ sudo terminal
                  [sudo] password for andrew:
                  sudo: terminal: command not found
                  kubuntu version: 16.04.5 LTS

                  Laptop: Toshiba-Satellite-L350


                    Originally posted by anonprivate View Post
                    When I tried to open the file using kate, I was warned that the file was very large (29MB) and would take some time to load. I tried cat and noticed gobbleldegook. I stopped the output
                    Yeah, I thought that might happen. If there was any bash coding at the start of the file it would have scrolled up so fast you probably wouldn't have seen it. I use a really useful file manager called Krusader that has a file viewer that lets you view the contents of any file without needing to load the whole file in one go. I use it constantly to view files that aren't easily viewable otherwise.

                    Another thing to try might be to right mouse click on the file and open it with Qapt (to see if it is a .deb file).

                    Originally posted by anonprivate View Post
                    I still think I may have a problem with my admin password. I opened terminal and then typed sudo terminal. I noted the following output:

                    andrew@andrew-Dell-DM061:~$ sudo terminal
                    [sudo] password for andrew:
                    sudo: terminal: command not found
                    Well, that failed because there is no command called "terminal"! (not normally, anyway)
                    Desktop PC: Intel Core-i5-4670 3.40Ghz, 16Gb Crucial ram, Asus H97-Plus MB, 128Gb Crucial SSD + 2Tb Seagate Barracuda 7200.14 HDD running Kubuntu 18.04 LTS and Kubuntu 14.04 LTS (on SSD).
                    Laptop: HP EliteBook 8460p Core-i5-2540M, 4Gb ram, Transcend 120Gb SSD, currently running Deepin 15.8 and Manjaro KDE 18.


                      When you run a file from the command line like that you need to precede it with a dot-slash or a directory. This tells the system you're not trying to execute a built-in function or program.

                      When you type sudo you're telling your system to "look in my system path for a program named" which fails because it's not in your path.
                      If you type sudo ./ you're telling your system to "look right here for a program named" which works if the program is there in the directory you are in.
                      If you type sudo ~/Downloads/ you're telling your system to "look in my home folder inside the Downloads folder for a program named" which works if the program is there in your home Downloads directory.

                      I wouldn't assume the error message "command not found" means your password processing is messed up. It says exactly what it means - it couldn't find the command. In this case, because your entry didn't tell it to look in the right place. If the password failed, you get "Sorry, try again."

                      Please Read Me


                        I was using the wrong command, Terminal instead of konsole.

                        I started konsole and then ran sudo konsole. My password worked.

                        I ran the the printer shell programme using ./ etc and the Lexmark screen appeared, a couple of clicks on and the printer driver started to install, but it stopped installing about halfway through. I was unable to copy the Lexmark screen output because it would not scroll.

                        I have copied the output from the konsole screen in case it helps.

                        andrew@andrew-Dell-DM061:~$ sudo konsole
                        [sudo] password for andrew: 
                        Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-andrew" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.
                        QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
                        QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
                        Bus::open: Can not get ibus-daemon's address. 
                        IBusInputContext::createInputContext: no connection to ibus-daemon 
                        andrew@andrew-Dell-DM061:~$ Error: "/tmp/kde-andrew" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.
                        Error: "/tmp/ksocket-andrew" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.
                        Error: "/tmp/kde-andrew" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.
                        kdeinit4: Shutting down running client.
                        Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)
                        Error: "/tmp/ksocket-andrew" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.
                        Error: "/tmp/kde-andrew" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.
                        QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
                        QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
                        Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-andrew" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.
                        kbuildsycoca4 running...
                        Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-andrew" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.
                        Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-andrew" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.
                        Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-andrew" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.
                        At least I am getting a bit further forward than previously.
                        kubuntu version: 16.04.5 LTS

                        Laptop: Toshiba-Satellite-L350


                          Without any error output it's impossible to tell why the installer is failing. Best guess is the age of the driver set just isn't compatible with 14.04. Lexmark doesn't have the best rep for supporting Linux. Buy an HP.

                          Please Read Me


                            Someone in another group came to the same conclusion.

                            Can you recommend a driver that might run the printer (generic, text, etc). If some functions do not work that is not crucial.
                            kubuntu version: 16.04.5 LTS

                            Laptop: Toshiba-Satellite-L350


                              Btw, you shouldn't start programs like konsole with "$ sudo konsole"; use "$ kdesudo konsole".

                              Agree with oshunluvr on the Lexmark. Wasted a lot of time trying to get one of those to work years ago. Even when their debs were current, they didn't work.

