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My system drives and partitions are screwed up; I need help to correct this.

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    My system drives and partitions are screwed up; I need help to correct this.

    About a year ago, when I installed applications in my new system, I apparently made mistakes during the install, and my choices for drive locations and partitions were not installed as I had set them up.

    I did not notice this because my computer ran fine and did not give warning that my choices had been refused. Apparently my computer made choices for me to make things work out, I don't know.

    I have four drives, 2 SSD's and 2 HDD's. One HDD is 6GBs the other 3GBs.

    Currently my Kubuntu 14.04 OS is located on a 256GB SSD. Until I installed Kubuntu on this partition, my system was completely unusable. This SSD contained a virus infected Windows 7 Pro which refused to be formatted or removed. Here is it's current image.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	CurrentKubuntuOS.jpg
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ID:	648938

    I suspect '/dev/sdc1 fat32 /boot/efi 100.00MiB 21.10MiB (used) Boot' is GRUBB. The 'unallocated unknown 128.00MiB' is something I do not know anything about or what it contains or is used. The /dev/sdc2 ext4 / 232.69GiB 77.89GiB (used) appears to be my operating system and whatever represents the content of my /home directory.

    When I am finished cleaning up this mess, I would like to have this 256GB SSD to appear more like this:

    Partition Type Mount Point Label Size Used Flags

    /dev/sdc1 fat32 boot/efi GRUB 100.00MiB 21.10MiB boot

    /dev/sdc2 ext4 / Kubuntu 14.04 238.378GiB 77.89GiB

    In actuality, I would like to make the necessary installations so that I establish a fresh install with a TB @ 6GBs which contained /home only, nothing else. I would expect /dev/sdc2 to contain only about 8GBs of used space +/-.

    /dev/sdc2 should be incresed to absorb the two unallocated partitions of unknown type if possible. They show as not containing anything.

    Next, I would like my 128GB SSD to be made clean by format and reserved for the installation of another Operating System.

    I tried to install Windows 7 Pro on this drive, but it would not install. I am aprehensive about reinstalling Windows 7 Pro, after experiencing such a system breaking virus, but I suppose I would install it if I could.

    After you see my remaining drive images, perhaps you can tell me what to do so that my 128GB SSD will permit the installation of Windows 7 Pro. It would permit me a solution to use applications that are exclusive to Windows systems and not yet functional on Kubuntu.

    I would really like to install Windows 7 Pro in a VirtualBox, but I have attempted to install and use Virtual Box several times; I am too stupid to complete the configuration without help, and those who help become disinterested before I can succeed.

    This is the drive that was originally set up to contain Kubuntu 14.04.

    I don't know how or why, but Kubuntu 14.04 was installed on one of the TB drives, the one that was exclusively to contain my /home directory.

    Currently the 128GB SSD shows as empty with no space used at all. I am pretty sure that the boot loader was still installed on the 256GB SSD when I tried to install Windows 7 Pro on the 128GB SSD, so that is probably the reason Windows would not install there.

    The next image is, I believe, my TB HDD @ 6GBs, at least that was what was intended when I first installed the OS on my new computer.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	MyHomeData.jpg
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ID:	648936

    For whatever reason or mistake I made in configuring the first installation on my new computer, this partition was to contain '/home' only. To resolve whatever mistakes I made, Kubuntu installed itself on this drive along with /home.

    That small container named /dev/sda1, NTFS file system, Labeled System Reserved, Size 100.00MiB with 24.94MiB used Flagged as boot is either GRUB or something to do with the Windows Application. I don't know. You would think GRUB would use an ext? file system, perhaps not. I realize all of my OS installations start out using fat32 or ntfs, anyway that is what I thought. Everytime I write anything I expose my lack of knowledge.

    The two partitions enclosed by the green borders are, I believe, Kubuntu 14.04 and Linux Swap from the initial installation of my new computer. If so, these two partitions were supposed to be installed on the 128GB SSD, as well as GRUB, if that is what is represented by that first and smallest partition.

    The .87TiB space of the unknown partition with the unknown file type should have contained my /home partition data. Because it doesn't show any used space, I can only assume my /home data was lost during this attempt to recover my system.

    The final attachment contains an image of my /backup drive. It should contain a complete system backup, in fact a couple of backups, as I recall. Where the data went is an enigma to me. Why it doesn't appear anywhere is also confusing, and probably due to errors I made during the initial installation and set up of my new computer.

    I may be unique in the fact that I seem to be able to make mistakes that no one understands. In any event here is an image of that drive:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	BackupDrive.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	22.0 KB
ID:	648937

    This is my slower TB @ 3GBs HDD. I would ultimately like to have it contain all backups whether system or /home, or some private file or encrypted file. Since it won't be actively used very often, I trust I don't have to backup my backup drive. I need help preparing this HDD and setting up its configuration so that when I backup anything, it is placed in this HDD and nothing else.

    I believe that when I get my system properly configured and the drives properly mounted for the purpose I would prefer, I will have less problems in my general use of a computer. I am not sure, but that is my goal.

    Anyone who is up to the task of getting me straightened out will be appreciated. All who read this rediculously long post have my admiration and respect. Thanks in advance.