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Dolphin/DVD drive

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    Dolphin/DVD drive

    When I insert a disk, almost any disk in the dvd drive, dolphin may or may not recoginze that it has something loaded, and if it's an .avi or mp4 file or almost anything video, won't report it, much less play it. This has to be a configuration issue, but which one.?

    At here

    When I insert a disk, almost any disk in the dvd drive, dolphin may or may not recoginze that it has something loaded, and if it's an .avi or mp4 file or almost anything video, won't report it, much less play it.

    How things work

    To show/play/etc a file from a device it need to be mounted: More of the mounting:

    Note ! The audio CD is not mounted: .

    The KDE4 is using the solid:

    Solid is the new hardware device framework for KDE 4 that features, among other things, a hardware discovery layer which allows you to detect and use devices regardless of operating system or architecture...
    When the CD/DVD is inserted the KDE should show a device notifier plasma widget:

    The CD/DVD can mounted from the device notifier plasma widget or from the file manager (Dolphin):

    If the Linux/KDE can't detect the CD/DVD then the KDE can't notify and the device notifier or the Dolphin can't mount the device.

    The problem can be in the CD/DVD or in the device. The CD/DVD's are not eternal:


    I would... an example with the somewhat broken DVD

    I would try to solve the problem by using the command line - man mount:

    MOUNT(8)                                     System Administration                                     MOUNT(8)
           mount - mount a filesystem
           mount [-lhV]
           mount -a [-fFnrsvw] [-t vfstype] [-O optlist]
           mount [-fnrsvw] [-o option[,option]...]  device|dir
           mount [-fnrsvw] [-t vfstype] [-o options] device dir
           All  files  accessible  in  a Unix system are arranged in one big tree, the file hierarchy, rooted at /.
           These files can be spread out over several devices. The mount command serves to  attach  the  filesystem
           found on some device to the big file tree. Conversely, the umount(8) command will detach it again.
           The standard form of the mount command, is
                  mount -t type device dir
    Device is - list hardware command:
    sudo lshw -class disk
    at here:
           description: DVD-RAM writer
           product: DVDRAM GH22NS90
           vendor: HL-DT-ST
           physical id: 0.0.0
           bus info: scsi@0:0.0.0
           logical name: /dev/cdrom
           logical name: /dev/sr0
           version: HN00
           capabilities: removable audio cd-r cd-rw dvd dvd-r dvd-ram
           configuration: ansiversion=5 status=nodisc
    The device name is /dev/sr0

    Making a mount point - making a directory:

    sudo mkdir -p  /media/mymount

    Inserting a DVD and trying to mount it:

    sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /media/mymount
    The output is:
    [sudo] password for rog132:
    mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
    mount: no medium found on /dev/sr0
    That is a bad sign - the system can't see the DVD.

    At here trying again and again...until the system sees the DVD or not.

    Playing media files from the CD/DVD

    If the CD/DVD can be mounted then the media file from the CD/DVD should be playable.

    The KubuntuGuide: is a good information source. With the Kubuntu 14.04 I would start with the : .

    At here:

    Inserting a DVD.

    Mounting it.

    Selecting a player for a file.

    or looking the file information with the media info:

    Last edited by Rog132; Mar 12, 2015, 07:41 AM.
    A good place to start: Topic: Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs & Answers
    Searching FAQ's: Google Search 'FAQ from Kubuntuforums'


      thanks for the suggestion. turns out it wasn't a mounting problem. i was able to get it to run a dvd cleaning disc to play, so it's mounting. I just inserted a disc i burned and have played before on this machine. the o/s informed me that there was a disc there and dolphin recognized what it was, but didn't show me anything listed there, neither did any other application. what in the world could be going on?


        Problem solved. It wasn't a hardware issue after all. The issue was that the discs I was trying to load and watch were blue ray dvds and I didn't have the codecs installed to read or run them. I took one of these discs to a friend's windoze computer and asked him to try to read it. he couldn't. Windoze Media Player said that is was seeing some extensions it didn't recognize. Light goes on. Are these blu ray discs? apt-get install vlc did the trick. The reason Dolphin wasn't able to rell me what was on the disc was that it wasn't able to read blu ray discs, period. Now it can and I can play them in Dragon or any other media player I choose. I'm a happy camper.

