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almost there

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    almost there

    I got most of things working, still having issues with the following.
    1. mounting storage devices. It appears that they all mount to the same drive /dev/hda4, can i make more hda's by edit the file?
    2. can't seem to get network working or zoneconf to start
    3. Open office will not save as, it goes to open doc.
    4. How to I find parted? I hope I can delete windows when I get these things working.
    Thanks Scott

    Re: almost there

    In order to help you, we need a bit more information:
    1) What kind of storage devices are you talking about? Normally, hda4 would be the fourth partition on the first ide drive. However, the 4 makes me think of zip drives where all the the data on a zip disk is stored in partition 4. If your hard disk is a SATA drive hda could be an ide zip disk, so what are we talking about?
    2a)What is happening that prevents you from getting network working? and (2b) I'm confused. Are you referring to zeroconf (which is a networking protocol) or timezoneconf, which sets up your clock? I can't find anything called "zoneconf". Again, please provide details of what happens when you try to use whatever it is you're using.
    3) Please describe, in detail, what you are doing and what happens when you try to save a file in OO.o?
    4) Parted is a command line program. In order to run it, you have to open a Konsole. Click on (K>System>Konsole). Then read the manual page "man parted", so you know what you're doing, and finally type "sudo parted" to start the program. It will ask for your password to remind you that this is serious business. Be sure that you're woring on a partition that is not mounted.

    By the way, most users find it worthwhile to keep windoze around for a while, (fifteen years, in my case) because there are some things like Autocad that can't be run in Linux, and others like reading windoze media files, that M$ won't allow you to do.

