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After updating, a restart was required. When I returned, no kmenu or panel.

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    After updating, a restart was required. When I returned, no kmenu or panel.

    Are you and others having trouble with your computers right now. After a normal update, when I returned after restart, the Kmenu panel does not appear. Additionally, if I open a terminal, I am unable to shut down using the shut down now command.

    The same thing happenedt when I restarted to the repair mode. No kmenu panel. No response to commandline. Had to hard shutdown again.

    I am dual boot with Win 7. I booted to Win 7 and after opening a browser the system said I had a security alert conserning Adobe Flash with the option to update. I clicked on update and a tenatious virus entered my system. I ran ClamWin and over 400 infections were reported but not archived successfully. Application after application warns I need to install some kind of virus protection that costs money. I did not. I fear that it is further infestation.

    I tried opening Kubuntu again, but still had no kmeOperating Systems? I am on my laptop right now. I am not downloading any updates. I am not going to try Win 7 on my laptop either, until I find this is happening to others.

    I am way underequiped to deal with this kind of problem and need help desparately.

    I have not been doing anything unusual on my computer at all. I desired to make changes, but have NOT attempted anything that could cause this problem. I checked the status of a couple of Internet purchases on Amazon and Newegg, played Netflix and Spider Solitaire; that's all. These problems came without warning of any kind; even the update requests appeared normal. Thanks for any prompt response. I need to know what to do.

    Have you switched (Ctrl+Alt+F1) and logged into a console and then run

    sudo dpkg --configure -a which, with luck, may/will sort out any errors in the install.

    You can follow this with sudo apt-get update and possibly sudo apt-get -f install.

    Then Ctrl+Alt+F7 to get back to your main screen or just reboot.
    (Not from me knowing what to do but from my note book which says failed update



      Thanks. I am in Windows 7 right now. I didn't know how to get the console using the F key. I have been using Windows 7, because I wanted to watch Netflix and it doesn't work in Kubuntu right now. Never before having been hit with an aggressive virus attack, it happened while in Win 7. It contained some Russian intrusion as well. Then when I tried to get into Kubuntu, there wasn't a Kmenu panel. First thought was that the Russians had figured a way to corrupt all computer's operating systems. I am such a paranoid, hah! Without the panel, I did not have access to a console.

      Originally posted by Worzel View Post
      Have you switched (Ctrl+Alt+F1) and logged into a console and then run

      sudo dpkg --configure -a which, with luck, may/will sort out any errors in the install.

      You can follow this with sudo apt-get update and possibly sudo apt-get -f install.

      Then Ctrl+Alt+F7 to get back to your main screen or just reboot.
      (Not from me knowing what to do but from my note book which says failed update



        Sorry, my bad. Fire up Kubuntu but, when you get to the log-in screen, then do the Ctrl+Alt+F1. This should bring you up in console mode - if it fails then sorry but your problems are greater than my knowledge.
        As an aside, I don't believe Netflix will ever work on Linux.


          I had Netflix working just great for over a year. I have faith one of our genious' will fix the problem. In any event, I am dual boot Windows 7 Pro, which currently has a ravenous virus on it, once I get the virus out, I will watch Netflix there, at least until our gurus solve the problem. This has to be a Microsoft problem and their techs aren't as good as our techs, plus if Netflix had any sense they would convert to VLC and receive a million new customers. Never knew any company that worked with Microsoft that wasn't greedy; that's $96,000,000 a year more in profits. Their greed plus our intellectually superior programmers will make it happen.

          Originally posted by Worzel View Post
          Sorry, my bad. Fire up Kubuntu but, when you get to the log-in screen, then do the Ctrl+Alt+F1. This should bring you up in console mode - if it fails then sorry but your problems are greater than my knowledge.
          As an aside, I don't believe Netflix will ever work on Linux.

