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I need some help getting Netflix to work again.

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    I need some help getting Netflix to work again.

    I followed the mid-February 2015 instruction for installing Netflix for Ubuntu. I executed all the commands that were recommended successfully. Netflix still did not work even after restarting the computer. I installed the Firefox Useragent Switcher, still no joy.

    Is there something I am missing? Thanks!

    You could try Chrome Browser instead.
    "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
    "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


      Are there no other solutions other than "Chrome"? Thanks, I am familiar with that, but I really don't trust them since they went public. I am hoping for a competitive search engine to replace them. I thought some users were able to run Kubuntu Netflix on Firefox? I am curious, if so how they do it. Like Facebook, Google intrudes on the privacy of the people way too much. If we aren't careful, we will get back what we had prior to the Internet. I am hopeful that Linux gurus can spoil that effort with better overcoming applications. First programmer to create an application that with a click of the mouse expands the content of a website, while increasing font size to accommodate our larger screens and pushing all the ads off the screen, will be first to round the globe in a day with his/her application.

      Same with applications that automatically block all ads, popups, redirects, junk mail, etc. from emails and browsers with do the same. I have never met anyone who wants that stuff. Google was my favorite program prior to going public, now only Facebook takes last place with Google rushing to join them. Anyone who puts out similar capabilities without the commercial crud will drop their stock to 0 in a day. They will own stuff, but not the Internet. Freeeeeeeedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Originally posted by arochester View Post
      You could try Chrome Browser instead.
      Last edited by Shabakthanai; Feb 26, 2015, 11:04 PM.


        Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
        I followed the mid-February 2015 instruction for installing Netflix for Ubuntu. I executed all the commands that were recommended successfully. Netflix still did not work even after restarting the computer. I installed the Firefox Useragent Switcher, still no joy.

        Is there something I am missing? Thanks!
        You don't actually mention what you did to try and get Netflix. Did you follow the instructions here -> And it still dowsn't work?


          No, but that is the setup that I had that worked for so long. Then, one day, it stopped working giving the sreen that mentiones which Operating Systems qualify.

          Here is what I did?

          sudo apt-add-repository ppaipelight/stable
          sudo apt-get update
          sudo apt-get install pipelight-multi


          sudo pipelight-plugin --enable silverlight

          Next I was advised to install a Firefox plugin, which I did but cannot remember its name. It was necessary, I was told, to have Silverlight be misled that I was a Linux application. It was supposed to signal the screen that says what system is required and by letting Silverlight think my OS was Windows not Linux.

          I have tried several search requests to try to find the site again, but have been unsuccessful. The Firefox plugin did not work, so here I am.

          Is your system working with "Netflix Desktop"? Apparently Pipelight is the cure, but I must have made another mistake in my effort.

          By the way, my Windows 7 application has been taken over by a tenatious virus. Two different virus protection applications and AdAware have been unable to remove it, so currently I am unable to access Netflix on my Windows 7 app. Dark clouds and rain, I guess.

          Last edited by Snowhog; Jun 27, 2015, 11:55 AM.


            Hello, all,

            I'm joining this thread rather than starting another one because my concern relates to this one, and this one isn't closed.

            I'm trying to get the info. from Free Stockcharts, but when I click "Run free version," I get an error page that says I have to have Silverlight installed (it appears not to know that Linux exists). I looked for a Silverlight adaptation and found/installed Pipelight from, but I couldn't get into that site to ask what might be my problem w/o using Google's login protocol, which requires me to let them see my entire personal info. Won't do it. (I see no evidence that it's installed except for using "Find files/folders" to find its files. It displays them and it (pipelight) appears to be installed correctly.) But I still can't get the site to display. What's wrong, what do I need to do?

            Btw, I have Chromium and Opera installed also, and this page doesn't work in either of them, either.

            I sure will appreciate any help I can get, hopefully that will get me into that site's free version.

            Last edited by RLynwood; Jun 27, 2015, 11:46 AM.


              Originally posted by RLynwood View Post
              I'm trying to get the info. from Free Stockcharts, but when I click "Run free version," I get an error page that says I have to have Silverlight installed (it appears not to know that Linux exists).
              The Web's Best Streaming Realtime Stock Charts - Free!

              A full-featured charting and technical analysis platform right in your browser. Windows or Mac. <<< NOT Linux
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
                ... in your browser. Windows or Mac. <<< NOT Linux
                Yes, from their side, but foss devs commonly have to write "workarounds"/reverse-engineered solutions for such situations. Pipelight is supposed to be one such. I'm hoping someone here knows how to make it work--in general, i.e., for Netflix, Free Stockcharts, and all other proprietary utilities that normally require Silverlight.
                Last edited by RLynwood; Jun 27, 2015, 01:12 PM.


                  It has been many years since I traded in stocks, my current mind is insufficient to handle the analysis, however, your inquiry into my post inspired me to take a look at what is offered and what may help you.

                  I saw an interesting and comprehensive in appearance stock analysis which is open source called iTrade. It seems to cover all the analysis options. It may be of interest to you. I further downloaded the application and went to a tutorial produced by iTrade. I did not do any real research, however it looked to be daily in their refresh rate of data, and perhaps even real time. That would be quite terrific if offered, but since I don't know your goals, I don't know if daily is often enough for what you are considering.

                  When I was trading, I got an education in option trading. It was fun, and allowed you gain and lose lots of money very fast. I remember trading Dish and doing terrifically for quite a while, but I got cocky trading and got caught up in thinking I was pretty smart. I lost all the gains faster than I gained them. I realized it may be a choice for a smarter person and got out of the market, while I still had some capital.

                  It still excites me to study the data, but I won't pay for the tools that are necessary to play the game any more. iTrade may provide tools in a current and acceptable level. I am going to look into it. I would like to trade without actually putting money at risk to see if I may have the talent. I suppose I could think about trading again. Being older I am less likely to be so aggressive and might do well at a slower rate of earning. Good luck. I really think you have as good a chance learning and playing Texas Holdem. The following is an experience I had while playing Texas Holdem. Don't waste your time reading it, unless something I have said touched you. It is accurate and may be useful in your decision to trade in the market. I really don't see much difference in the two experiences. It is kind of like chess and backgammon, intellectual yet competitive in the play.

                  I learned Texas Holdem game on the Facebook application. It got to the point were I had accumulated over $82,000,000 in winnings after about 4 years experience. I was offered $15,000 in start-up chips and never bought any chips all the time I played. They would sell you chips at a very low cost to play, but you could never exchange them for any profit.

                  They encouraged foolish betting methods to the players who took the bait, because the chips were so cheap. Players did not seem to consider it a loss to lose $20 or so at a time. I think you could buy about a million for that cost; I don't really remember, because I never made a purchase.

                  It took a while for me to understand what the Facebook game was about. I did not like the fact that they produced so many ways to get cheap chips to and from the players. It was obvious that they were trying to stimulate the greed aspect of play and were happy with taking money in what I consider an unethical manner from people internationally. I could see that their cheap chip sales would generate a lot of money for the producers, which I have no objection, I just hate their efforts to stimulate players into foolish play motivated by a lust for profit and greed.

                  After a while, I got to know some of the daily players. Occasionally, I would be playing with someone new, interesting, and friendly. When I saw his game was using the recommendations of the House and steadily losing his chips. I would offer to help him with a bit of instruction. There was no ego involved; I simply was sharing what I learned in how to win consistently and wanted to share it with others.

                  Most of the time the players were offended and would get a little roudy; they did not like anyone thinking they knew more than they and would hassle me while I posted recommendations in the chat window. I did not feel smarter than them, I just felt the need to help, when it was obvious a nice person was getting trapped by greed.

                  Nevertheless, when the winning cycle changed for those who listened, it became more acceptable and most at the table were grateful.

                  I remember a fellow who had friended my site, had lost several millions in purchased chips, and who started to take advice. We played every day for about a month. He finally accumulated over $32,000,000 in that month. He was far better at figuring the odds than I and as long as he followed the same methods of betting was on a continued winning streak at a much faster rate than my own.

                  After a while we lost touch and I did not see him at play for quite a while. When I did, I noticed that he had lost all his chips. I noticed because you can see the progress and/or losses for those who friended your account.

                  I even gave him $500,000 in start-again chips to help him recover, but I am pretty sure he got caught up if some of the more wreckless methods of play and was embarrassed to reconnect. It was too bad, for me, because while we traded, I took pleasure in his growth. Truly, while he was playing conservatively, he was much smarter and better than I.

                  After a time, people complained to Facebook, according to Facebook anyway, and Facebook would either steal chips from my bank or they would make my site be buggy. Since this only happened after a successful tutorial with a player, and when the tables other players in that game would start to take notice and make inquiries, it didn't take me long to understand that there must have been some kind of impact on Facebook objectives. Nonetheless, I continued to play. I think my IP was put into a kind of tickler when I played, so that when I was giving advice a Facebook monitor could corrupt my play and chat. I heard that as a possibility from others who did what I did to help the hopeless losers.

                  Over a period a year, I estimate that Facebook punished me to the tune of about $150,000,000 in chips. I also gave several millions to other players, which was certainly in conflict with the wishes of Facebook. It is just an estimate, and probably conservative rather than accurate, but I don't think an exageration, the chips that were taken by Facebook.

                  The most Facebook reduced my bank was $13,000,000 in a single day, after teaching one of their betters. Eventually, I got tired of seeing my continually growing bank being regularly reduced, when I was trying to help others. I decided to discontinue play. I wasn't broke at the time, I still had over $79,000,000 in chips, never having to purchase a single chip, but that number had been $82,000,000 just before the lesson ended. My bank's continued growth was my pleasure. I had no delusions of being anything special as a better player or person, and I never got caught up in the greed and foolish play, and playing daily with players who played daily produced a lot of experience, so I always felt I was probably a pretty good Holdem player and would probably be a winner if played in the real games where money was at risk.

                  I think the only reason I did not try some penny-ante game available in the community, was my experience when I did so well trading options in the market, before my fall. Even though I ended up with more than I lost in that market, the amount I lost happened so fast, it was similar to what I see in the big-time Holdem games. Someone may win millions in just a few days, but to do so, others have to lose a lot in a very short time. I am too old to experience that again.

                  You sound like a young gambler. I thought my little story might discourage you if that is what is happening.

                  Most of the big players do not keep all their winnings. Those that do, never risk as much as those who don't. In fact, when you watch a game on TV and you only see the big winning hands, you don't realize how many hands the big players Pass to keep from foolish risky play. In the market, the same happens as far as I can see.

                  I get emails daily from Facebook and Poker Stars and the like trying to entice me back. They like having big winners in constant play. With Facebook I agreed on the condition they put the $150,000,000 back in my account; they haven't, and I haven't played again and won't.

                  I really don't understand why they want me back. When I was teaching the play, I always told the truth about the crooked advice coming from the game owners. I called them thieves and cheaters all the time. But apparently enough people read the post I made when I left the game to have an affect on them wanting me back.

                  I suspect the only reason they do not return what they stole was an anticipation that I would even throw that in their face in the chat window. I would do that too. I played the game many years, many hours, each day, and I thought it might be more difficult to quit than it was. I have never missed it a bit.

                  Another reason they did what they did is because I would often send chips to players that lost big to me, so they wouldn't have to buy what I won from them. I did this to the tune of $500,000 per week per player, which was the maximum that Facebook would permit, per player that is.

                  It would be fun to actually know the amount my bank should show. And by the way, I never got into the games that were really motivated by greed. $100,000/200,000 games. I suspect I would have done well, but I would have been playing with greed motivated players; I didn't like the environment.

                  I enjoyed the chat and usually played in the $100/200 or $200,400 game or sometimes the next level or two, but I enjoyed the chat more in the lower level games. In eight hours of play, I would usually average about $1,000,000 a day in winnings. In the days I lost, I would quit at $200,000 to $300,000, because the reliable averages were not in play, and I do not like to practice losing. I don't remember losing 2 days in a row in all the time I played. I am sure I did, but I don't remember it.

                  Originally posted by RLynwood View Post
                  Yes, from their side, but foss devs commonly have to write "workarounds"/reverse-engineered solutions for such situations. Pipelight is supposed to be one such. I'm hoping someone here knows how to make it work--in general, i.e., for Netflix, Free Stockcharts, and all other proprietary utilities that normally require Silverlight.


                    Hello, Shabakthanai,

                    Your post is interesting. I'd like to talk with you by personal message. I'm not sure I can do that; I'll try. iTrade doesn't look at all like what I want. The FreeStockcharts site I understand provides real-time stock quotes; that's the biggest thing I want but if I could use their charting features, even on their site, I might do that, too. My post, however, was about getting Pipelight working. That has multiple benefits. It should allow me to watch many kinds of streaming sources. Right now, I'm not interested in Netflix (not interested in Western entertainment, movies & such, but there may be some documentaries I'd want to watch), but I suppose I could get so.

                    No, I'm not young; most likely I'm older than you. But I am aggressively oriented but in as nearly conservative way as possible. At this point I'm not sure exactly how I'll proceed.

                    I appreciate all of your post, especially your attitude. That's mainly why I'd like to talk with you out of this forum.

                    I'll stop here and see if I can PM you.



                      These are the official pipelight installation instructions for Ubuntu


                      You also need to use a Firefox extension to spoof your browser's User-Agent string. I use UAControl.


                        Those are the instructions I followed, and I gave that link in my original request for help.
                        But they didn't say anything about the necessity of a browser agent-spoofing extension. Thanks. I've just installed UAControl. But it seems to require--what? a User Agent string? What, exactly, is that? I guess that's what tells the inquiring site what OS one's using, right? What is the string I need to enter to tell it I'm using Windows, and what version?

                        "... a Fx extension to spoof my browser's User-Agent string." Isn't Firefox my browser?

                        It looks like the Fx extension to spoof my browser's--isn't Firefox my browser?--User-Agent string.


                          At the top of this page, select 'private messages' of the second portion of dark background with light print. It will take you to that place where you can talk to members privately. You will find a message from me either there or in your own profile area, I believe.

                          I can't remember how I found private messages before, but if you choose my first method, it should provide what you want.

                          Later friend Shab

                          Originally posted by RLynwood View Post
                          Hello, Shabakthanai,

                          Your post is interesting. I'd like to talk with you by personal message. I'm not sure I can do that; I'll try. iTrade doesn't look at all like what I want. The FreeStockcharts site I understand provides real-time stock quotes; that's the biggest thing I want but if I could use their charting features, even on their site, I might do that, too. My post, however, was about getting Pipelight working. That has multiple benefits. It should allow me to watch many kinds of streaming sources. Right now, I'm not interested in Netflix (not interested in Western entertainment, movies & such, but there may be some documentaries I'd want to watch), but I suppose I could get so.

                          No, I'm not young; most likely I'm older than you. But I am aggressively oriented but in as nearly conservative way as possible. At this point I'm not sure exactly how I'll proceed.

                          I appreciate all of your post, especially your attitude. That's mainly why I'd like to talk with you out of this forum.

                          I'll stop here and see if I can PM you.



                            just a FYI ,,,,,, you do not half to do any of this pipelight stuff just for netflix ,,,,,,the google chrome browser supports netflix out the box .

                            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                            16GB RAM
                            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                              Thanks Vinny, I already did that so that I can connect with Netflix, but since google when public, I don't like to use them other than as a search engine. I hate the commercialism that is entering the Linux area of the Internet. Google, like Facebook, is always prying into your personal information and trying to become an intimate part of your life. I have relatives and don't want any electronic, non-human ones. I continue to admire your intelligence and thank you for taking the time to respond. I will only keep this post alive until I have tried the latest advice.


                              Originally posted by vinnywright View Post
                              just a FYI ,,,,,, you do not half to do any of this pipelight stuff just for netflix ,,,,,,the google chrome browser supports netflix out the box .


