E: Malformed line 57 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (absolute dist)
E: The list of sources could not be read.
First Google started to work poorly, very slow to move from link to link. Next, Netflix just stopped working.
When I enter: sudo apt-get update, I get the above error entry.
I am very confused about what is going on and need help, but I really do not know what question to ask. Can anyone help me from what I have written in this post?
Has Google search become very slow for everyone? Thanks!
E: The list of sources could not be read.
First Google started to work poorly, very slow to move from link to link. Next, Netflix just stopped working.
When I enter: sudo apt-get update, I get the above error entry.
I am very confused about what is going on and need help, but I really do not know what question to ask. Can anyone help me from what I have written in this post?
Has Google search become very slow for everyone? Thanks!