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Sharing on windows network problem

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    Sharing on windows network problem

    Dear friends Hi!

    I am trying to share my Kububtu system on a windoze network without success. Networking seems to be ok since from my linux conputer i can see the windoze computers belonging to the specified workgroup (MSHOME).

    Basically I tried to follow the suggestions under the link:

    however, i am not sure that I succesfully cretaed the “public” folder since I can't find it anywhere using konqueror. One other big problem for me is that I quite don't understand how to act as root or as a user. During the above procedure I managed to create some new files (like: smb.conf_backup or smb.conf~) which I want to delete now but it seems that I can't. When I start Konqueror normally, it won't let me delete them. When I do (kdesu konqueror) it appears that konqeror bring me to a different location since I can't see any files hard discs or partitions under the storage media.

    Any help very much appreciated.

    Re: Sharing on windows network problem

    When you start Konq as root with kdesu, you wind up in root's howm directory which is called (amazingly) /root/. In order to find the files you want to remove you have to navigate back to wherever you put them.


      Re: Sharing on windows network problem

      Yeah, thanks very much askrieger, I figured that out after playing around a few days and reading how to use shell commands. However, I am still having the network problem. No matter what I try, I can't see the Linux computer on the Windows network. Isn't there any article explaining Linux networking basics?


        Re: Sharing on windows network problem

        hi bodiless, i'm new to kubuntu too, but i've just managed to set up networking with windows xp pro. I looked at
        and also

        I was surprised to find that despite being to view window shares, samba wasn't installed.

        Anyway this what I basically did:

        I installed samba from konsole with with apt-get install samba, created a shared folder.

        Made basic adjustments to the samba configuration sudo kwrite /etc/samba/smb.conf such as adding workgroup name etc.

        Then I created a user for sharing sudo adduser username , created samba user with the same name sudo smbpasswd -a username and finally restarted samba sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart and bingo I could see shared folders on my linux box.


          Re: Sharing on windows network problem

          Hi hugh, thanks very much for your help.
          Following your suggestions I managed to set up networking with windows xp. That was really nice to see. I had another problem though, during all my previous attempts, it seems that I messed up with folders, permissions and file editing. Also, after establishing networking firestarter, which I installed previously, started to cause me problems. Amongst others, it was asking me to logon as root at start up which was pretty annoying! I couldn’t get round this problem with firestarter so I decided to do a fresh installation with the live cd. But the computer would not boot any more from the live cd and after many different attempts windows xp also crashed! I ended up restoring windows xp, formatting again the partition where kubuntu was installed and also started to download the 6.06.1 release since even after formatting the old live cd refused to boot.

          Hopefully tomorrow things will go better. I’ll let you know.

