I have been trying to take advice in a post and am getting very confused how to access Root Actions Servicemenu in Dolphin. After installing the Root Actions Servicemenu, and before I left that download page, I ran across a Kmail attachment feature that sounded good. It instructed the below, but I am not knowledgeable here and do not know where to find the "send-attach.desktop" to put it into the KDE services folder. If this is a command line action, I don't know how to do that. Thanks if you are willing to help me. Any further help in understanding how to find and use the Root Actions Servicemenu, now that it is installed, would be appreciated.
The instruction for installing the Kmail feature is as follows:
"Move send-attach.desktop into your KDE services folder. This is usually located in ~/.kde/share/kde4/services." Thanks!
The instruction for installing the Kmail feature is as follows:
"Move send-attach.desktop into your KDE services folder. This is usually located in ~/.kde/share/kde4/services." Thanks!