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How to get root in Kubuntu through Knoppix (Grub is broken)

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    How to get root in Kubuntu through Knoppix (Grub is broken)

    OK, I moved my Linux partitions around and when I boot Grub immediately gets an error. I'm hoping that changing menu.lst to point to the new partition will take care of it.

    The problem is that I am in Knoppix right now. I can't figure out how to get root in my Kubuntu installation so I can get write access on the menu.lst file.

    Any other suggestions?

    Re: How to get root in Kubuntu through Knoppix (Grub is broken)

    OK, I used ultimate boot disc to repair Grub to the point that I can at least boot into Windows again. So at least I have my computer back in some form. My question still stand though, what would be the best way to be able to edit grub to point to the new partition?

    Thanks for any help.


      Re: How to get root in Kubuntu through Knoppix (Grub is broken)

      I've done it with DSL, which is based on Knoppix so this should work.

      Boot with your livecd (Knoppix/whatever), but check the options to boot to console, it's easier that way.
      $ sudo su
      # mkdir mnt/ubuntu
      # mount /dev/<hd with /> /mnt/ubuntu
      # mount /dev/<hd with /boot if needed> /mnt/ubuntu/boot
      # mount -o bind /dev /mnt/ubuntu/dev
      # mount -o bind /proc /mnt/ubuntu/proc 
      # chroot /mnt/ubuntu /bin/bash
      You are now in your k/ubuntu instal as root
      # grub
      grub> root=(hd0,0)  
      the above is for your /boot being on the first partiton of the first drive, adjust accordingley
      grub> setup (hd0)
      installs grub to the drive you specify, you can choose the mbr (hd0), or a partition (hd0,0)
      grub> quit


        Re: How to get root in Kubuntu through Knoppix (Grub is broken)

        Thank you for the help, I have a few questions:

        # grub
        grub> root=(hd0,0)
        the above is for your /boot being on the first partiton of the first drive, adjust accordingley
        I only have one hard drive, and Kubuntu is on the 4th partition, how would that look for the (hdx,x) part?

        grub> setup (hd0)
        installs grub to the drive you specify, you can choose the mbr (hd0), or a partition (hd0,0)
        grub> quit
        I belive by default Grub would have been installed on the mbr since I started with already having a Window's instal? So I should run this with the mbr option?


          Re: How to get root in Kubuntu through Knoppix (Grub is broken)

          I mounted the partition that has Kubuntu but then I get this:

          root@0[mnt]# mount /dev/hda4 with /boot if needed> /mnt/kubuntu/boot
          bash: /mnt/kubuntu/boot: Is a directory
          Is that normal? If I proceed from there when I get into grub and set root=(hd0,4) it says:
          Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x7

          Then it can't mount hd0 for the mbr install.

          Clearly I ran into a problem somewhere


            Re: How to get root in Kubuntu through Knoppix (Grub is broken)

            Originally posted by voltronguy
            I mounted the partition that has Kubuntu but then I get this:

            root@0[mnt]# mount /dev/hda4 with /boot if needed> /mnt/kubuntu/boot
            bash: /mnt/kubuntu/boot: Is a directory
            Is that normal?  If I proceed from there when I get into grub and set root=(hd0,4) it says:
            Filesystem type unknown, partition type 0x7

            Then it can't mount hd0 for the mbr install.

            Clearly I ran into a problem somewhere
            The you only need to mount /boot if you have a seperate boot partiton fot kubuntu

