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Installed Kubuntu 14.04. W7 onboard. No dual boot option .Just boots to w7

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    Installed Kubuntu 14.04. W7 onboard. No dual boot option .Just boots to w7

    Hi. I installed Kubuntu 14.04 on my HP 4530s Probook with Windows 7 onboard as well.. Made its own partition and installed ok. After reboot , i didnt get any boot option and W7 loads up. In windows i can see the diminnished size of the windows partition but no Kubuntu partition is evident. I had installed Kubuntu from a bootable DVD.
    Any help greatly appreciated.

    it sounds like the bootloader "grub" got installed to the wrong place ,,,,did you notis where it was going to be installed ?

    it should have goon to /sda not sda1 or 2 or3 ect ect

    first I would check to see if it is installed and just auto booting win ,,,,,,,,,as soon as you power up the box start taping the shift key ,,,,,if grub is set "hiden" this will make it show.

    next if you would like to just reinstall grub to the right place (assuming it wint to the wrong place) fire up your liveDVD and click try kubuntu ,,,,,when you get to the desktop open a konsole and post the output of
    sudo parted -l
    this will show your partition layout and /dev/sdx number layout whitc we will need to tell grub where the install /boot files are.

    OR you could just reinstall ,,,,,,chose the "manual" partitioning option and point the install to the existing kubuntu partition ,,,,,,making sure you chose /dev/sda or just sda as the install place for grub ,,,,,,,,,,,it is at the bottom of the partitioning window in the installer ,,,,,,just a small drop down selection box ..........IMO it shold be a bit more conspicuous than a small drop down at the bottom of the screen ,,, but hay ,,, one should be taking care and reading all during a install

    Last edited by vinnywright; Sep 17, 2014, 03:53 PM.
    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
    16GB RAM
    Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


      Thanks heaps. There was problems with partitioning. I used partition magic to delete a partition i had made earlier and the one kubuntu install had created by resizing the Windows 7 partition out to maximum which wiped the Kubuntu install. Then re-installed Kubuntu again and all is now good.
      Thanks for your reply


        Original Poster should mark this thread as "Solved" if so be.

