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fstrim questions - what SSD manufactures does it work with and re-building initramfs

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    fstrim questions - what SSD manufactures does it work with and re-building initramfs

    I have been looking into trim and SSD and would like to get some clarification if possible.

    From a thread here I learned fstrim is run in a weekly crontab but it only works on certain drives as the comment states:
    lee@lee-kdeU:~$ cat /etc/cron.weekly/fstrim
    # call fstrim-all to trim all mounted file systems which support it
    set -e
    # This only runs on Intel and Samsung SSDs by default, as some SSDs with faulty
    # firmware may encounter data loss problems when running fstrim under high I/O
    # load (e. g. You can append the
    # --no-model-check option here to disable the vendor check and run fstrim on
    # all SSD drives.
    exec fstrim-all
    Question: Is there a list of drives that this should or should not work on somewhere? Is there a test that can be done?

    Switching directions slightly:
    Assuming I can safely run fstrim on my drives, do I need to re-build initramfs as stated in the following blog near the bottom.
    Or is this unnecessary as it does not seem to be part of the /etc/cron.weekly/fstrim crontab on Kubuntu.