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How do I "Delete" a message in Kmail without having to confirm that I want to do it?

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    How do I "Delete" a message in Kmail without having to confirm that I want to do it?

    I just installed Kmail, and a new wrinkle has been added. I like a "Delete" choice on my Toolbar. In the past I have had the option to NOT confirm I want to delete an item in Kmail. That is precisely how I want to delete items in Kmail or any other Kubuntu application. Forced confirmation is a holdover from Windows that really annoys me. When I say something, that is what I mean. I do not like to have to repeat myself when my desire is clear. I don't care if I make a mistake and remove something I later wish I had not deleted. I dislike more that I have to confirm that I mean what I say every time I remove something. I much prefer taking responsibility for my own mistakes and not have others make my decisions for me.

    Thanks! Sorry if I present an attitude, but occasionally Kubuntu thinks they know better what people should have. This is a case of that kind of situation. Thunderbird provides the ability to delete without confirmation; I prefer Kmail in all other respects, however, if I have to confirm my wishes, I will remove Kmail and accept the otherwise less desirable mail program. Thanks!

    Dude... don't tempt fate. If you want to avoid prompts, then use the Move to Trash button. You can -- and eventually you will -- retrieve accidentally deleted messages this way. It's just like how Dolphin prefers to move "deleted" files to its trash can. Periodically you'll want to empty the trash in KMail.

    From what I can tell, the true delete functions want to raise a consent prompt. However, you can change this. Select an item, press Shift+Del, and observe:

    Yes, you can turn off the consent prompt by selecting "Do not ask again." But think about this: the Del key is not exactly sitting way out in the middle of nowhere. It's surrounded by other keys. Do you ever make typing mistakes? Of course you do. We all press the wrong keys sometimes. Why would you ever want to create a situation where an accidental slip of the finger can permanently wipe out one or an entire batch of messages? DON'T DO IT!


      First of all, asking for confirmation for actions that can't be easily undone is a sane UI default, not a "holdover from windows". That being said, you don't have to use or like defaults, that's why you can change them.

      Kmail has two delete actions, delete-to-trash (del) and delete-bypassing-trash (shift-del), both of these can be put into the toolbar.

      There are a couple of ways you can accomplish not asking for confirmation, the first one being safer and the second one seems to be what you're asking:
      1. Delete-to-trash doesn't ask for confirmation, and it's safer (if you want, you can configure kmail to automatically empty the trash when you exit...that way you don't have to empty the trash, but you can still recover accidentally deleted messages
      2. For Delete-bypassing-trash, you can tick the box "Do not ask again" in the confirmation dialog

      EDIT: damn, Steve is fast, beat me to it again.


        I'll say he is! I was checking out an article written in 2011, and updated this July, on installing NSF on two computers, the best I've read on the topic, so they can mutually share files, and guess who posted a msg correcting three steps in the process?
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


          It is a flaw in my character. For a long while I had a nickname "Salty"; it was because I was a stickler for not liking to repeat myself. It stood for Salted Word, saying things you do not have to apologize. Saying what you mean and meaning what you say. I can't say why I was so bothered by it, but when people respond with "do you really mean that" or "are you sure", it used to anger me. It was an annoying dance with words. "I wouldn't have said it, if I didn't mean it." Unfortunately, it wasn't unreasonable for people to challenge me, any more than the safety argument to confirm a serious matter being more correct. Still, it is one of those things that remains a burr in my saddle, an itch that is too deep to scratch. So where it doesn't affect anyone but me, I prefer to avoid the irritation. I wish I hadn't asked, I already appear dumb enough. Guess I'll do it your way.

          Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
          Dude... don't tempt fate. If you want to avoid prompts, then use the Move to Trash button. You can -- and eventually you will -- retrieve accidentally deleted messages this way. It's just like how Dolphin prefers to move "deleted" files to its trash can. Periodically you'll want to empty the trash in KMail.

          From what I can tell, the true delete functions want to raise a consent prompt. However, you can change this. Select an item, press Shift+Del, and observe:

          Yes, you can turn off the consent prompt by selecting "Do not ask again." But think about this: the Del key is not exactly sitting way out in the middle of nowhere. It's surrounded by other keys. Do you ever make typing mistakes? Of course you do. We all press the wrong keys sometimes. Why would you ever want to create a situation where an accidental slip of the finger can permanently wipe out one or an entire batch of messages? DON'T DO IT!


            What others may think or not think about anothers needs isn't important. That you want/need something is what matters. You need not apologize for being yourself.
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Yes, he is fast and accurate.

              Responding to your comment, I actually thought it was a holdover from Windows. My life experiences have caused me to think quite differently from how the logical masses do. Many times I regret that. I will yield to your collective wisdom, keeping in mind that it would be like pissing into the wind to not do so.

              Not meaning to talk improperly, the term "pissing into the wind" is a Biblical term. Some translators enter the comment as pressing against a wall (like banging your head against a wall), however the most ancient texts quite literally translate the phrase "pissing into the wind", which more or less means the same thing, with a more sure mind image.

              It looks like "Delete to trash" solves my weirdness quite well, especially since the trash empties without further effort. Boy I sound lazy.

              Originally posted by kubicle View Post
              First of all, asking for confirmation for actions that can't be easily undone is a sane UI default, not a "holdover from windows". That being said, you don't have to use or like defaults, that's why you can change them.

              Kmail has two delete actions, delete-to-trash (del) and delete-bypassing-trash (shift-del), both of these can be put into the toolbar.

              There are a couple of ways you can accomplish not asking for confirmation, the first one being safer and the second one seems to be what you're asking:
              1. Delete-to-trash doesn't ask for confirmation, and it's safer (if you want, you can configure kmail to automatically empty the trash when you exit...that way you don't have to empty the trash, but you can still recover accidentally deleted messages
              2. For Delete-bypassing-trash, you can tick the box "Do not ask again" in the confirmation dialog

              EDIT: damn, Steve is fast, beat me to it again.


                Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
                What others may think or not think about anothers needs isn't important. That you want/need something is what matters. You need not apologize for being yourself.
                Thanks for your understanding, but there was a period of my life when things were very violent; it affected how I think for 71 years. It is sometimes very embarrassing to realize how different I view things from good and decent people. The truth is, I am usually wrong with challenged, and it has taken me a lifetime to realize that fact. I am not ashamed of my wrong thinking, I am just sometimes embarrassed. Closing on the end of my life, I am trying to correct those things as much as possible.

                In a way it is unfortunate that it took me so long to realize the truth; many decisions have been costly, nevertheless when taking into consideration the life experience, it is pretty easy for those who think correctly to understand. I am so happy in this forum; I don't want to screw it up. The neat thing is, I finally understand why I think the way I do. I am a product of my life experiences. I really do say what I mean and mean what I say, so if it sounds corny at times, it is because it is corny. You guys are great.


                  Wow, I got so many replies before my first answer that it was difficult to respond fast enough. Hope I did not miss anyone or offend anyone. I did get your collective message, though and your advice is not wasted. I will do it your way.


                    Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
                    It is a flaw in my character.... Saying what you mean and meaning what you say. I can't say why I was so bothered by it, but when people respond with "do you really mean that" or "are you sure", it used to anger me. It was an annoying dance with words. "I wouldn't have said it, if I didn't mean it."... I wish I hadn't asked, I already appear dumb enough. Guess I'll do it your way.
                    You're being too hard on yourself. What you describe isn't a character flaw. I, too, bristle when people ask "Are you sure?" after I've made a statement about something. We all can say (or type) wrong things -- just look at the history here on KFN where I fscked up a reply and someone else points it out. But the "Are you sure?" replies during conversation usually intend to challenge a position I might hold about something where there can be popular disagreement. If I'm backing an argument with facts and someone challenges me, I will respond approproately.

                    You haven't appeared dumb in this thread, and there's no "your/my way" here to settle on. The "Are you sure?" consent dialog is a recognition that it's much easier to make accidental and very damaging mistakes with a computer. One can very quickly fall into a keyboarding rhythm and mentally switch over to autopilot, not really paying attention. I think consent dialogs for actions that can be destructive are very good things. This is not because the computer is challenging me about something I said, but instead is interrupting me because I'm very likely about to do a bad thing.

                    Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
                    Not meaning to talk improperly, the term "pissing into the wind" is a Biblical term. Some translators enter the comment as pressing against a wall (like banging your head against a wall), however the most ancient texts quite literally translate the phrase "pissing into the wind", which more or less means the same thing, with a more sure mind image.
                    1 Samuel 25:22, 1 Samuel 25:34, 1 Kings 14:10, 1 Kings 16:11, 1 Kings 21:21, 2 Kings 9:8 all make reference to "one who pisses against a wall." You will see this in the King James translation and some others from the same time period. My understanding is that this is a literal translation of a pejorative phrase used to disparage certain men by comparing their urinating behavior to that of dogs -- and dogs were considered by the Hebrews as unclean creatures. In the context of those verses this interpretation makes sense, because the referred-to group of men are being spoken of as enemies of god's people. I'm not aware of any ancient textual references to "pissing in the wind."

                    Of course, American preachers being the curious species they are, one can easily find material like the following. tl;dr: America is doomed if men start sitting down to pee.


                      You will not amaze me anymore. You are terrific. I became a Christian during mid-life. I have been alone most of my life except a short period of time I had with my wife and children.

                      When I was first a Christian about mid-life, and especially a few years back, I was motivated to study scripture. I don't remember when the words became a permanent memory. I have the memory that isn't too reliable anymore. Nevertheless, my recollection is that it was 'into the wind'. Because it stayed with me, it may be when I was confirming literal meaning using a concordance, perhaps Strong's, but it stayed with me.

                      I guess that it rang true, because the reference to fishermen is strong in the New Testament, and imaging just what would happen if you did piss into the wind, it would come back at you, and the fact that the hard times in our life are sometimes what we put out there coming back at us is why I have that memory, I think.

                      Shabakthanai is an Aramaic word. I have only seen it in the Lamsa Bible, a Bible in the language of the LORD. I guess I am trapped at times, when I come upon things that worry or excite me. Please do not hold me to the spelling, because I just don't know anymore, but in the King James Version of the Bible, Matthew 27:46 says, I believe, lama, lama sebakthanai, which is to say, DADDIE, DADDIE, why have you forsaken me. It is a translation, I believe from the Ancient Greek Text. But in Aramaic, the words sound similar but are not the same; the translation is different. It says, I believe, Lemana, Lemana, which is to say DADDIE, DADDIE, Shebakthanai, which translates as "for this reason I was reserved".

                      At the time it just plain gave me chills, the thought that the CHRIST confirmed His obedience to GOD completed, which made sense to me, based on His strength. If I am wrong, I still hope that I am forgiven, but with His strength of will and Righteousness and Obedience and Love suggesting a complaint to His FATHER, it just did not make any sense.

                      Due to things that happened to me as a child, I have never trusted anyone but my own children and grandchildren and, of course, GOD and HIS perfect Son, the CHRIST. I don't want it this way, it just is. I don't trust the preachers, or teachers of scripture and never have, yet I have a strong belief in GOD and Jesus, the CHRIST, and Fear too, I must add, because I am not very smart and am relying on my own reading and understanding of the scripture rather than the teachings of men.

                      A couple of years ago, I had a near death experience following a quad bi-pass surgery. It was totally supernatural like warfare between good and evil, and it appeared to me like I was being forewarned of going to hell.

                      Towards the end of the experience, and I was in a state of terror, I could hear my heart beating loudly. It was beating slower and slower and slower, until the beats were what seemed like almost a minute apart. When it appeared like they would finally stop, I looked down at myself in my bed and it looked like I was wrapped in this cream-white colored fabric, so pure and clean and soft, and a rush of warmth covered my whole body, and I could hear my heart returning to normal. I believe in my heart that it was GOD or the CHRIST or some responsible Angel telling me that at least for the moment I was still HIS. You'd think that after an experience like that I would stop screwing up, stop wrong thinking and the like, but stubborn old me I keep screwing up and making mistakes and hating the evil that enters my thoughts from time to time. I still have great trouble forgiving and having love for my siblings and parents. And I can't understand why GOD would allow me to stay on this earth for so long, and still keep filling my needs and wants and just plain keep me unless perhaps HE is showing HIS great MERCY. Maybe my life represents the last of HIS patience, I just don't know.

                      But you guys show me HE is still at least considering keeping me, by how HE has you helping me so generously. I thank HIM for you too. I realize that everyone has had rough times, and that I am belly-aching and unworthy for even the kindness you guys extend to me, and that my life represents a rather normal pain and sin life for many of the people of this planet, but I continue to hope that I am among those under the blanket of HIS mercy. I do want to live forever and to be pure of heart some day. You are much loved, in a GODly and appropriate way, my friend. May GOD Bless you all.
                      Last edited by Snowhog; Aug 16, 2014, 07:28 PM.

