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How do you install programs from source?

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    How do you install programs from source?

    I am totally new to Linux.
    When I have downlaoded and installled programs in the past, it has been very easy. I was using Windows then!! You downloaded the install program from the Net, clicked on it and it did everything for you. Not so with Linux I have discovered!!
    Now, I have downloaded a few things for Linux, but do not have a clue what the hell to do!
    I have tried downloading superkaramba for example, which is the widget type program for KDE.. I thought it would just be a simple installer like you get for Windows, but instead it downloads a tar (something like that!) file to my desktop, which I assume is a compressed file for Linux.
    What the hell do you do with that?
    The problem with Linux still is that unless you are an expert in computers or know someone who is, the average person who wants to try Linux does not stand a chance! Why don't Linux make it easier for people to simply install programs? Why is it such a hassle? For as long as this continues, Windows will always be the dominant OS.
    Anyway, enough of my rant, can someone please tell me what to do. The instructions I managed to find were very vague, it mentioned something about compiling the files??
    Can someone please give me a step by step guide on installing programs on Linux. Do I need some sort of compiler? If so, in simple terms, how do I get it?
    Thanks for all your help!! I appreciate it. I don't mind if I get more than one response, the more the better!

    Re: How do you install programs from source?
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: How do you install programs from source?

      One of the purposes of linux is to learn how everything is done. With linux there are way less viruses, because of the poorly written programs, backdoors. I was tired personally of of the system crashes, hogging the memory for each app I ran. Having to register my operating system everytime I had to do my computer.. After a certain # of installs calling microsoft to get a new reg code.. Being made to feel like I was an idiot because I had to get one. WIth windows you get easily but loose security with linux you get security but its not as easy to use as windows.

