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Help getting Genuis Tablet Working

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    Help getting Genuis Tablet Working

    Greetings everyone.

    Right, now I have a Genuis Easypen M610X Tablet connected to my Kunbutu desktop computer. It can respond and move the curser and click as well. But when I used it for Krita, it won't draw. I found that it wasn't Kunbutu alone has yet to make it compatible yet for my version of the tablet.
    I've installed wizardpen from the terminal to my computer, but my tablet still won't work nor will it show up on the Graphic Tablet tab from the Input Devices, System Setup.
    I also came upon some patches called DIGImend that said it will fix and get it to working. Here's the link
    But this is where I'm having the problem. I can't seem to figure out how to put the patch on to my kernal and I'm affraid to mess things up as I've managed to get it to working smoothly now.

    Here is more software info about my device for use based from the commands "lsusb" and "xinput list"
    ↳ Genius EasyPen M610X                      id=11   [slave  pointer  (2)]
    Bus 006 Device 002: ID 0458:5013 KYE Systems Corp. (Mouse Systems)
    Also here is my OS info:
    Version 14.04 64-bits
    KDE Platform Version 4.13.2
    GRUB Version: 0.97-29ubuntu66
    Kernal 3.13.0-32-generic
    ;this is the main operating system for my computer.
    It's not a dual boot, there are no other OS installed.

    I didn't think my PC hardware is that important for the situation I am having, other then it's a desktop computer. But if it is needed, I will edit that info in.

    If anyone can help me on how to install this or have another way to get the tablet to work, would be very appreciated.
    If more info is needed then what's provided, ask what I should get and I will provide it as best I can.
    Also, if there are any websites, books or other sources that I can look into to give me more info on what I'm doing to help me out would be greatly as well.

    Thanks to all that help.

    (Also, I did not know if this was the right place to post this question nor the right community, so apologizes in advance if not. I didn't see any similiar posts like this here on this forum as far for my situation.)