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Failed to transport message. Failed to execute mailer program

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    Failed to transport message. Failed to execute mailer program

    When I installed the recent Kmail application, I entered the correct settings for both sending and receiving. This is confirmed each time I attempt to send an email. Nevertheless, the email is rejected because the server doesn't receive the proper information.

    I copy and pasted what is written in the Title of this post from the rejected send email. The type is further enhanced by being printed in the color red, when it appears in the "reason for failure" email that I attempted to send.

    Notice that the sending address is indicated as This is incorrect; the correct address is Notice that the wrong send address has a "-" between "server" and "woh". It should be a period.

    I have checked the configuration which has the entry typed in properly. It doesn't make any sense, and there doesn't seem to be a way to correct the configuration error.

    I do not know how to correct using the terminal, however there must be a way to edit the improper setting or the ability to force the correct address. Thanks~

    What's the output of
    grep woh ~/.kde/share/config/mailtransports


      steven@Yeshuah-desktop:~$ grep woh ~/.kde/share/config/mailtransports

      Unless Time Warner changed their identity, the name line is accurate and the host line is not. It is a Road Runner account that has been the same for years. Thanks, friend.

      Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
      What's the output of
      grep woh ~/.kde/share/config/mailtransports


        In the mailtransportsfile, name is whatever friendly name you assigned to the outgoing account when you created it. It's what you type here:

        host is the host name of the mail server on the Internet. It's what you type here:

        In your situation, host is wrong: it has that hyphen between "server" and "woh" when it should really have a period there.

        Step-by-step to fix.

        1. In KMail, choose Settings -> Configure KMail. Select Accounts and then select the Sending tab.

        2. Select the account named Click the Rename button. The cursor will appear in the name field. Delete what's there and type RoadRunnerSMTP. Press Enter to save the new name. I'm having you change the name to something descriptive, rather than a duplicate of the mail server's host name, so that you can keep the two things separate in your mind.

        3. Now click the Modify button. In the Outoing mail server field, change that incorrect hyphen to a period. Click the OK button to close the Configure Account dialog. Click the OK button to close the Configure dialog.


          I had the configuration correct, but when I removed and re-entered the data, it worked. Thanks a lot my friend.

          Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
          In the mailtransportsfile, name is whatever friendly name you assigned to the outgoing account when you created it. It's what you type here:

          host is the host name of the mail server on the Internet. It's what you type here:

          In your situation, host is wrong: it has that hyphen between "server" and "woh" when it should really have a period there.

          Step-by-step to fix.

          1. In KMail, choose Settings -> Configure KMail. Select Accounts and then select the Sending tab.

          2. Select the account named Click the Rename button. The cursor will appear in the name field. Delete what's there and type RoadRunnerSMTP. Press Enter to save the new name. I'm having you change the name to something descriptive, rather than a duplicate of the mail server's host name, so that you can keep the two things separate in your mind.

          3. Now click the Modify button. In the Outoing mail server field, change that incorrect hyphen to a period. Click the OK button to close the Configure Account dialog. Click the OK button to close the Configure dialog.


            How you maintain patience with me is incredible, Steve. Thanks again. I hate that I can overlook such an easy fix over and over and over. Your help is so appreciated.

            Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
            I had the configuration correct, but when I removed and re-entered the data, it worked. Thanks a lot my friend.


              I like seeing people learn and doing what I can to help.

