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Some characters not showing up in konsole

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    Some characters not showing up in konsole

    After installing and customising Kubuntu 14.04 (adding packages, install printer driver, making some cosmetic changes, the things I usually do after installing a new release)
    I noticed that at some point my password was not recognised anymore when starting synaptics package manager.
    I then tried to install packages via the konsole commant sudo apt-get install, but it told me that my password is wrong.

    After some testing, it turns out that some characters from the top keyboard row don't show up in konsole and in password input boxes.
    in normal applications like a browser or kate, they show up fine.
    I use the Belgian keyboard layout, and the top keyboard characters are&é"'(§è!çà)-
    When I type these characters in a konsole window or in yakuake this is what shows up &"'(!)-
    I tried changing to the FR keyboard layout which is nearly the same as the BE keyboard, but the same thing happens.

    When I log in via a txt only console using ctrl-alt-F1, everything works correctly, the characters show up.
    this is how I was able to change my passwd to something that does not contain any of these characters

    Any idea why this is and how to solve it ?
    Or should I report this as a bug in Launchpad ?
    Je suis Charlie, how many more people have to die for religions
    linux user #447706 on
    A good place to start:
    Topic: Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs & Answers

    Check your keyboard model in System Settings -> input devices -> keyboard -> hardware to make sure you have the correct type of keyboard selected. There is a test area in at the bottom of the window where you can test the various models. In the same area, check in the layouts tab under configure layouts to make sure you have the correct layout selected for your language.

    A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. --Albert Einstein


      Originally posted by bweinel View Post
      Check your keyboard model in System Settings -> input devices -> keyboard -> hardware to make sure you have the correct type of keyboard selected. There is a test area in at the bottom of the window where you can test the various models. In the same area, check in the layouts tab under configure layouts to make sure you have the correct layout selected for your language.

      I did that and all characters come out ok.
      in 'normal' applications like a browser or a text editor they come out correct also.
      It is only in a konsole window or in a password input boxes where it goes wrong.
      Je suis Charlie, how many more people have to die for religions
      linux user #447706 on
      A good place to start:
      Topic: Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs & Answers


        Easy just run the following in terminal:

        1. sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales

        2.sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration

        3. dpkg-reconfigure tzdata.

        4. sudo shutdown -r now

        This should fix keyboard, display screen terminal , locales configs and hours related problems, just choose your correct country and keyboard (if in doubt always choose UTF-8 and your language.)

        Tell me how it wents, Im glad to help.


          No luck, there are some errors coming up, there seems to be something wrong with the locale settings or may be a missing package.
          I left the default language as US english, changed the country to Belgium, BE keyboard layout, generic 105 keys
          Any ideas on what is wrong here ?

          Here is the output of the commands:

          marc@bgc:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
          perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
          perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
          LANGUAGE = "en",
          LC_ALL = (unset),
          LC_PAPER = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_ADDRESS = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_MONETARY = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_NUMERIC = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_TELEPHONE = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_IDENTIFICATION = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_MEASUREMENT = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_TIME = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_NAME = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LANG = "en_BE.UTF-8"
          are supported and installed on your system.
          perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
          locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
          locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
          locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory
          Generating locales...
          de_BE.UTF-8... up-to-date
          en_AG.UTF-8... up-to-date
          en_AU.UTF-8... up-to-date
          en_BW.UTF-8... up-to-date
          en_CA.UTF-8... up-to-date
          en_DK.UTF-8... up-to-date
          en_GB.UTF-8... up-to-date
          en_HK.UTF-8... up-to-date
          en_IE.UTF-8... up-to-date
          en_IN.UTF-8... up-to-date
          en_NG.UTF-8... up-to-date
          en_NZ.UTF-8... up-to-date
          en_PH.UTF-8... up-to-date
          en_SG.UTF-8... up-to-date
          en_US.UTF-8... up-to-date
          en_ZA.UTF-8... up-to-date
          en_ZM.UTF-8... up-to-date
          en_ZW.UTF-8... up-to-date
          Generation complete.

          marc@bgc:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration
          perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
          perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
          LANGUAGE = "en",
          LC_ALL = (unset),
          LC_PAPER = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_ADDRESS = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_MONETARY = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_NUMERIC = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_TELEPHONE = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_IDENTIFICATION = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_MEASUREMENT = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_TIME = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_NAME = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LANG = "en_BE.UTF-8"
          are supported and installed on your system.
          perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
          locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
          locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
          locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory
          locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
          locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
          locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory
          locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
          locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
          locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory
          /usr/bin/locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
          /usr/bin/locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
          /usr/bin/locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory
          perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
          perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
          LANGUAGE = "en",
          LC_ALL = (unset),
          LC_TIME = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_MONETARY = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_ADDRESS = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_TELEPHONE = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_NAME = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_MEASUREMENT = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_IDENTIFICATION = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_NUMERIC = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_PAPER = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LANG = "en_BE.UTF-8"
          are supported and installed on your system.
          perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
          Your console font configuration will be updated the next time your system
          boots. If you want to update it now, run 'setupcon' from a virtual console.
          perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
          perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
          LANGUAGE = "en",
          LC_ALL = (unset),
          LC_TIME = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_MONETARY = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_ADDRESS = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_TELEPHONE = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_NAME = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_MEASUREMENT = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_IDENTIFICATION = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_NUMERIC = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_PAPER = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LANG = "en_BE.UTF-8"
          are supported and installed on your system.
          perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
          update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)
          Processing triggers for initramfs-tools (0.103ubuntu4.2) ...
          update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-30-generic

          marc@bgc:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
          perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
          perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
          LANGUAGE = "en",
          LC_ALL = (unset),
          LC_PAPER = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_ADDRESS = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_MONETARY = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_NUMERIC = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_TELEPHONE = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_IDENTIFICATION = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_MEASUREMENT = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_TIME = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LC_NAME = "en_BE.UTF-8",
          LANG = "en_BE.UTF-8"
          are supported and installed on your system.
          perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").
          locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
          locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
          locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory
          /usr/bin/locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
          /usr/bin/locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
          /usr/bin/locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory

          Current default time zone: 'Europe/Brussels'
          Local time is now: Fri Jul 11 16:33:59 CEST 2014.
          Universal Time is now: Fri Jul 11 14:33:59 UTC 2014.
          Je suis Charlie, how many more people have to die for religions
          linux user #447706 on
          A good place to start:
          Topic: Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs & Answers


            Ok looks like its not generating correctly the locales, no problem give a try this code:

            sudo locale-gen en_BE.UTF-8
            This might fix the problem, if after a restart keeps happening you will have to change the variables set in /etc/environment

            sudo nano /etc/environment
            should add or replace these entries with the following:



              Originally posted by kiraitachi View Post
              Ok looks like its not generating correctly the locales, no problem give a try this code:
              The changes you suggested did not solve the problem, but they put me on the right track.
              In system settings I replaced everything that has something to do with the current locale with something else and restarted the pc after each change.
              First changed everything to something completely different (country, keyboard, language)
              Then changed country back to BE, put back the BE keyboard layout --> still missing characters
              Changed the language to dutch --> this solved the problem, the missing characters are back

              Now I like my PC language to be in english as most ICT terminology is in EN and I would have trouble the terminology in dutch, so I changed the language back to US english,
              and the characters dissapeared again.

              This is strange because after installation I did not have this problem, and in previous linux versions I also used this combination of Country & Keyboard = BE and language = English
              Je suis Charlie, how many more people have to die for religions
              linux user #447706 on
              A good place to start:
              Topic: Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs & Answers


                Im glad you managed to fix the problem, this is the way you get to learn you´re stuff in linux, by fixing this kinda stuff

                Seems like when you changed the language to english the usuall prompt of language dictionaries and other stuff didn´t appear to you, so it didnt install the language support

                Anyway its fixed! good job.


                  Well it is not solved.

                  When I set the language back to English, the characters are no longer available.
                  As you said I did not see something popping up when changing languages.

                  I checked in synaptics, and language packs for English and dutch are installed.
                  Do you have an idea what could be missing ?
                  Je suis Charlie, how many more people have to die for religions
                  linux user #447706 on
                  A good place to start:
                  Topic: Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs & Answers

