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kubuntu 14.04 fresh install will not start

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    kubuntu 14.04 fresh install will not start

    Hi, all

    My son just installed kubuntu 14.04 alongside windows on an older Toshiba Tecra A6 laptop. kubuntu refuses to start after installation.
    I get logo up and nothing else happens. Pressing ESC gets me to the status page. Last entry is "cup-browsed".
    I can not get console up by pressing ALT-CTRL-F1 or any other combination. Screen switches, but seems that kubuntu does not boot to the point where login is displayed.

    Tried to boot into recovery mode. Enabling networking in recovery mode does not have proper setup for DNS, (there is no /etc/resolv.conf). While it is annoying, it is easily fixable.
    I then tried to do an update/upgrade and successfuly run an upgrade, hoping some package upgrade will help, but that did not help my issue.
    Reading the web, I found few references to possible issue with AMD graphics driver. While I do not beleive it is the case, I tried to unistall fglrx and found it was not installed. I then decided to try and install it.
    apt-get install fglrx eventually starts asking for a kubuntu 14.04 CD. Something along the lines "Media change. Put a kubuntu 14.04 disk into /cdrom/ and press enter". In recovery mode, there are no mount points for cdrom and no /dev/ entry for a device either, so it is quite problematic feeding it a disk.

    Anyway, if anyone can help, this will be much appreciated!


    The most common cause of this kind of problem is a bad download.
    Did you checksum the ISO after you downloaded it? How about the LiveCD after you burned it?
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.



      You were right -- installation glitch.
      Media was OK. I installed another laptop from same disk.
      Given that problem PC was a fresh install, I did not have anything to loose, so just re-installed from same disk and all is good now.



        You're welcome!
        (pssst- would you mark this thread solved so other can find your solution if they have a similar problem? Thanks!)
        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

