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Root Loggin: /usr/share/kde4/apps/ksplash/Themes - Question

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    Root Loggin: /usr/share/kde4/apps/ksplash/Themes - Question

    When I open Dolphin in Root to get the path located in the Title, I get the expected theme folders. I have also managed to include a .jpg of my preferred Splash .jpg. Additionally when I open the same location as User, I also get the expected theme folders, as well as, my preferred Splash .jpg.

    When I open the folder in "Systems Settings" to select my choice for Splash image, my preferred Splash .jpg does NOT appear.

    Both my monitors are 1920 x 1080, and the .jpg is 1920 x 1080. In the previous installation of 13.10, I was able to use this .jpg for my splash image. In the previous distribution I was able to use this image for my splash image.

    I read all the additional posts on my previous post that were entered after I marked my post as solved, and nothing was entered that could explain why my image would not be accepted, but I am sure I just did not understand the entries.

    I also noticed conversation about KDM, but that is an alternate to KWIN, isn't it? It doesn't apply to my Desktop, does it?

    Is there anything anyone can add that may help me get my preferred splash image to appear? Thanks!

    My Themes folder contains the following:

    Default, Minimalistic, None, Simple SimpleSmall and an image file, water-flame 4966-1920x1080 .jpg. Since the aspect of my chosen image file matches that of both my monitors, I don't understand why it is not included in the appropriate menu of the Systems Settings, so I can use it for my splash image. Additionally I do not remember all this difficulty getting included in the last installation of Kubuntu 13.10, 13.04rc, or 12.10rc, however memory is not my strong suit.

    You can't simply put an image in the Themes directory, as a ksplash theme is more than just a background.

    The system settings module does not look for images, it looks for the Theme.rc files in the subdirectories in the Themes directory to find what themes are available.

    You can examine the existing themes and then copy one you like as a differently named theme and modify it the way you like (like replacing the background image)...of course, when you change the name you also have to edit the Theme.rc to change the Theme name accordingly.

    Instead of /usr/share/kde4/apps/ksplash/Themes, you can also copy your theme directory to $HOME/.kde/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/ which makes it easier to edit things (as you don't need root privileges).

    Also, the preview image that system settings shows is the Preview.png file included in a theme, it isn't dynamically updated to show the actual background of the theme (if that is changed).

    KDM is a display manager, and not an alternative to Kwin (which is a window manager), and ksplash is separate from either of those.
    Last edited by kubicle; May 22, 2014, 05:38 AM.


      I am sorry about that, but I still have been unable to fix the problem, while I have even not had the problem in the exact same distribution previously. I may have to live with it, but is really screws up the aesthetics of my system. As beautiful as the design is, it is incompatible with my Login and Desktop background. Thanks!

      Do I have to make a "Themerc" file for my custom image? Isn't that an OS created file? In my $HOME/.kde/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/, the folder "ksplash" isn't even offered, so I can't add my image.
      Originally posted by kubicle View Post
      You can't simply put an image in the Themes directory, as a ksplash theme is more than just a background.

      The system settings module does not look for images, it looks for the Theme.rc files in the subdirectories in the Themes directory to find what themes are available.

      You can examine the existing themes and then copy one you like as a differently named theme and modify it the way you like (like replacing the background image)...of course, when you change the name you also have to edit the Theme.rc to change the Theme name accordingly.

      Instead of /usr/share/kde4/apps/ksplash/Themes, you can also copy your theme directory to $HOME/.kde/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/ which makes it easier to edit things (as you don't need root privileges).

      Also, the preview image that system settings shows is the Preview.png file included in a theme, it isn't dynamically updated to show the actual background of the theme (if that is changed).

      KDM is a display manager, and not an alternative to Kwin (which is a window manager), and ksplash is separate from either of those.


        Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
        I am sorry about that, but I still have been unable to fix the problem, while I have even not had the problem in the exact same distribution previously. I may have to live with it, but is really screws up the aesthetics of my system. As beautiful as the design is, it is incompatible with my Login and Desktop background. Thanks!

        Do I have to make a "Themerc" file for my custom image? Isn't that an OS created file?
        Yes, if you want to make a complete theme (one that ksplash can recognize) you need to include the theme file...easiest way is to copy an existing theme and edit to your preferences. Theoretically, you can also replace the background image of an existing theme, but if you do that in an existing theme in /usr, it will be overwritten with upgrades to the theme packages.

        Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
        In my $HOME/.kde/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/, the folder "ksplash" isn't even offered, so I can't add my image.
        You can create the directory if it does not exist.


          I am getting very frustrated and probably causing damage to my computer. You said I can create a new directory. Is ksplash a directory? Is Themes a directory?

          I made a folder in the ksplash ?directory?, however there is no Themes ?directory? If I try to put anything in them, the computer says they do not exist.

          This is where I made the folders or directories?:

          /home/steven/.kde/share/apps/ksplash/Themes. ksplash and Themes were made by me. I even attempted to create a Themesrc for Water-flame, the image I want for splash. You suggested editing an existing theme. I tried with None, thinking I damage less if I did it wrong.

          I do not know if any of this is to be done in kate or kdesudo kate. And if kdesudo kate, what are the chances I can really screw things up using an editor I am unfamiliar?

          If you are willing to help me in a more newbie way, I would appreciate it. Thanks!

          Originally posted by kubicle View Post
          Yes, if you want to make a complete theme (one that ksplash can recognize) you need to include the theme file...easiest way is to copy an existing theme and edit to your preferences. Theoretically, you can also replace the background image of an existing theme, but if you do that in an existing theme in /usr, it will be overwritten with upgrades to the theme packages.

          You can create the directory if it does not exist.


            "Directory" means the same as "folder".

            Here are the steps to create your own theme and modify it with your own background:

            1. Create the theme directory in your $HOME
            mkdir -p ~/.kde/share/apps/ksplash/Themes
            2. Copy the existing Default theme in your $HOME under a different name (MyTheme)
            cp -r /usr/share/kde4/apps/ksplash/Themes/Default ~/.kde/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/MyTheme
            3. Edit the Theme.rc file in your modified theme:
            kate ~/.kde/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/MyTheme/Theme.rc
            (Edited parts in bold...the "MyTheme" is the important part, others you may edit as you please)
            [KSplash Theme: MyTheme]
            Name = My Edited Theme
            Description = Default Splash with my background image
            Version = 1.0
            Author = Nuno Pinheiro <>, Riccardo Iaconelli <> and Marco Martin <>
            Homepage =

            # Theme behaviour settings.
            Engine = KSplashX
            At this point, System Settings should recognize your new theme "MyTheme", but obviously you still need to replace the background image

            4. Replace the background images
            In the MyTheme folder, there are subfolders for different resolutions, these hold the background.png for the appropriate resolution. save your background image as "background.png" in the correct subfolder for your resolution (you can of course make differently sized images for all resolutions if you wish...but you can also delete the reolution subfolders you don't need...WARNING: don't delete the 1600x1200 folder, this also includes the animation and icon files).

            You can also use a different format (like jpg) or different name for the background image, but then you must edit the MyTheme/1600x1200/description.txt file and replace "BACKGROUND_IMAGE 0 0 background.png" accordingly (this step is not necessary if you use png format and name your background "background.png")

            Now you can test your splash in System Settings (the preview image still shows the old background as the image comes from Preview.png, but if you test it, it should work)
            Last edited by kubicle; May 29, 2014, 02:10 AM.


              Hello my friend, I followed your instructions and am excited and happy to see My Theme splash appropriately, however, in the process of this effort, I lost the My Background image on the Login Screen. The background is now white. I realize I am being a real pain, however, I would still like to have the pages conform with eachother. Do you know what I did that caused this?

              In the previous distribution, I was able to edit the login screen in System Settings>Login Screen. There was a method of adding my chosen image, which was my Desktop Background Image. It was simply locating my chosen image and clicking on apply.

              In this version, it is different, and I am unable to understand how to make the inclusion. When I attempted to import it, it was suggested that I could not use my theme in Themed mode. Additionally, when I attempted to add it to the Themes folder, I was told my image was not a part of the kde offering. I realize I have paraphrased a bit, but I am hoping you will understand my meaning.

              You are all so fortunate who know how to properly use the Konsole to change things. I am too old to be able to learn, but each time one of you helps me use the konsole to produce a fix to a problem, I have so much fun. I just love it and wish I was gifted enough to learn in the limited time that remains for me. In any event Thanks for the help so far; I would appreciate knowing what to do to get my background image on the Login Screen too.

              Originally posted by kubicle View Post
              "Directory" means the same as "folder".

              Here are the steps to create your own theme and modify it with your own background:

              1. Create the theme directory in your $HOME
              mkdir -p ~/.kde/share/apps/ksplash/Themes
              2. Copy the existing Default theme in your $HOME under a different name (MyTheme)
              cp -r /usr/share/kde4/apps/ksplash/Themes/Default ~/.kde/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/MyTheme
              3. Edit the Theme.rc file in your modified theme:
              kate ~/.kde/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/MyTheme/Theme.rc
              (Edited parts in bold...the "MyTheme" is the important part, others you may edit as you please)

              At this point, System Settings should recognize your new theme "MyTheme", but obviously you still need to replace the background image

              4. Replace the background images
              In the MyTheme folder, there are subfolders for different resolutions, these hold the background.png for the appropriate resolution. save your background image as "background.png" in the correct subfolder for your resolution (you can of course make differently sized images for all resolutions if you wish...but you can also delete the reolution subfolders you don't need...WARNING: don't delete the 1600x1200 folder, this also includes the animation and icon files).

              You can also use a different format (like jpg) or different name for the background image, but then you must edit the MyTheme/1600x1200/description.txt file and replace "BACKGROUND_IMAGE 0 0 background.png" accordingly (this step is not necessary if you use png format and name your background "background.png")

              Now you can test your splash in System Settings (the preview image still shows the old background as the image comes from Preview.png, but if you test it, it should work)


                Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
                ... I lost the My Background image on the Login Screen. The background is now white. I realize I am being a real pain, however, I would still like to have the pages conform with eachother. Do you know what I did that caused this?
                I get that if I use System Settings -> Login Screen > background image and select an image under my home directory. Lightdm seems to need an image somewhere in /usr. I'm using /usr/share/wallpapers/Green_arch/contents/images/1920x1080.jpg, which matches /home/john/.kde/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/john/1920x1080/background.png, to get the seamless transition form login to splash.
                Regards, John Little


                  Originally posted by jlittle View Post
                  I get that if I use System Settings -> Login Screen > background image and select an image under my home directory. Lightdm seems to need an image somewhere in /usr.
                  This might be because (IIRC...I don't use lightdm myself) by default, lightdm greeter runs as user "lightdm" which might not have read access to your user's $HOME or the background file (depending on the permissions, of course).

                  Generally a white background should mean the configured background either doesn't exist or cannot be read. (Although I really can't say why changing a ksplash theme alone could cause that, unless you deleted/moved a configured background image during the process...a ksplash theme isn't related to the display manager theme).
                  Last edited by kubicle; Jun 04, 2014, 06:45 AM.


                    In an attempt to solve another problem, I had installed kdm. I removed kdm and lightdm remained. When I opened System Settings>LoginScreen, a different window appeared, one I was more familiar with. I was able to place my theme imiage in and the problem was solved. Thanks all!

                    Originally posted by kubicle View Post
                    This might be because (IIRC...I don't use lightdm myself) by default, lightdm greeter runs as user "lightdm" which might not have read access to your user's $HOME or the background file (depending on the permissions, of course).

                    Generally a white background should mean the configured background either doesn't exist or cannot be read. (Although I really can't say why changing a ksplash theme alone could cause that, unless you deleted/moved a configured background image during the process...a ksplash theme isn't related to the display manager theme).


                      Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
                      In an attempt to solve another problem, I had installed kdm.
                      Ok then, that would explain this:
                      When I attempted to import it, it was suggested that I could not use my theme in Themed mode
                      kdm can be used either in "Themed" or "Plain" mode, and you can only change the background image with the config dialog in "Plain" mode (if you use "Themed" mode you have to edit the kdm theme to change the background...and kdm theme is separate from ksplash theme).

                      Anyway, as you switched back to lightdm (which uses different configuration and configuration module that allows setting the background) all should be well.


                        Originally posted by kubicle View Post
                        This might be because (IIRC...I don't use lightdm myself) by default, lightdm greeter runs as user "lightdm" which might not have read access to your user's $HOME or the background file (depending on the permissions, of course).
                        Yes, I think that's it, only just noticed that .kde and many of its subdirectories are rwx------; presumably there's a reason for that.
                        Regards, John Little


                          Originally posted by jlittle View Post
                          Yes, I think that's it, only just noticed that .kde and many of its subdirectories are rwx------; presumably there's a reason for that.
                          I don't really know what the default umask is for user's these days, just thought that was an option since it's fairly common to have restrictive permissions in $HOME.


                            LightDM - White background

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