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Kubuntu 14.04 'monitor out of range'

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    Kubuntu 14.04 'monitor out of range'

    Hi so today I had an old computer with XP so I thought I would use Linux instead of windows 7,

    I put Kubuntu 14.04 on to it and installed it over XP and it worked fine (although it was a bit slow)

    But now when I tried to power it back on it goes through the regular menus but then it doesn't boot, it just comes up with an error message saying 'out of range'.
    I have read on the other forums that there are fixes for this but I can't get onto Linux at all and I don't know what to do?

    Can anyone help?
    Thanks, Sam

    12.04 did that to me; the error message is from the screen itself, saying the video signal it is getting is out of the range it can cope with. Some details on your system, particularly the monitor and graphics hardware would be good.

    The short term cure was adding "nomodeset" as a boot option; with 12.04 you could press F6 to add options before installing. Since it sounds like you are getting the grub menu, you could try editing the grub entry by pressing "e", and removing "quiet splash" and adding "nomodeset" to the linux line. I'm typing this reply before I reboot to check this out, so YMMV. [Edit] That's an "e" for edit.

    The longer term cure was to edit /etc/default/grub to remove "quiet splash", regenerating the grub menu with sudo update-grub, and installing the nVidia proprietary driver for my onboard graphics chip. Please ask here if any of that is unclear for you.

    BTW, if Kubuntu is too slow, as it will be with less than 1 GiB of RAM IMO, Lubuntu is a good option, if you don't mind missing out the KDE goodies.
    Last edited by jlittle; May 22, 2014, 08:28 PM. Reason: dumb mistake
    Regards, John Little

