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Unable to move drag the Kmenu Icon from the left to right of the screen.

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    Unable to move drag the Kmenu Icon from the left to right of the screen.

    Over several generations of Kubuntu, I have located my panels at the top of the screen. Makes sense to me to have a drop-down rather than a drop-up.

    In any event, I have had dual monitors for a few years too. And, here is how I set my desktop up:

    I place the Kmenu in the upper left corner of my left monitor panel, and I place the Kmenu in the upper right corner of my right monitor panel. I do this because I set my monitors up to drag from one screen to the other, and if you have your Kmenu Icon near where the monitors meet, it makes for working problems, because the cursor easily crosses to the other monitor when not desired.

    Well, sometimes I have had to accept the fact that I am unable to drag my Kmenu Icon where I want it and have to settle for the more uncomfortable placement. That happened this time when I made a fresh install of Kubuntu 13.10 on my computer.

    In the past, each time it happened, I made the appropriate post, but was never able to find a solution to the problem. I am hopeful that another of you has had and solved the selfsame problem, and can help me right now. TIA

    Can you move the K Menu icon at all? If you can, that means you have Widgets unlocked and the icon can be moved/placed where you want it. In your described case, move it fully to the right end of the Panel on the other monitor until you see a 'space holder' appear under the icon. Let go the mouse button and move the mouse off of the Panel and click. Then click again to collapse the Panel. You 'should' be good to go.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      I am familiar with your description. The left monitor has the Kmenu Icon located where I want it, however, when I attempt to move the Kmenu Icon on my right monitor from the left side of the screen to the right, it does not show the space marker you talk about when there, so when I release the mouse, the Kmenu Icon snaps back to the left of the screen.

      This has happened in the past; I have lived with it. But I most like the function of my Desktop when the Kmenu Icons are located where I want them. Believe me, I understand your instruction exactly, it just doesn't work for me on this installation. Thanks for trying.
      By the way, my iron-locked memory forgot that we met in the email forum. I cannot believe what happened there. The lady who kicked me out completely misunderstood what was happening. That was one of the most embarrassing situations of my life. I really loved that source of help and almost all of the members, but the reason I keep re-explaining my learning disabilities or limitations, whichever seems more appropriate, it is due to that situation. I am not a troublemaker in anything I do. Others were pretty harsh with me, and I am not afraid of the tension, it is just there is a time to respond. When I said I thought he needed a bare bottom spanking, I thought his rudeness warranted exactly that, however, I was not really threatening him. That is absurd to me, and I would have thought absurd to anyone who was following the discourse. Some understood me perfectly.

      I expect some misunderstanding from long standing members. It is the reason for my self-deprecation. I don't think I am stupid, just circuited slightly differently. I am a fine artist and function out of a different side of my brain than you logical thinkers. Try as I will, I haven't been able to change that much.

      This different way I see things is perfect when being an artist. I see concepts in their entirety, but don't always recognize the details. You guys seem to see everything. I envy you all, except when I am painting or sculpting or drawing or making pottery or copper enamels. And strangely enough I don't fit well in the art field usually, because while stuck with the left-brain thinking, I am conservative, not liberal. I hope that doesn't affect our relationship. I highly regard and respect you, and can not help having an artists mind and a businessmans nature. What you see is what you get.
      Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
      Can you move the K Menu icon at all? If you can, that means you have Widgets unlocked and the icon can be moved/placed where you want it. In your described case, move it fully to the right end of the Panel on the other monitor until you see a 'space holder' appear under the icon. Let go the mouse button and move the mouse off of the Panel and click. Then click again to collapse the Panel. You 'should' be good to go.


        If your kmenu widget is in the panel, you have to unlock widgets AND select "Panel Options" > "Panel Settings" to enable moving the widget. Then hover over the widget and a "Move" icon will overlay the widget. Click and hold, then slide it back and forth and pausing where you want it. An empty gray box will appear in eligible locations.

        If you're trying to move it from one monitor to another, you will have to move the whole panel to the other screen or make a new one. You could simply add the Kmenu widget to what ever location you wanted, then delete the others.

        Please Read Me


          I did as you are recommending, excepting I did not move the panel from one screen to the other. I clicked at the top of the 2nd monitor, selected add panel, as I recall default panel or empty panel. Then I clicked on the acorn and chose add widgets, double-clicked on the Kmenu Icon and three other widgets, closed the feature and attempted to relocate Icon position to the right. That is what I have done in the past and things worked fine. It is just some installations of the current desktop have allowed me to move the icons on the second monitor too, and some have not. I can't figure the reason. It is the reason I requested help. I have a lot of experience setting these things up. I really don't think I missed anything; it just didn't work this time.
          Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
          If your kmenu widget is in the panel, you have to unlock widgets AND select "Panel Options" > "Panel Settings" to enable moving the widget. Then hover over the widget and a "Move" icon will overlay the widget. Click and hold, then slide it back and forth and pausing where you want it. An empty gray box will appear in eligible locations.

          If you're trying to move it from one monitor to another, you will have to move the whole panel to the other screen or make a new one. You could simply add the Kmenu widget to what ever location you wanted, then delete the others.


            Something totally different is happening. I took a screen print of my desktop to show what I was experiencing. Always in the past both monitors are shown on the screen print. This time only the screen that I instruct the screen print to be taken is included in the image. I tried this on each monitor separately; each time only the monitor I pressed the screen print on made the image. This has to have something to do with the troubles I am having moving things from screen to screen as well as perhaps the problem with the panel. I included this info here because I am pretty sure my other friends are monitoring my posts and will see this too, even though the attempt at screen print was for the benefit of this post.
            Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
            I did as you are recommending, excepting I did not move the panel from one screen to the other. I clicked at the top of the 2nd monitor, selected add panel, as I recall default panel or empty panel. Then I clicked on the acorn and chose add widgets, double-clicked on the Kmenu Icon and three other widgets, closed the feature and attempted to relocate Icon position to the right. That is what I have done in the past and things worked fine. It is just some installations of the current desktop have allowed me to move the icons on the second monitor too, and some have not. I can't figure the reason. It is the reason I requested help. I have a lot of experience setting these things up. I really don't think I missed anything; it just didn't work this time.


              For those who need the solution for this problem, I found it. While in the past, I have been using the following procedure. It did not work, however, it may seem logical and the same you have been trying unsuccessfully. First I will explain the unsuccessful approach; the second will provide the correct solution.

              FAILED METHOD:

              Unlock widgets, then click on the second cashew.

              Select more settings and choose the side of the screen you want the Kmenu to locate.

              Then attempt to drag the icon to the desired position; when you release the mouse the icon snaps back to its prior position.


              Unlock widgets, then click on the second icon.

              In "more settings" choose the location you want your Kmenu to locate. In my case, it is on the right.

              Next, rather than attempting to drag you Kmenu to its desired position Choose "add widgets". Next double-click on your choice for Kmenu whether traditional or new technology, and it will automatically be added to the panel at your desired placement.

              Close that box and lock your widgets, and you are done. I hope this is helpful to you.

