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how do i change resolution

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    how do i change resolution

    Hi guys, I'm a newbie to this os.
    I managed to get installed and running, but, I can't get the resolution changed from the basic 640 mode. I found the panel where you change it with the slider control, but, the slider won't move and the buttons are greyed out when I login.
    I have a 3dfx Voodoo 3 graphics card and an LG Flatron L1721b lcd monitor.
    Can anybody help?


    Re: how do i change resolution

    You have to be in administrator mode to change the click on the Administrator button and put your password in when prompted.

    Once you've done this (and if you still can't change resolution), click on the Hardware tab and select your appropriate hardware from the menus. Hopefully this will allow you to change resolution


      Re: how do i change resolution

      thanks d3v1ant_0n3,
      i logged in as administrator but still could not change settings, i then tried the hardware tab as you suggested, but i could not change anything for the graphics card or the monitor on that page either.


        Re: how do i change resolution

        Open a terminal and type...

        sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

        This will allow you to reconfigure several X options. Unless you are sure of what you are doing, you should just leave them at whatever they are at. One of the options will allow you to reconfigure resolutions by using the space bar to add an asterisk to the resolutions you want to be selectable.

        After reconfiguring, whatever resolutions you selected should be usable, but if they're not, try rebooting.



          Re: how do i change resolution

          one direct way to do it is by editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf

          sudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf

          then scroll through to find the section "screen" - there you may be able to add a new subsection like this

          SubSection "Display"
          Depth 1
          Modes "1400x1050"

          replace "1400x1050" with the correct resolution

          it might work ----

