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mounted drives are duplicated in dolphin

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    mounted drives are duplicated in dolphin

    I recently re-installed Kubuntu 14.04 to fix some errors I had. I did not format the drive to keep my /home intact. Now when I open dolphin /media/jason it shows duplicate mounted hard drives. For example, /media/jason/Backup dis returns error "could not enter folder /media/jason/Backup disk" but clicking on Backup disk1 works fine.

    Any idea how to clean this up?

    I have attached a screen shot with the fstab and Blkid and the dolphin browser screenshot.
    Using Tapatalk

    Using Tapatalk


      Looks like a Dolphin problem.

      First get there via the Konsole using:
      cd /media/jason
      Does this show one or two instances?

      What happens if you use an alternative browser like the excellent Krusader?

      If it doesn't show you the double entries I'd delete (rename is safer) ~/.kde/share/apps/dolphin/ , restart Dolphin and see if the problem disappeared.


        I tried what you mentioned above, and it is still showing two instances.
        Using Tapatalk


          Hmm, that seems to mean there are indeed two versions.
          The question is what sort of versions do you see.

          If they were simple links the names in Dolphin would show as cursive so it seems the two copy folders are indeed mounted.
          If they were links they could simply be deleted, have you tried deleting the secondary versions?

          I teach computer stuff and on day one I always tell my students they'll get shot unless their file manager is set to show details
          Does switching Dolphin to show details give you any other clue like a difference in size or different ownership between the originals and copies?
          The command
          ls -lh
          will also show details and hopefully differences.

          I could imagine you will not only find the disks in fstab (as shown) but also in mtab.


            jason@jason-desktop:/media/jason$ ls -lh
            total 44K
            drwx------ 2 root root 4.0K May 4 14:06 31f75103-31d6-43f8-b4da-0602ef7de54d
            drwxr-xr-x 25 root root 4.0K Apr 28 14:05 31f75103-31d6-43f8-b4da-0602ef7de54d1
            drwx------ 2 root root 4.0K May 4 14:06 Backup disk
            drwx------ 1 jason jason 8.0K May 10 13:35 Backup disk1
            drwx------ 2 root root 4.0K May 4 14:06 Documents and programs
            drwx------ 1 jason jason 16K May 10 13:35 Documents and programs1
            drwx------ 2 root root 4.0K May 4 14:26 f3d460c7-8652-48c6-be35-79b607b3a77a

            it looks like the originals are owned by root
            Using Tapatalk


              Did you check the content of /etc/mtab?

              I wonder why the name backup, did you purposely name the disk this way?
              Or did you at any time run some sort of a backup utility and forgot about it?

              A last test, in Dolphin right click on the 'disks', both the functional and the copies that give an error, and select properties.
              This should tell you about the content like how many folders and files are present.
              By dragging these windows out of the way you can have them opened simultaneously and investigate the results at leisure.

              If I understand you correctly it's the root owned ones you can not access?
              Like on my laptop the caddy belongs to me and an external USB drive is root owned but the content of boot is owned by me.

              Next I would plain delete the ones that have no content.
              If such exist...


                I removed the directory duplicates owned by root and rebooted the computer and all is well now, even the drive name dropped the 1 suffix by itself.

                thanks for your help.
                Using Tapatalk



                  I'd probably started with deleting them but take a little more responsibility if other's data is involved

