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TestGen / Wine / works / discussion

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    TestGen / Wine / works / discussion

    In an alternate thread I posted that Crossword Magic now works under WINE

    I can now report that, apparently, with the upgrade to Trusty and the massive update mentioned in the other thread that TestGen by Pearson publishing now works under WINE:


    It might seem to be a waste of server space to post about two, apparently, obscure, applications working under WINE.

    However, there actually "is" ..."more to the story", and this is for people who are relatively new to "Linux".

    Anyone who has followed my rather torturous path through Linux world, may remember that I have posted that "with the exception of TestGen and Crossword Magic" that I would be "Windblows free".

    if one reads the postings in the WINE forums and elsewhere one gets a variety of rants and raves but fortunately they are less in number than previously.

    And people who don't like WINE often post about using a "virtual machine" ( VM ).

    I have never attempted a virtual machine and probably never will ..... so that method is moot for me.


    A lot of the "rants" about WINE is "WHY doesn't "my" program work and why is SOMEbody not doing something about it! ? "

    Welll it is not as easy as that,

    I have NO clue about how the masters of magic at WINE pulled it off but, here is the "history" that I have experienced.

    a) First they just wouldn't even load, that was what....back in .... 2007....
    b) Then they would load, but only parts would work.
    c) Then parts of the programs worked.
    d) Then most of the programs worked.
    e) and now they both work.

    In the "partially working" phase one would see that there were some kind of "masks" that would appear to obscure things or make them "black".

    And there were "crashes".

    Both programs use flash and java.. so, apparently, there were "things" about either java /and / or flash that caused the situations.

    Now, it may be that the programs working are a consequence of the original court cases and "sealed judgements" against Microsith decade or so ago.

    Or, it may be that it is that the folks at java and Adobe are now playing nice.

    Or, it may be that it is the brute force / finesse programming efforts of the good folks at Ubuntu/Kubuntu/WINE....

    don't know.

    but, the point is......that apparently some programs can be made to work under WINE first time and fine, and others take incremental work.

    So..........second point is...........

    If you have a Windblows proggy that you want to run under WINE post some gentle requests at the WINE forums and maybe, someday......... you get a gift!

    AAAAANNNNDDDD if it was........."Kubuntu developers, maintainers" and / or Blue Systems..........

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

    Last edited by woodsmoke; May 09, 2014, 07:21 PM.

    Like I use a (company) data manipulation program that uses the printer driver to 'paint' the screen for graphical elements.
    It was written using Borland in the days of Win3.1 (no, not 3.11)
    As long as I limit it to columns of data it runs under wine, the moment I like to see a print preview or a diagram it misses something and duly crashes.
    I even tried to get it to use a ps/pdf 'printer', something that works in Windows, but alas...

    I don't think these kind of problems are going to excite the wine developers.

    But it would be damn good if they could get the TomTom or Garmin (GPS navigators) to update without firing up a Windows VM.


      Hi Tenuis! yep! I think that you are describing an analogous situation......

      and also.... that is why I just use my Android phone to navigate.


