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Default font sizes do not appear in open applications.

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    Default font sizes do not appear in open applications.

    As in the past, I have always preferred larger print in open applications, which were applied In System Settings, I set font sizes to 16, however, now when I open applications the font is always much smaller. Old age is probably taking over, but I remember from past distributions the ability to have applications like Kmail, Dolphin, System Settings, etc. opening in the larger print. I did not have to reconfigure every time I opened an application.

    Sometimes it is very difficult to even see the settings options to make the changes.

    Using Firefox, I have had to press Ctrl+ 5 times to get the print comfortably readable. Now that Firefox is the default browser, will I be able to set default opening font sizes to the larger size too?

    Thanks for your patience; some of us older folks are put at quite a disadvantage, when previously available options are discontinued.

    Hi Shabakthanai,

    My screen resolution is 3200x1800 so I absolutely need to scale or use bigger font too.
    What I usually do is:

    1- Go to System System / Application Apparence / Fonts and use the force DPI option. I let the font the way it is but scale the whole application.

    2- For firefox, I use Zoom Page addon. You can set a default zoom to be applied to every page.



      I did as you recomend, but it did not change. Thanks for trying.
      Originally posted by Shaika-Dzari View Post
      Hi Shabakthanai,

      My screen resolution is 3200x1800 so I absolutely need to scale or use bigger font too.
      What I usually do is:

      1- Go to System System / Application Apparence / Fonts and use the force DPI option. I let the font the way it is but scale the whole application.

      2- For firefox, I use Zoom Page addon. You can set a default zoom to be applied to every page.



        I tried that and nothing happened. I have since changed all font sizes and rebooted to see if that would help. It worked on part, however I am having difficulty increasing menu item size. Additionally, I opened an application on facebook called Texas Holdem. On that site, the advertising portion of the window has increased in size, however the game window has reduced in size to perhaps 6 or 4. I cannot read it unless I put my face on the screen. Basically that is the only 'game' I play on my computer, so it is an inconvenience. I am 71 years old and need the diversion at times. If you have any ideas about that, I would sure appreciate the help.
        Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
        I did as you recomend, but it did not change. Thanks for trying.


          Finally some of the changes are taking place, however, in certain Internet applications, menu and selections are so small I cannot read them, while other printed material is large enough to read. I have to put my face practically on the screen and squint to read the choices. It is severe enough to create a headache, so I am unable to continue without periods of rest.
          Originally posted by Shabakthanai View Post
          I tried that and nothing happened. I have since changed all font sizes and rebooted to see if that would help. It worked on part, however I am having difficulty increasing menu item size. Additionally, I opened an application on facebook called Texas Holdem. On that site, the advertising portion of the window has increased in size, however the game window has reduced in size to perhaps 6 or 4. I cannot read it unless I put my face on the screen. Basically that is the only 'game' I play on my computer, so it is an inconvenience. I am 71 years old and need the diversion at times. If you have any ideas about that, I would sure appreciate the help.


            It will help us to target the actual issue if you will respond Yes or No to these questions:

            1. After you have logged in to the Desktop, are the font sizes in the K Menu to your liking?
            2. If you open a console (Alt+F2 and type konsole and press enter) is the font to your liking?
            3. If you open Dolphin is the font to your liking?
            4. What fonts and sizes are you using in System Settings > Application and Appearance > Fonts:

            Fixed width:
            Window title:
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


              Item 1 = readable but smaller than I prefer. No
              Item 2 = mostly readable but smaller than I prefer. No
              Item 3 = readable but smaller than I prefer. No
              Item 4 =

              General: Ubuntu 16
              Fixed width: Monospace 16
              Small: Ubuntu 14
              Toolbar: 12
              Menu: Ubuntu 14
              Window Title: 16
              Taskbar: Ubuntu 16
              Desktop: Ubuntu 20

              I do not think that what is in my applications and desktop are accurate. Nonetheless, I have nothing to compare them to. I have a 27" monitor, which usually exagerates font size a little, but not in this case. From the appearance of just normal document type the 16 point entries look more like 11 or 12. Sometimes, Internet fonts, in some instances appear more like 7 or 8. I have a lot of difficulty reading that size even when using my computer glasses, whice magnify a bit. The problem has forced me to open my Windows 7 system when necessary; haven't had to do that in a long time, because already some of the Linux modified applications work better using my Kubuntu OS than they do in the system that they were designed. Netflix is one of them. This is a pretty unusual situation for me. I only Distro-upgraded, because I am a new technician junky and did not expect such a buggy change. My own fault, though. It is just, it has been easy transitioning distro-upgrades the past several times, withouth so many wierd, what I am assuming are bugs. Nonetheless, broken-Kubuntu is better than the alternatives most of the time. I will work through this and hopefull learn a bit more. Thanks for the help, friend.
              Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
              It will help us to target the actual issue if you will respond Yes or No to these questions:

              1. After you have logged in to the Desktop, are the font sizes in the K Menu to your liking?
              2. If you open a console (Alt+F2 and type konsole and press enter) is the font to your liking?
              3. If you open Dolphin is the font to your liking?
              4. What fonts and sizes are you using in System Settings > Application and Appearance > Fonts:

              Fixed width:
              Window title:
              Last edited by Shabakthanai; Apr 28, 2014, 12:27 PM. Reason: didn't notice a couple of typos



                Ubuntu 16 is quite big as font. Most of the KDE applications should be quite readable.

                Could you give us the result of these 3 commands (use Konsole) :
                xrdb -query | grep dpi
                xdpyinfo | grep dots
                Are you using a theme? Can you try to go back to the default one ?

                Also, the font you have on the web (using Firefox or Chromium) are not managed in System Settings.
                You need to change them in Firefox preferences, that's why I suggested the zoom extension.



                  steven@Yeshuah-desktop:~$ xrandr
                  Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 3840 x 1080, maximum 16384 x 16384
                  DisplayPort-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
                  DisplayPort-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
                  HDMI-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
                  DVI-0 connected 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 598mm x 336mm
                  1920x1080 60.0*+
                  1600x1200 60.0
                  1680x1050 59.9
                  1400x1050 59.9
                  1280x1024 75.0 60.0
                  1440x900 59.9
                  1280x960 60.0
                  1152x864 75.0
                  1024x768 75.1 70.1 60.0
                  832x624 74.6
                  800x600 72.2 75.0 60.3 56.2
                  640x480 75.0 72.8 66.7 60.0
                  720x400 70.1
                  640x400 70.0
                  DVI-1 connected 1920x1080+1920+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 531mm x 299mm
                  1920x1080 60.0*+
                  1600x1200 60.0
                  1680x1050 59.9
                  1280x1024 75.0 60.0
                  1440x900 59.9
                  1280x960 60.0
                  1152x864 75.0
                  1024x768 75.1 70.1 60.0
                  832x624 74.6
                  800x600 72.2 75.0 60.3 56.2
                  640x480 75.0 72.8 66.7 60.0
                  720x400 70.1
                  steven@Yeshuah-desktop:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/portmap restart
                  [sudo] password for steven:
                  sudo: /etc/init.d/portmap: command not found
                  steven@Yeshuah-desktop:~$ xrdb -query | grep dpi
                  Xft.dpi: 96
                  steven@Yeshuah-desktop:~$ xdpyinfo | grep dots
                  resolution: 96x96 dots per inch
                  steven@Yeshuah-desktop:~$ kdesudo amdcccle

                  Not all are smaller, but some in applications which are opened in the browser. My problem is the print is so small as to be unreadable, and the zoom feature does not increase the size on those applications. I recently opened one of the small print sites in Rekonq and the font is larger, but I really don't like Rekonq. I am using it for that site, though. I really don't understand, Firefox worked fine up until the upgrade. I still want to repair the problem and am considering purging firefox and re-installing. If that works, I will mark this post as solved. Thanks for continuing to help.
                  Originally posted by Shaika-Dzari View Post

                  Ubuntu 16 is quite big as font. Most of the KDE applications should be quite readable.

                  Could you give us the result of these 3 commands (use Konsole) :
                  xrdb -query | grep dpi
                  xdpyinfo | grep dots
                  Are you using a theme? Can you try to go back to the default one ?

                  Also, the font you have on the web (using Firefox or Chromium) are not managed in System Settings.
                  You need to change them in Firefox preferences, that's why I suggested the zoom extension.



                    All in all it seems something went wrong during your upgrade re. the video system.
                    The numbers you posted look normal, I run the Ubuntu 9 font on a 24" HD screen and it shows up quite readable.

                    If I remember another posting about your problem with the game then it looks like it's a Flash site and it will be governed by different rules than addressed here.

                    Have you tried the 'nuclear' option to rename ~/.kde?
                    The same can be done with ~/.mozilla, in both these cases a new version will be automagically be created during start up.

                    If it doesn't bring improvement it's easy enough to remove the new and default version and rename the original back.


                      You are a little over my head with this one. Is nuclear an alternative to flash? The funny thing is, I started Rekonq, an application I prefer not to use and the size in the flash application is normal, so I am able to play the Holdem game in Rekonq. It is strange that Firefox doesn't play it the same too. I am going to remove and purge Firefox and reinstall to see if that works. Thanks for helping. I am used to workarounds when necessary, however, Kubuntu is getting to be the best of OS's and I prefer things to work and always try to fix problems rather than workaround.
                      Originally posted by Teunis View Post
                      All in all it seems something went wrong during your upgrade re. the video system.
                      The numbers you posted look normal, I run the Ubuntu 9 font on a 24" HD screen and it shows up quite readable.

                      If I remember another posting about your problem with the game then it looks like it's a Flash site and it will be governed by different rules than addressed here.

                      Have you tried the 'nuclear' option to rename ~/.kde?
                      The same can be done with ~/.mozilla, in both these cases a new version will be automagically be created during start up.

                      If it doesn't bring improvement it's easy enough to remove the new and default version and rename the original back.


                        It is me again. I removed firefox and purged as well, but when reinstalled the same problem appeared. Apparently the problem was created in the upgrade. I guess I will have to forget this one. Thanks for all your trouble.


                          Sorry I wasn't there and read you question about 'nuclear'.
                          This is a term for a rather drastic action.

                          Now you've reinstalled and are faced with the same problem we can conclude there is a problem you did not get rid of during the purge.
                          I'm not 100% sure a purge of Firefox would totally remove ~/.mozilla so the 'nuclear' options I gave are still a valid avenue, especially the one about ~/.kde as it hasn't been touched at all.

                          Give it a try, recovery is easy, just remove the new version and rename the old one back to it's original.

