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Unable move desktop icons

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    I don't see that here. 14.04. Icons - both file and application - move fine whether or not widgets are locked. Icons do not have menu handle. That is a widget.

    If you are using the "Default Desktop", icons do not appear on the Desktop at all. Only within the container widget named "Folder View".

    Maybe the behavior is different if you have a different desktop layout selected.

    EDIT: Ok , I see what you're talking about: If I drag an application icon from Kmenu to the desktop, then it creates what must be a quasi-icon-widget thingy that works like an icon but has the constraints of a widget. I have not seen this before. It must be new to 14.04? Kinda cool actually.
    Last edited by oshunluvr; May 30, 2014, 05:31 PM.

    Please Read Me



      If I drag an application icon from Kmenu to the desktop, then it creates what must be a quasi-icon-widget thingy that works like an icon but has the constraints of a widget. I have not seen this before. It must be new to 14.04? Kinda cool actually.
      No, not new. Has been that way since 4.0. However, I run 'different widgets on each desktop' so that, among other things, I can have different wallpapers on each of my workspaces. This helps me visually identify where I am. I've done this for so long now that I just kind of assume that everyone is doing it that way. Obviously not. Maybe this is why you have not noticed (or not found) this behavior before.

      Icons do not have menu handle. That is a widget.
      You are probably correct. Wrong terminology on my part. However, I use widgets all the time on my desktop as 'shortcuts' to applications in the way you mention. I also create desktop links to batch files by dragging the shell script file from Dolphin onto the desktop where I want it, and then edit the 'icon settings' (KDE's terminology, not mine) so that it runs in a terminal. So even KDE sometimes refers to these 'widgets' as icons.

      KDE has SO MANY possibilities that I wonder if anyone really knows how much it can do?

      Linux: Powerful, open, elegant. Its all I use.


        I have encountered this icons problem with Kubuntu 14.04 on a laptop. I suggest the short answer is : unlock widgets - hover over the icon - move cursor on to the vertical bar in the space between spanner and the cross - hold down left button and icon can now be dragged.

