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how do i install new vidoe card

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    how do i install new vidoe card

    I hate to ask this but i didn't find what i am looking for. I have a geforce 210 card. Will kubuntu auto detect ? or do i need to boot to live cd and a run a command 1st ? Im running 12.04 LTS

    this is solved now i have bigger night mares ill ask in other forums


      I assume it was auto-recognised?


        I'm curious also. I had a little battle the first time I installed Kubuntu 12.04 LTS with my nvidia GeForce GT 610, so I'm curious how you resolved this. I was successful, but I'd like to compare notes. Could you post it?


          i got a host of issues it did no auto detect at all
          I found this on the net
          sudo apt-get purge nvidia*
          sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg
          sudo apt-get autoremove
          sudo apt-get install nvidia-current nvidia-settings
          sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg
          sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates
          sudo apt-get upgrade
          sudo apt-get install kubutu-desktop

          (this order could be out of sequence )

          when you use this sudo apt-get purge nvidia* after up reinstall drivers run you MUST!!! run sudo apt-get install kubutu-desktop or you will have major issues


            StarWolf, Thanks for posting your solution. I almost almost purchased the GeForce 210 card.

            This is how I had to install clean install Kbuntu 12.04 LTS the first time with my NVidia GeForce GT 610 on January 9th 2013.

            I had to install Kubuntu from the DVD image. I couldn't burn a CD from the CD iso image. It was too large.

            1. I swapped out the DVI cable for the VGA for my display monitor.
            2. I inserted the DVD and booted the computer
            3. I edited Grub during the boot process and added the boot option nomodeset.
            4. I performed the install and rebooted.
            7. I had many errors freezing screens and application crashes. I was not able to update the system from here.
            8. I rebooted from the teminal and booted to text mode (run level 3).
            sudo shutdown -r now
            9. I performed all the system updates in text mode (run level 3).
            sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
            10. I rebooted into text mode and installed the proprietary NVIDIA driver.
            sudo apt-get update
            sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current
            sudo apt-get install linux-source
            sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic
            sudo apt-get install linux-image
            sudo apt-get install nvidia-current
            jockey-text -e xorg:nvidia_current
            11. I rebooted to text mode and ran.
            12. I rebooted to my new Kubuntu desktop.
            13. I did some tweaking and had to learn how to use my new KDE desktop environment.
            14. Once I get things to look the way I wanted them I swapped out my monitor VGA cable for the DVI cable.

            It took some googling to get this done. Here are my sources.
            How do I set 'nomodeset' after I've already installed Ubuntu?
            Ubuntu 12.04 tip: booting to text mode (run level 3) and no X
            Installing the nVidia driver in Kubuntu 12.04

